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Student name: Trần Thị Thu Hương Student ID number: 22002637

Student name: Trần Phương Anh Student ID number: 22002977

Student name: Hà Quyền Vương Student ID number: 22002597

Student name: Văn Từ Thanh Trúc Student ID number: 22002889


Unit name: Marketing Research Unit number: MR-T323WSB-5

Tutorial/Lecture: Class day and time: Mon, 15:30 - 18:45
Lecturer or Tutor name: Dr. Le Thi Hong Minh

Title: Group research project: Part A - Proposal

Length: 1612 words Due date: 29/10/2023 Date submitted: 29/10/2023
Home campus (where you are enrolled): Campus D, Vietnam

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Student’s signature: T. Huong

Student’s signature: P. Anh
Student’s signature: Q. Vuong
Student’s signature: T. Truc
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been signed.
ARO 00398 09/15

Research Proposal:

Exploring Vietnamese consumers’ attitudes

towards KIDO mooncakes

Group 2
Western Sydney University Vietnam
Marketing Research-T323WSB-5
Dr. Le Thi Hong Minh

October 29, 2023


Table of Contents

Executive Summary........................................................................................................... 3
1. Introduction....................................................................................................................4
1.1. Background............................................................................................................. 4
1.1.1. Industry overview........................................................................................... 4
1.1.2. Company overview......................................................................................... 4
1. 2. Research problem................................................................................................... 5
1. 3. Research objectives................................................................................................ 5
1. 4. Research questions................................................................................................. 5
2. Theoretical Background................................................................................................ 6
2.1. Concepts and theories..............................................................................................6
2.1.1. Attitude........................................................................................................... 6
2.1.2. Tripartite theory.............................................................................................. 6
2.2. Empirical studies..................................................................................................... 6
3. Research Design............................................................................................................. 8
3.1. Qualitative research................................................................................................. 8
3.1.1. Participants......................................................................................................8
3.1.2. Sample collection............................................................................................8
3.1.3. Questions........................................................................................................ 9
3.2. Quantitative research............................................................................................. 11
3.2.1. Hypotheses and research model development.............................................. 11
3.2.2. Methodology................................................................................................. 11
4. Budget and Scheduling................................................................................................ 12
4.1. Schedule................................................................................................................ 12
4.2. Budget................................................................................................................... 13
Appendix A: Discussion Guide..................................................................................14
References......................................................................................................................... 20

Executive Summary

This research examines customer attitudes and factors affecting them for KIDO's
mooncakes, a well-known brand facing competition from new products. The research
methods include desk research about attitude-related literature, qualitative and
quantitative investigation with consumers of three generations. We will conduct focus
group and in-depth interviews to gain customer insights, which will guide hypotheses and
research model development. Then, we will design and distribute an online questionnaire.
The survey results will provide practical suggestions for KIDO’s marketing strategies.

Keywords: mooncake, KIDO, attitude, consumer behavior


1. Introduction

Mooncake, originating from China, is a popular traditional delicacy in the mid-autumn

festival, filled with lotus seed paste and salted egg yolk (Chu & McNamee, 2022).

1.1. Background

1.1.1. Industry overview

In recent years, improvements in technology and production processes enhanced product

diversity and quality in the mooncake industry. Hence the market's value reached 5
billion USD in 2022, a 10% growth from 2021, and the number of mooncakes companies
increased by 100 during 2021-2022 (“Exporting Mid-Autumn Festival Mooncakes in
Vietnam,” 2023). In 2022, Mondelez Kinh Do dominated almost half of the market share,
with the rest taken by Bibica, Givral, KIDO, … (Thuy, 2023).

Due to economic regression, consumer demand decreased slightly in 2023, leading to

slower sales for many sidewalk cake stalls; however, the official stores experienced a
surge in orders (Nguyen & Nhung, 2023). Additionally, sales volumes of handmade
mooncakes, preferred by GenZ due to their attractive appearances and refreshing flavors,
increased significantly (Khanh, 2023).

