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English Assignment

Comparative and Superlative Degree


1. Fusfita Anggraria 12320721455

2. Najwa Alvi Syahrin 12320720243
3. Salsa Kahamda 12320721489
4. Tahniatul Khaira 12320723605



The Definition of Homeschooling

Homeschooling is a learning system that is carried out at home. Besides that

Homeschooling can also be done anywhere other than at school, such as in mosques, in
markets, in gardens, in parks and in other places that can be used as sources in learning.

According to Arief Rachman, in his book entitled Homeschooling: Rumah.

Etymologically, Homeschooling is a school held at home, while essentially Homeschooling is
an alternative school that places children as subjects with an educational approach at home.
With this approach children will feel comfortable. They can learn according to their own
wishes and with their own learning style, anytime and anywhere, as if they were in their own

It can be concluded that Homeschooling is a process of learning activities that can be

carried out at home or in the community, where parents are very instrumental as teachers or
bring in outside teachers (tutors) who are designed in such a way that children feel happy,
comfortable, do not feel forced and do not feel burdened in learning. so that it can achieve
more optimal learning results, all of which aim to develop creativity, talents, interests,
thinking skills and develop personality and develop students' intelligence.

The Advantages of Homeschooling

1. Flexible
Homeschooling is more flexible than formal school. Parents can customize the
schedule and teaching methods according to their child's learning needs and pace.
2. Individual
The homeschooling approach is more individualized than formal school. Each child
can receive undivided attention from parents or tutors, allowing for better
customization to their learning style and needs.
3. Personal
Homeschooling is more personalized than formal school because education takes
place in a family environment. This can strengthen the bond between family members
4. Student-Focused
Homeschooling is considered to be the most student-focused approach, as education is
specifically designed to meet the individual needs of the child.
5. Controlled
Homeschooling is considered the most controlled approach, as learning takes place in
an environment that can be fully controlled by the parents.

The Disadvantages of Homeschooling

1. Dependent on Parents
Homeschooling tends to make children more dependent on their parents than children
in formal schools. They get most of their teaching from their parents, who may have
limited knowledge and experience compared to school teachers.
2. Unstructured
Homeschooling is more unstructured than formal schools, the lack of a strict schedule
can make some children find it difficult to stay focused and organized in their studies.
3. Socialization
Homeschooling can be more limited in terms of socialization than formal schools,
homeschooled children may have fewer opportunities to interact with peers on a
regular basis.
4. Discipline
Homeschooling is an approach that requires the most discipline from parents and
children. Without strong discipline, homeschooling education can be less effective.
5. Introverted
Homeschooling can make children more introverted than formal schools, as they are
not exposed to the diverse social environment of formal schools.

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