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Name: _______________________________________

Grade & Section: ______________________________

I. Directions:Identify what is being asked in the following sentences.
1. It is an ability to access, analyze, evaluate, and create media in a variety of forms.
Media Literacy
2. It is an ability to recognize when information is needed, and to locate, evaluate, and
effectively communicate information. Information Literacy
3. Being knowledgeable on the proper use of technological tools to access, manage,
evaluate, create and communicate information. Technology Literacy
4.-7. True or False.
4. Reo immediately shares information that process through his social media account.
5. RB blocked the person who make a harsh comment on his Facebook post. True
6. Zhaira did not cite her source of information in her assignment. False
7. Allan turns off his phone’s notification every time he answers his module.True
8. How many people are using the most popular social media platform called Facebook?
More than 2 Billion
9. The correct or acceptable way of communicating on the internet. Netiquette
10. Some ways media is can be unhealthy if used an irresponsibility way.
a) Distraction and loss of productivity
b) Addiction
c) Stress and Mood
11. It is a series of angry, critical, or disparaging comments by two or more people in an
ongoing online argument. Flame War
II. Enumerations.
A. The common materials used in the Philippine Contemporary arts.
a) Abacca
b) Bamboo
c) Buli
d) Rattan
e) Coconut
B. Examples of Daniel Hudson Burnham architecture in the Philippines.
a) Luneta park
b) Province of Pangasinan
c) National Museum Complex
d) University of the Philippines
e) Burnham Park - Baguio City
C. National Artist
a) Fernando Amorsolo
b) Guillermo Tolentino
D. New Artist
a) Victorio Edades - Father of modern art
b) Carlos Botong Francisco
c) Gallo Ocampo
E. Division of Visual Art
a) Conservative/Academic - Fernando Amorsolo
b) Modern Arts - Victorio Edades


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