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According to the latest data from the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA), the
teenage pregnancy rate in Roxas City, Capiz is 12.7% for 2019. This is slightly lower than the
national average of 14.5%, several factors contribute to the high rate of teenage pregnancy. This
research aims to identify and understand these factors in order to develop effective strategies for
prevention and support. One of the primary reasons for teenage pregnancy in Roxas City is the
lack of comprehensive sex education. Many schools in the area do not provide comprehensive
information about reproductive health, contraception, and safe sex practices. This knowledge gap
leaves teenagers uninformed and vulnerable to unintended pregnancies. Implementing
comprehensive sex education programs in schools can empower teenagers with the knowledge
and skills to make informed decisions about their sexual health. Another factor contributing to
teenage pregnancy in Roxas City is the limited access to reproductive healthcare services. Many
teenagers in the area face barriers such as financial constraints, lack of transportation, and stigma
when seeking reproductive healthcare. Improving access to affordable and confidential
reproductive healthcare services, including contraception and family planning, can help reduce
the incidence of teenage pregnancy. Social and cultural norms also play a role in teenage
pregnancy in Roxas City. Traditional beliefs and societal expectations may discourage open
discussions about sex and contraception, leading to misinformation and misconceptions among
teenagers. Promoting open dialogue about sexual health within families, schools, and
communities can help challenge these norms and provide accurate information to teenagers.
Furthermore, poverty and lack of opportunities for education and employment contribute to the
high rate of teenage pregnancy in Roxas City. Teenagers from disadvantaged backgrounds may
see early parenthood as a way to escape poverty or gain social status. Addressing poverty and
providing educational and vocational opportunities for teenagers can help break the cycle of
teenage pregnancy. In conclusion, teenage pregnancy in Roxas City, Capiz is influenced by
various factors including the lack of comprehensive sex education, limited access to reproductive
healthcare services, social and cultural norms, and poverty. By addressing these factors through
comprehensive sex education, improved access to reproductive healthcare, promoting open
dialogue, and providing opportunities for education and employment, we can work towards
reducing the incidence of teenage pregnancy and supporting the well-being of teenagers in Roxas

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