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RESEARCH REVIEWS 10: 11–16 (2004)


Kim Cornish,1,2* Vicki Sudhalter,3 and Jeremy Turk4
Department of Educational Psychology, McGill University, Montreal, Canada
Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery, McGill University, Montreal, Canada
Institute for Basic Research in Developmental Disabilities, Staten Island, New York, USA
Department of Clinical Developmental Sciences, St. George’s Hospital Medical School, London, UK

Fragile X syndrome (FXS) is a well-recognized cause of mental retar- in FXS females compared to unaffected controls. Similarly,
dation and developmental delay in males. Alongside the well-documented recent ERP studies have also revealed unusual frontal activations
clinical characteristics of the condition, recent advances in technology and
methodology have begun to define FXS at a number of different levels: also among FXS females when compared to controls [Cornish et
genetic, brain structure and function, cognition, and behavior. This article al., 2003; Hagerman, 2002]. Further evidence of anomalous
suggests that the FXS phenotype is not merely a juxtaposition of spared and lateralization in FXS was reported in a recent study using mag-
impaired functions but rather may be characterized by an inhibitory control netoencephalography (MEG) technology to assess auditory
deficit that interferes with the individual’s ability to modulate output caus-
ing perseverative responding across various skill areas. It is further sug-
evoked responses in a sample of adult males and females with
gested that an inability to modulate arousal may be at least one cause for FXS. In this study Rojas et al. [2001] report abnormally large
the inhibitory control deficit that typifies the FXS phenotype. The approach amplitude sensory evoked responses alongside an alteration in
to understanding atypical development outlined here holds exciting prom- auditory cerebral lateralization in their FXS adults compared to
ise for future research in FXS and other developmental disorders. controls.
© 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
MRDD Research Reviews 2004;10:11–16. In addition to the impact of genetic and brain factors,
Hessl et al. [2001] have reported the potential impact of envi-
ronmental factors (e.g., rated effectiveness of educational and
Key Words: fragile X syndrome; attention processing; speech; executive therapeutic inventions) in determining behavioral outcomes in
functions boys with FXS.
Taken together, these findings provide strong support for
an interactive role across many systems: from the genetic to the
INTRODUCTION neurological systems to the cognitive and the affective systems

ragile X syndrome (FXS) is a well-recognized cause of and then to the behavioral and environmental systems. In this
mental retardation and developmental delay in males and article we focus on describing the recent advances in our un-
to a lesser extent in females. In recent years, it has become derstanding of the cognitive phenotype in FXS. Crucially, we
one of the most widely researched and well documented of speculate that the constellation of proficiencies and deficiencies
genetic conditions. At a genetic level, it is now established that across cognitive domains do not represent a catalog of spared and
the FMR1 gene is the major contributor to the pathogenesis of impaired functions specified from infancy onward. Instead, the
FXS and that the key issues relate to a lack of messenger RNA range of phenotypical outcomes we observe in FXS could result
(mRNA) and a lack or absence of the protein product of the from the dynamic interplay among multiple systems originating
FMR1 gene—FMRP. The extent to which these discoveries from the biological and interacting all the way from the gene
explain some of the phenotypic outcomes in FXS are beginning expression to the cognitive and behavioral endstates [Karmiloff-
to be unraveled with the application of more finely tuned Smith, 1998].
neuropsychological and neuropsychiatric approaches to under-
Alongside these advances, recent progress in brain imaging IN FXS
techniques, most notably functional magnetic resonance imag- The past 2 decades have witnessed an explosion of re-
ing (fMRI) and event-related potential (ERP), has provided search studies that have attempted to isolate the core cognitive
exciting opportunities to further delineate the impact of the impairments in FXS. Early studies using traditional IQ tests
FMR1 gene on brain development and the resulting cognitive suggested a slight verbal–nonverbal discrepancy with better ver-
system. For example, recent work by Reiss and colleagues [e.g.,
Rivera et al., 2002; Tamm et al., 2002] have provided the first *Correspondence to: Kim Cornish, McGill University, 3700 McTavish Street, Mon-
published demonstration that fMRI can be sufficiently sensitive treal, Canada H3A 1Y2. E-mail:
to measure the role of the FMR1 gene expression and neural Received 30 March 2003; Accepted 13 June 2003
Published online in Wiley InterScience (
activity. Interestingly, both Rivera et al. [2002] and Tamm et al. DOI: 10.1002/mrdd.20003
[2002] noted unusual activation patterns in the prefrontal cortex
© 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
bal IQ scores than performance IQ scores and children with Williams syndrome. nonspecifically by accentuating the cog-
in both boys and girls [e.g., Dykens et al., Examination of the Williams syndrome nitive, emotional and behavioral features
1987; Kemper et al., 1986; Miezejeski et profile reveals domains of relative profi- that have been described. Thus, we ac-
al., 1986; Theobald et al., 1987; Veen- ciency (face processing and language) knowledge the possible contribution of
ema et al., 1987]. Detailed examination alongside other serious impairments. quantitative (hyperarousal) as well as
of the profile of the IQ performance re- However, finer tuned analysis of these qualitative (neurocognitive) factors in
veals that FXS individuals typically per- areas of proficiency indicates that even our model. These contributing factors
formed worse on tasks that required plac- where performance is equivalent to nor- are not mutually exclusive.