1.1.2. Company overview

KIDO Group Corporation, established in 1993 (Do, 2022), sold most of its confectionery
business to Mondelēz International in 2014 for roughly 370 million USD (SGT, 2015). It
then focused on ice cream and cooking oil, dominating 43.5% and 30% of the market
share respectively (Anh, 2022). In 2020, it split from Mondelēz and re-entered the
confectionery market, aiming to be the second leader in fresh bakery and mooncakes
(Linh, 2023).

● Competitors: Mondelēz Kinh Do, Huu Nghi Food, Bibica (Trang, 2023).
● Business objectives:

- Increase sales and revenue (Viet Nam News, 2023)

- Internationalize the business (Tuan, 2022).

● Target market: KIDO sells mooncakes to everyone through various channels,

including 400,000 stores and 500 retailers in Vietnam (Hang, 2022).

1. 2. Research problem

The mooncake market is increasingly competitive and diversified, with many options and
prices (My, 2023). KIDO faces the challenge of maintaining its market share and
customer loyalty in this dynamic environment. Therefore, it is important to investigate
the consumers' preferences and attitudes on its mooncake products. This will help KIDO
identify its strengths and weaknesses, and develop effective marketing strategies to
enhance its competitiveness and customer satisfaction.

1. 3. Research objectives

This research aims to:

(1) investigate the attitudes of consumers towards KIDO’s mooncake products

(2) identify the factors affecting consumers’ attitudes towards KIDO’s mooncake

1. 4. Research questions

RQ1: What are consumers’ attitudes about KIDO mooncakes, in terms of cognitive
(beliefs), affective (feelings), and behavioral (actions or intentions) components?

RQ2: What are the factors and their impact on each component of consumers’ attitudes
towards KIDO mooncakes?

2. Theoretical Background

2.1. Concepts and theories

2.1.1. Attitude

Eagly and Chaiken defined “attitude” as “a psychological tendency that is expressed by

evaluating a particular entity with some degree of favor or disfavor” (1993, p. 1). They
and other researchers (Visser & Mirabile, 2004; Fazio, 2007; Petty, Brinol, & DeMarree,
2007; Cunningham et al. 2007; Schwarz, 2007; as cited in Bohner & Dickel, 2011),
seemed to agree that attitude refers to a person's evaluation of an object, though they
might have different views on how to dissect “attitude”.

2.1.2. Tripartite theory

According to the tripartite theory, attitudes have three distinct and interrelated
components (affect, behavior, and cognition), which together constitute the ABC attitude
model. (Katz & Stotland, 1959; Ostrom, 1969; Rosenberg et al., 1960; Smith, 1947; as
cited in Fabrigar et al., 2005).

Mothersbaugh and Hawkins (2016) explained:

- Cognitive: consumers’ knowledge, thoughts, and beliefs

- Affective: consumers’ feelings and emotional reactions

- Behavioral: consumers’ action tendencies, such as buying intention,

recommendation to others, or engagement with the brand.

2.2. Empirical studies

The ABC attitude model is considered useful and comprehensive because it explains how
different components of attitude interact and influence each other. A few studies that
utilize this model:

● “Investigating factors affecting attitude towards cause-related marketing in

Korea: Pespectives of SDGs” (Kim & Cho, 2022)

The paper applies the ABC model to examine how emotion and cognition affect
consumer attitudes toward cause-related marketing (CRM). It finds that emotion
and cognition affect attitude differently depending on the types of CRM, which are
classified based on the Sustainable Development Goals and instrumental
conditioning. The study argues that the ABC model is useful for understanding
consumer responses to CRM and provides implications for marketers and
policymakers to promote and achieve sustainability.

● “Research on consumer information processing and purchase intention of live

streaming: Integrating Elaboration Likelihood Model and ABC attitude
model” (He et al., 2023)

This paper applied the ABC model and the ELM to study live streaming and
consumer behavior. It explored how involvement and motivation affect attitude
and purchase intention through central and peripheral routes. It surveyed 400
people who watched live-streaming videos of different products. It measured
emotion, cognition, attitude, and purchase intention with Likert-scale
questionnaires. It found that emotion and cognition have different effects on
attitude and purchase intention by product type and persuasion route. It also found
that attitude mediates the effects of emotion and cognition on purchase intention.
This paper contributed to the literature by studying live streaming, a growing
online marketing form. It also provided practical advice for live-streaming sellers
and platforms.

