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The Rights of the Women

How the World Sees Her!

Carolina Beatriz Ângelo: Portugal’s 1st Woman Voter

Carolina Beatriz Ângelo 1st Woman Voter,

born in the parish of Sao Vicente in Guarda District, on April 16, 1878.
A 1902 graduate of Escola Medico-Cirurgica de Lisbon
In 1906, Beatriz Angelo began her political activism by joining the Portuguese
committee of the French association, Paix et le Desarmement par les Femmes,
which advocated the resolution of war conflicts through dialogue.
Her husband died of tuberculosis without seeing the end of monarchy later that
year in 1910. she was the head of family. She met the conditions to vote since the
law did not exclude any gender.
Em 1909, fez parte do grupo de mulheres que fundou a Liga Republicana das
Mulheres Portuguesas (LRMP)
Was a leader of the group “Portuguese Women's Republican League” (LRMP)
When she dropped her vote for the National Constituent Assembly into the ballot
box on May 28, 1911, she received a round of applause.
On May 28, 1911 Ângelo cast her vote to elect representatives to the Constituent
National Assembly
On May 28, she cast her vote to elect the representatives to the Constituent National Assembly,
making her the first women to vote in Portugal.

In October 3, 1911, about four months after she cast her historic vote, Beatriz
Angelo died at age 33 of acute myocardial infarction, commonly referred to as a
heart attack.
3 October 1911 aged 33
In October 3, about four months after she cast her historic vote, Carolina Beatriz Angelo
died at age 33 of a heart attack.
In 1913, a new Electoral Code clarified that voters had to be male. This step
backwards lasted many years.
July 3, a law was passed to specify the right to vote was only for male citizens,
literate and over 21

In 1931, women obtained the right to vote but not on equal terms with men.
Secondary education was required for women, while men only needed to be able
to read and write. The electoral law was broadened in 1946 and in 1968.
Só em 1974, já depois do 25 de Abril, seriam abolidas todas as restrições à
capacitate eleitoral dos cidadãos tendo por base o género.
Only after 25th of April, would all restrictions on citizens' electoral capacity
based on gender be abolished.

Carolina Beatriz Angelo was the first female surgeon and the first woman to vote
in Portugal.

And the first female physician

Antónia Adelaide Ferreira

Nasceu na Régua em 1811

June 4, 1811
June 4, Antónia was born in Peso da Régua, in the district of Vila Real
Ficou viúva aos 33 anos, altura em que assumiu as rédeas da Casa Ferreira, fundada pelo seu
avô, e começou a sua carreira de empresária de sucesso num mundo dominado por homens.

Expandiu o negócio com novas quintas e armazéns, contratando mais trabalhadores.

promoveu o desenvolvimento da investigação de processos mais modernos na produção de

She was widowed at age 33, at which point she began to exercise her role as
executive of the family estates.

She was widowed at the age of 33, when she took over the reins of Casa
Ferreira, founded by her grandfather, and began her career as a successful
businesswoman in a world dominated by men.

No ano de 1849 a produção vinícola era já de 700 pipas de vinho. Mercê de

bons acordos, grande parte dos vinhos foi exportada para o Reino Unido, ainda
hoje o primeiro importador de Vinho do Porto.

In this year, the wine production was already 700 barrels of wine. Thanks to
good agreements, most of the wines were exported to the United Kingdom, still
today the first importer of Port Wine.

Mas também sofreu amarguras. Como a ameaça do rapto da sua filha Maria da Assunção pelo
Duque de Saldanha (então presidente do Conselho de Ministros), que a queria casar com o
seu filho, matrimónio não autorizado por Maria Antónia, que fugiu para Londres para o
evitar, em 1854
Para o evitar, D. Antónia e os filhos são forçados a fugir do país, fixando-se em Londres. Aí casa, em
segundas núpcias, com um dos administradores de longa data da empresa, José da Silva Torres.

Duque de Saldanha fez ameaça de raptar a sua filha Maria da Assunção, que a queria a casar com o
seu filho. Para o evitar D. Antónia, foge para Londres

Duke of Saldanha threatened to kidnap her daughter Maria da Assunção, who wanted her to marry
his son. To avoid this D. Antónia flees to London

Quando, em 1880,
ficou novamente viúva, intensificou o seu envolvimento em obras de benfeitoria, nomeadamente na
construção dos hospitais de Vila Real, Régua, Moncorvo e Lamego.
became a widow again, and intensified her involvement in works of beneficence, namely the
construction of hospitals in Vila Real, Régua, Moncorvo, and Lamego.

Quando faleceu, em 1896,

March 26, 1896

left behind a large fortune and near thirty vineyards.
Faleceu em 26 de março, e deixou uma fortuna considerável e perto de trinta

She died on March 26, and left behind a large fortune and nearly thirty vineyards


ficou conhecida como a “Ferreirinha”, a “mãe dos pobres”

Portuguese businesswoman

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