ing information in a serial or temporal mal developing children, the cognitive In an attempt to integrate these
order (e.g., series of digits, motor move- processes by which such proficiency is findings into a cohesive model we pro-
ments, and spatial construction) com- achieved are different and atypical. pose a core deficit in behavioral inhibi-
pared to tasks that involved integrating Second, the pattern of the cogni- tion may account for a large percentage
information in a holistic, gestaltlike man- tive profile is consistent in both males of the observed strengths and weaknesses
ner (e.g., perceptual closure). and females although in females we see a in FXS. Specifically, deficits in sequential
In the 1990s researchers began to wider phenotypic diversity, especially in on-line processing [e.g., Freund and
unravel an even more finely tuned profile Reiss 1991] and working (short-term)
relation to intellectual functioning. The
of cognitive dysfunction—more “skill memory [e.g., Jakala et al., 1997; Munir
modulating role of the X activation ratio
specific” rather than “global” in nature. et al., 2000a] alongside deficits in repet-
(the ratio of active normal X chromo-
This included particular weaknesses in itive, perseverative speech [Ferrier et al.,
short-term memory for complex, se- somes to normal inactive X chromo- 1991] can arise because of reduced inhib-
quential information [e.g., Freund and some) may account for some of the in- itory control. Crucially, if such a low-
Reiss, 1991; Hodapp et al., 1992; Jakala dividual variation among females, but the level impairment is present during prena-
et al., 1997; Schapiro et al., 1995]; visuo- literature remains inconsistent as to tal development, for example, then we
constructive and visuospatial skills [Cor- whether the activation ratio serves as a would expect an impact through devel-
nish et al., 1998; 1999; Freund and Reiss, opment across multiple levels (genetic,
1991; Mazzocco et al., 1993]; planning brain, cognitive, environment, and be-
and verbal fluency [Mazzocco et al., havioral) to produce the phenotypic out-
1993, 1994]; and perseverative, repeti- . . . the constellation comes we associate with FXS. In a series
tive, impulsive speech [Ferrier et al., of proficiencies and of recent studies researchers have sought
1991; Sudhalter et al., 1990]. In contrast, to test this notion that inhibitory weak-
performance on tasks that required short- deficiencies across ness is a core feature of FXS.
term memory for simple, meaningful in- cognitive domains do not
formation [Schapiro et al., 1995], visuo- ATTENTION PROBLEMS
perceptual integration (gestalt processing) represent a catalog of IN FXS
[Cornish et al., 1999; Hodapp et al.,
1992], face and emotion recognition [Si-
spared and impaired At the behavioral level, the most
striking and consistent primary behav-
mon and Finucane., 1996; Turk and functions specified from ioral features identified in young FXS
Cornish., 1998], and syntax [Scarbor- infancy onward. children are attentional and hyperactivity
ough et al., 1991; Sudhalter et al., 1992] problems that include the behavioral
were not as severely impaired with per- triad of severe and persistent inattention,
formance equivalent to developmental overactivity, and impulsivity [e.g.,
age but not chronological-age control predictor of overall intellectual impair- Baumgardner et al., 1995; Fryns et al.,
children. ment or a predictor of specific cognitive 1984; Hagerman, 1987]. The triad of
A number of interesting issues deficits [Cornish et al., 1998; De Vries et symptoms leads to many FXS children,
emerge from these findings. First is that al., 1996; Reiss et al., 1995; Taylor et al., especially boys, being clinically diag-
the pattern of results, although strongly 1994]. It may also be conceivable that nosed with attention deficit/hyperactiv-
indicative of a unique profile of strengths ity disorder (ADHD). When boys with
there are important gene– gene interac-
and difficulties across and within cogni- FXS are compared with age and devel-
tions (“epistasis”) that have yet to be
tive domains in FXS, does not infer brain opmentally matched boys who have
identified. However, what is especially
function that can be described as com- mental retardation of unknown cause,
prising “intact” alongside “impaired” striking is the number of similarities in they show similar levels of motor activity
systems. If this were the case then we the cognitive profile of males and females [Turk, 1998]. However, the boys with
would see skills that tap cognitive even when individual differences are FXS show significantly more inattentive-
strengths performed at a comparable level taken into account. ness, restlessness, fidgetiness, distractibil-
to those of age-matched, typically devel- Third, there is the possibility of ity, and impulsive tendencies. Further-
oping children. In most studies, as high- more generalized physiological dysregu- more, these features do not improve
lighted in the profile above, a cognitive lation contributing to the prevailing FXS spontaneously over time, emphasizing
“strength” is likely to infer a develop- phenotype. However, in actuality there is the critical need for early identification
mental age equivalent performance little, if any, empirical evidence for this and intervention. The closest diagnostic