3. Research Design

3.1. Qualitative research

3.1.1. Participants

Age group Number of Characteristics


Group 1 Gen Z (11-28) 4 ● Energetic, trendy, and


● Future target consumers

⇒ Attitudes towards mooncake

consumption are fundamental

Group 2 Gen Y (29-42) 3 ● Various perspectives about

the mooncake industry

● Experience the mid-autumn

festival in both traditional
and modern ways.

Group 3 Gen X (43-58) 2 ● Preservative

● Experience the mid-autumn
festival in old ways.

3.1.2. Sample collection

● Sampling method: Convenient sampling

GenZ will be conveniently recruited at Western Sydney University, while GenY and Gen
X will be in public locations (shops, parks, ...).

● Group 1

We will invite our Gen Z friends from our close social networks, and proceed with the
focus group interview because it will help create synergy and snowball ideas.

Mode: Online-based through Zoom.

● Group 2 & Group 3

We decide to have one-on-one in-depth interviews to create a comfortable atmosphere

for the Gen Y and X participants. However, it would be more costly and time-consuming.

Mode: Face-to-face interaction.

● Responsibilities

Task In-charge member

Moderator Huong

Answer collectors Vuong, P.Anh

Recording re-checker Truc

3.1.3. Questions

(See Appendix A):

Main topic Main questions Follow-up questions

What do you know and - Based on your criteria of buying

think about the features mooncakes, how do you
of KIDO’s mooncakes? perceive KIDO mooncakes?
- Where did you get that
information about KIDO

mooncakes from?

How do you feel about - What factors that make you

KIDO mooncakes? like/dislike KIDO mooncakes?

Do you or someone - When and why do you buy

you know buy KIDO KIDO mooncakes? How often?
- Where do you buy KIDO

→ Advantages/disadvantages of
these channels?

- What promotional program(s)

can drive you to buy KIDO
- How do you compare or
contrast KIDO products with
other mooncake brands?

In the future, will you - How willing are you to:

buy or recommend
+ Choose KIDO the next time
KIDO mooncakes?
you purchase mooncakes?

+ Recommend KIDO to other


3.2. Quantitative research

3.2.1. Hypotheses and research model development

By combining the qualitative research results with the theoretical framework, we will
identify relevant variables and map their relationship with an appropriate research model.
Then, we will develop hypotheses for quantitative research.

3.2.2. Methodology

● Participants

Respondents who are mooncake consumers will be selected on social media based on
their willingness and availability to complete the survey.

● Sample collection

Data will be collected through a structured questionnaire consisting of closed-ended

questions that measure customers' attitudes towards KIDO mooncakes. The survey is
distributed online to Facebook and Messenger groups through Google Forms.

● Sampling method: Convenient sampling

- Sample size: 100 - 150

- Location: Vietnam

- Mode: Online

● Data analysis methods

Descriptive statistics will be conducted to analyze the data. Different statistical

techniques will be applied based on the nature and relationship of the variables.

4. Budget and Scheduling

4.1. Schedule

Project Timeline

Research Phase Tasks Date

Project Initiation - Idea and topic generation 1/10-5/10

Literature Review - Review relevant studies 6/10-18/10

Research Design - Choose sampling method and 6/10-15/10

data collection tools
- Plan data analysis techniques
- Construct a discussion guide.

Research Proposal - Summarize research objectives 18/10-26/10

and questions.
- Define target population and
sample strategy
- Describe data collection
- Develop a timeline and budget.

Proposal Submission & Acceptance 26/10-29/10

Data Collection & - Recruit participants 29/10-12/11

Analysis - Conduct the interviews
- Collect qualitative data and
build hypotheses
- Prepare and conduct the survey
- Collect and analyze quantitative

Report Writing - Summarize findings 12/11-24/11

- Recommendations.

Final Report & - Present the marketing research 24/11-27/11

Presentation project
- Receive feedback.

