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Chapter 3 Math Vocabulary

Word Definition Example

information gathered in a survey,

in an experiment, or by observing
the average (sum of a set of
mean numbers divided by the amount
of numbers in a set)
the middle value in a set of
ordered data

the number that occurs most

often in a set of data

a graph with bars; shows

bar graph
amounts in different categories

a graph with images; shows

amounts in different categories
a graph with line segments;
line graph shows trends or changes in data
over time
Word Definition Example

a graph that shows how a whole

circle graph
amount is divided

a graph of plotted points; shows

scatter plot the relationship between 2 sets
of data
a bar graph with no spaces
histogram between the bars; each bar
represents a range of values

stem-and-leaf an organization of data based on

plot place values

a survey of all the people in a


a part of the population that is

sample used to make predictions about
the whole population

representative a sample from a population that

sample reflects the entire population

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