rather than a chronological age perfor- over and above anecdotal clinical reports. category the FXS boys conform to, given
mance. This notion has been further ex- Also, such a hypothesis cannot explain their similar rates of overactivity com-
panded in a series of recent pioneering the specificity of the profile of strengths pared to matched non-FXS boys, is that
studies by Karmiloff-Smith and col- and weaknesses that have been docu- of “ADHD”—predominantly inattentive
leagues [e.g., Karmiloff-Smith et al., mented repeatedly. Nevertheless, there is type. It is also of note that psychostimu-
2003; Paterson et al., 1999] of toddlers the possibility of this process contributing lant medications (e.g., methylphenidate,
Ritalin) for the attentional deficits and ing control children matched to the FXS modulation that is not related to execu-
impulsiveness have been reported as pro- group on developmental level and chro- tive function. Ayres [1972] first referred
ducing positive outcomes [Hagerman, nological age. Specifically, the greatest to a “tactile defensiveness syndrome” in
2002; Hagerman et al., 1988]. number of errors occurred when the task which normally innocuous tactile stimuli
At the cognitive level, Munir et al. involved switching from one target type were apparently interpreted as dangerous
[2000b] compared performance of boys to another in a sequence. One possible and triggered inappropriate “fight or
with FXS and Down syndrome as well as explanation for these findings is that they flight” type reactions. Subsequent work
typically developing children on a range represent a fundamental weakness of FXS in this area [e.g., Ayres, 1979; Baranek et
of neuropsychological measures of atten- in switching attention that could be as- al., 1997; Royeen and Lane, 1991]
tion (selective, divided, sustained). The cribed to a weakness in inhibitory func- broadened the concept to that of “sen-
researchers concluded that the FXS sory defensiveness,” which denoted a
tions. Given that switching and inhibi-
group differed from the other groups in symptom profile that could include
tion are widely regarded as key
their ability to plan and to organize visual avoidance of, or hypersensivity to, vari-
search, to shift attention from one target components of EF, these findings suggest
ous types of touch, sound, light, smell,
type to another or from one concept to that weaknesses in aspects of EF are cru- taste, and movement. More recently, the
another. Additionally the FXS group cial components of attentional problems. term sensory-modulation disorder has been
demonstrated a delay in responding and a This conclusion is further supported by used to refer to cases characterized by
greater inability to inhibit task irrelevant inappropriate (either hyper- or hypore-
responses in comparison to the control sponsive) reactions to stimuli [Dunn,
groups. These deficits were more pro- 1997; Cohn et al., 2000]. These sensory
nounced for tasks that required higher One possible explanation modulation deficits are thought to un-
attentional capacity suggesting a pattern for the pattern of findings derlie such behavioral problems as dis-
of deficit broadly encompassing “executive tracted, impulsive, or disorganized be-
function” (EF). Indeed, the pattern of this is that they represent a havior; abnormal activity levels, anxiety,
finding in males compliments an already fundamental weakness of and emotional lability resulting in defi-
emerging literature reporting EF deficits cient social participation; self-regulation;
in the cognitive phenotype of FXS fe- FXS in switching and inadequate perceived competence
males [e.g., Bennetto et al., 2001; Maz-
zocco et al., 1993, 1994; Sobesky et al.,
attention that could be [Cohn et al., 2000]. Early clinical obser-
vations of individuals with FXS sug-
1996; Tamm et al., 2002; Thompson et ascribed to a weakness in gested that they often exhibit abnormal
al., 1994]. Similarly, EF deficits alongside inhibitory functions. responses to sensory stimulation and that
deficits in working memory and visuo- these abnormal responses may be related
spatial skills have also been reported in Given that switching and to anxiety or arousal [Braden, 1992;
adult men with FXS [Cornish et al., Scharfenaker et al., 1991]. Thus, the in-
inhibition are widely ability to normally regulate arousal pro-
In recent years, however, the het- regarded as key vides another useful framework for un-
erogeneity of EF has been recognized derstanding many of the behavioral
and there is a growing consensus that EF components of EF, these symptoms of FXS. Although the under-
encompasses a range of functions, includ- findings suggest that lying physiological basis of such impaired
ing “planning” “inhibition”, “set-shift- arousal regulation is not well understood,
ing,” and “working memory” [Penning- weaknesses in aspects of Berry-Kravis [1992] has speculated that
ton, 1997]. To date, these different EF are crucial the hypersensitivity to sensory stimuli, as
components have not been disentangled. well as impaired habituation and working
Moreover, FXS is not unique in present- components of attentional memory problems, that is also seen in
ing with executive difficulties and other
neurodevelopmental disorders, most no-
problems. FXS may be related to the abnormal reg-
ulation of cyclic AMP production by the
tably autism [Pennington and Ozonoff, FMR-1 gene.