4.2. Budget

Research Budget
(Unit: VND)

Direct cost: Amount Sub-total

● Mooncake samples 350,000

● Rewards 250,000
(25,000 VND/interviewee x10)

● Team salaries 20,000,000

(5 million VND/member x4)

● Travelling expenses 200,000

● Moderator bonus 1,000,000

Total direct cost 21,800,000

Indirect cost:

● Snacks and drinks 200,000

● Documentation 300,000

● Stationeries 100,000

Total indirect cost 600,000

TOTAL EXPENSES: 22,400,000



Appendix A: Discussion Guide

Vietnamese consumers’ attitudes towards KIDO mooncakes

Discussion Guide

Main question Follow-up questions Time

- Friendly meet and greet.

- Moderator introduces his/her name, occupation, roles,..
- Topic and purpose of the discussion: Exploring Vietnamese
Introduction consumers’ attitudes towards KIDO mooncakes. 5 mins
- Introduce KIDO brand.
- No right or wrong answers, just feel free to share your thoughts,
your feelings and forget all the worries for the time being.

Can you introduce - What is your name?

yourself? - Age?
Warm-up 5 mins
- Occupation?
- Income?

What do you think and - Name 3 words that first come to your
feel about the mooncake mind when you think of mid-autumn
Overall 10 mins
and the mid-autumn festival/mooncakes. Explain.
Preferences festival? - What do you think about the

importance of mooncake in
mid-autumn festival?

Do you or someone you - How often do you/they eat mooncakes

know eat mooncakes during the mid-autumn festival?
during the mid-autumn
- How much do you/they usually pay for
one mooncake?

What brand(s) of - How did you find out about that/those

mooncakes do you brand(s)?
→ What are your thoughts and feelings
about that/those brand(s)?

→ Which one do you buy most and

least? Why?

What is your process of - When buying a mooncake, what

buying a mooncake? attributes/criteria do you consider?

- Which is/are the most important

attribute(s) to you? Why?

What are your - Based on the atttributes/criteria you

knowledge, thoughts, mentioned above, what do you think
and beliefs about the about KIDO mooncakes?
features of KIDO’s
- Where (what source(s)) did you get that
This section mooncakes?
information about KIDO and its
aims to explore
mooncakes from?
participants' 15 mins
awareness, and
beliefs about
KIDO and its

Affective How do you feel about - What factor(s) that make you
Component KIDO mooncakes? like/dislike KIDO mooncakes?

This section - How satisfied or dissatisfied are you

aims to with KIDO and its products?
understand the
→ If someone gives you KIDO
mooncakes during mid-autumn festival,
feelings, 10 mins
how would you feel?
emotions, and
towards KIDO
and its

Behavioral Do you or someone you - Who are they?

Component know buy or eat KIDO

- What purpose(s) do you/they buy
This section KIDO mooncakes for? (e.g., gift, direct

aims to consumption, ceremony, ...)

examine the - How often do you/they buy or eat 15 mins

participants' KIDO mooncakes?
behaviors, and - Where do you/they buy KIDO

habits related mooncakes (online, official stores,

to KIDO and supermarkets, retail shops, …)?

its mooncake → What advantages/disadvantages do


products. these channels have?

- What promotional program(s) can drive

you/them to buy KIDO mooncakes?
(sales promotion, free samples,
advertising, …)?

→ Describe that/those promotions

(location, content, emotional appeal,

→ How do they influence your/their

purchase decision?

- Besides buying channels and

promotional programs, what other
factor(s) can affect your/their purchase
or consumption behavior?

In the future, will you - How likely/willing are you to choose

buy or recommend KIDO’s products the next time you
KIDO mooncakes? purchase mooncakes?
- How likely/willing are you to
recommend KIDO mooncakes to other

→ Who would you recommend to?

- How likely/willing are you to seek for

KIDO’s products on store
shelves/online shops/etc. when going

shopping for mooncakes?

- What do you suggest for KIDO’s strategies to help improve your

attitude with the brand and its mooncake products?
Thanks &
- Do you have anything else to share with us about KIDO or 5 mins
Ending mooncakes in general?
- Thank you for your participation.

Total: 65


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