1996; Turk and Graham, 1997] and
ADHD [Sergeant et al., 2002; Turk, recent studies on much younger children SPEECH AND
1998]. The extent to which the pattern with FXS. Scerif et al. [2003], for exam- CONVERSATIONAL LANGUAGE
and severity of EF deficits differs across ple, found a similar profile of persevera- Though males with FXS appear to
syndromes has yet to be revealed. How- tion errors (repeating successful re- demonstrate relatively spared vocabulary
ever, in a series of recent studies of young sponses) in a sample of toddlers with FXS and syntactic knowledge, their conversa-
males with FXS there has been an at- tional language has been the subject of
and Hooper et al. [2000] report deficits
tempt to understand the EF deficit at a much study. The types of atypical lan-
in selective attention and working mem-
more finely grained level. Using a novel, guage that are produced most often by
computerized paradigm to explore the ory in FXS boys as young as four years of individuals with FXS but most notably
range of attentional problems, Wilding, age. However, simply proposing “inhi- males during conversational interactions
Cornish, and Munir (2002) found that bition” as the primary explanation to ac- include tangential language [Sudhalter
boys with FXS demonstrated signifi- count for the different types of weak- and Belser, 2001], perseverative language
cantly greater problems in their ability to nesses is only an initial step toward [Sudhalter et al., 1990], repetitive speech
switch visual attention and to inhibit re- understanding the attentional deficit [Belser and Sudhalter, 2001], and ten-
petitive behavior, resulting in more per- in FXS. dency toward delayed echolalia [Turk
severative errors compared to boys with Clearly other possibilities remain, and Graham, 1997]. Tangential language
Down syndrome and typically develop- including a primary deficit in sensory refers to off-topic questions, responses, or
comments that do not logically follow tory processes exist in balance within the ognized phenotypic characteristic of in-
the preceding conversational thread. Per- nervous system, resulting in stable, well- dividuals with FXS [Hanson et al., 1986;
severative language refers to the reintro- controlled behavior. Because both hy- Borghgraef et al., 1987]. This rapid
duction of favorite topics over and over, perarousal and impaired inhibitory con- speech may result in the individual be-
even in the presence of conflicting con- trol are characteristic of individuals with ginning an utterance prematurely, caus-
versational demands. Repetitive speech FXS, such imbalance is easily triggered ing the linguistic elements of that utter-
refers to the repetition of sounds, words, by either physical or social stimulation ance to lead the paralinguistic elements.
or phrases within an utterance or conver- within their environment. We suggest When the neuropsycholinguistic system
sational turn. One explanation that awaits that the effect on language production is senses that this occurs, it causes the
empirical study for the cause of these to free impulsive tendencies to talk about speaker to stall for time by repeating a
atypical productions is that individuals favorite or highly associated topics re- selected phoneme, word, or phrase until
with FXS have an inability to normally gardless of the conversational demands. the associated paralinguistic elements
regulate arousal [Belser and Sudhalter, Tangential language occurs when the as- have had a chance to catch up and syn-
2001; Miller et al., 1999]. For instance, it sociation between previous and current chrony is restored. As with the produc-
has been demonstrated that males with utterances is personal or otherwise un- tion of atypical language, the hyper-
FXS react more strongly than those known to the conversational partner. arousal that leads to dysfluent repetitive
without FXS to many forms of environ- Perseverative language occurs when fa- speech may be triggered by either envi-
mental and social stimuli, and the hyper- vorite topics are impulsively reintro- ronmental stimulation or conversational
arousal that results can take an unusually duced into a conversation, independently demands. Thus, we argue the character-
long time to abate. As a result, individuals of the current context, presumably be- istic atypical language of individuals with
with FXS are prone to long periods of cause they are well rehearsed and their FXS is likely to be caused by their hy-
sustained hyperarousal, especially during use provokes less social anxiety than new perarousal and impaired inhibitory con-
social interactions. A maladaptive re- unfamiliar information. This finding and trol systems. These deficits work in tan-
sponse to this sustained arousal would be explanation is similar to that given by dem to affect language production in
to restrict the number and length of one’s Scerif et al. (2003), who described perse- several important ways. By making it dif-
verbal output. This could lead to selec- verative errors in a sample of toddlers ficult to block impulsive verbal behavior,
tive mutism. In fact, Hagerman et al. with FXS. these problems lead to language that is
[1999] described selective mutism in sis- inappropriately perseverative and tangen-
ters with FXS. However, despite the use REPETITIVE SPEECH tial. Hyperarousal also promotes rapid
of such social avoidance strategies, there In addition to the atypical types of speech, which can lead to the production
are times when males with FXS are re- language described above, another com- of repetitive dysfluencies—so-called clut-
quired to talk and otherwise interact ac- mon linguistic characteristic of males tering.
tively with their social environment. Un- with FXS is repetitive speech. Once an
der such circumstances, specific types of individual has acquired some language he THE NATURE AND
atypical language are commonly ob- must learn how to communicate fluently RELEVANCE OF THE SOCIAL
served. (i.e., with appropriate rate, rhythm, and DYSFUNCTION
articulation) within a social setting. The Studies of social impairments in
TANGENTIAL AND Neuropsycholinguistic Theory of Lan- FXS [Turk and Graham, 1997; Aziz et
PERSEVERATIVE LANGUAGE guage Production [Perkins et al., 1991] is al., 2003; Das and Turk, 2002] confirm
We have suggested elsewhere one of many theories that describe how the impossibility of “pigeonholing” the
[Belser and Sudhalter, 1995; Sudhalter speakers are able to accomplish this. Ac- majority of individuals with FXS as hav-
and Belser, 2001] that hyperarousal, in cording to this theory, fluent speech re- ing autism. It has long been recognized
conjunction with diminished inhibitory quires the coordination of two indepen- that it is the paradoxical juxtaposition of
control, is one explanation for the pro- dently operating neural systems: one that a friendly sociable (albeit often shy, so-
duction of perseverative and tangential controls linguistic processes, such as se- cially anxious, and socially avoidant) per-
language seen in individuals with FXS. In lecting the appropriate vocabulary and sonality with certain “autistic-like” com-
some very preliminary data presented in syntax to convey a desired thought, and municatory and ritualistic features that is
Belser and Sudhalter [1995] it was dem- another that controls paralinguistic pro- the hallmark of most with FXS. What are
onstrated that in males with FXS, eye cess, such as generating the appropriate we to make of this? First, at a clinical
contact predicted higher skin conduc- facial expression, intonation, and rhythm level, it is immediately clear that there is
tance level and greater rates of spontane- to indicate the speaker’s emotion and far more to social and communicatory
ous skin conductance responses, indica- intent. Dysfluent speech is thought to dysfunction that simply having or not
tive of arousal. This arousal in turn was occur when the coordination between having autism. Second, it is necessary to
associated with the emergence of atypical these systems becomes impaired, causing acknowledge the different yet comple-
language in males with FXS. Neither in- them to become desynchronized. We mentary natures of etiological diagnosis
creased skin conductance activity nor believe that the hyperarousal experienced on the one hand (e.g., FXS) and clinical/
production of atypical language in the by individuals with FXS creates the con- phenomenological diagnosis on the other
presence of eye contact was observed in ditions required for repetitive speech to (e.g., autistic spectrum disorder). Third,
the subjects with Down syndrome or occur. We have suggested elsewhere the repeatedly identified profile of social,
ADHD. [Belser and Sudhalter, 2001] that anxiety communicatory, and ritualistic dysfunc-
There is also the issue of high rates triggered by the expectations of conver- tion in those with FXS [Turk, 1992] is
of shyness and social anxiety in otherwise sational participation may cause a child to once again consistent with underlying
friendly and empathic individuals who develop rapid speech. Rapid speech has executive dysfunction, neurobehavioural
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