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Refined-Language and Barrier

Language is an essential tool for communication, yet it can also become a barrier for

those who live in countries other than their own. International students, in particular, face

significant challenges. Communication difficulties, social isolation and exclusion, frustration in

learning a foreign language, economic and political implications, and power imbalances are

some of the ways in which language can become a barrier for international students (Ali et al.,

2020). If foreign students do not understand the language they are studying, they may experience

poor academic performance, mental health issues, economic disadvantage, political

marginalization, and exclusion from decision-making processes. My main argument in this

paper is that language can work as a barrier for people living in different countries from their

own and difference of language is a hurdle for the success of international students.

One of the major reasons why language can be a barrier is because it can create

communication difficulties. When people do not share a common language, they may find it

challenging to express themselves, understand one another, or convey complex idea (Ali et al.,

2020). This can lead to significant communication breakdowns, which can have far-reaching

consequences. For example, when people cannot communicate effectively, they may experience

misunderstandings, which can lead to frustration, anger, or even conflict (Ali et al., 2020). In

some cases, these communication breakdowns can even have life-threatening consequences, such

as when a patient is unable to communicate their symptoms to a doctor. If such cases happened

to students in foreign countries, it can significantly impact their health and education.

Secondly, communication difficulties can also lead to social isolation and exclusion.

When individuals are unable to communicate with those around them, they may feel excluded

from social interactions and events (Ali et al., 2020). This can further exacerbate feelings of

loneliness and isolation, which can have negative effects on mental health and well-being.

According to Ali et al. (2020), communication difficulties can make it difficult for individuals to

participate in activities that are important to them, such as sports, hobbies, or cultural events.

Fortunately, there are ways to address these communication difficulties. For example, language

classes and language exchange programs can help individuals learn new languages and improve

their communication skills. Additionally, technology can play a crucial role in breaking down

language barriers, such as through translation apps or subtitles (Ali et al., 2020). By finding new

and innovative ways to communicate across language barriers, we can ensure that everyone has

access to the support and resources they need. Even so, some foreigners may not adopt these

means to overcome communication barriers and thus extent the negative impacts of language


Another way in which langauge can work as a barrier for people living in countries other

than their own is that it is frustrating learning a foreign langauge not only for studying but more

importantly for studying. While many people think that language is all about talking and

communication, it is more than that because it has various other perspectives (Ali et al., 2020).

For example, language is used when students read, write, speak, and listen. When international

students enroll themselves abroad, they must study their given syllabus and if they are not

proficient in that language, they would face a lot of difficulties. When students do not understand

the language, they are studying in, they feel frustrated, and it causes them poor attention to their

studies as well as poor mental health (Ali et al., 2020). Therefore, language is considered as a

barrier for international students because they need to learn new language more than just for


Another reason as to why langauge may seem to be a barrier especially to foreign

students learning in new countries because they personally fail to appreciate the significance of

learning the new langauge for both communication and learning. The world is becoming

increasingly global and international students must learn foreign languages if they plan to travel

abroad for higher studies. To learn new languages is perhaps the most useful skill students can

learn because it brings them the comfort of communication and learning at the same time. If

international students think that they can get along and do well when they are studying abroad,

they are living in a cloud of bubble because it is not possible. Learning local language is

extremely important because it helps in personal development as well as academic growth which

is goal of international students. According to Dick (2022) “When you master a foreign

language, you can exercise your new superhuman power of being able to understand what

someone is saying, recall the proper vocab and grammar, put that vocab and grammar into the

proper context, and reply back—all on the spot and in a timely manner.” This information shows

that if students learn new languages, it would not be barrier for them anymore. However,

students must understand and pay attention to the benefit of learning new languages so that they

work hard and pay full attention to it.

Language can also be a huge barrier to students in foreign countries as it can have critical

economic and political implications. When such students do not speak the dominant language in

their new country, they may find it difficult to secure employment, access education or training

opportunities, or start a business (Ali et al., 2020). This can lead to economic disadvantage and

poverty. Further language barriers can also create political barriers, as individuals may not be

able to engage in political processes or access information about their rights and responsibilities.

This can lead to a lack of representation and marginalization within society. Even today as

countries fall at risk of war, learning anew langauge can enable one to avoid the langauge barrier

during crisis calls for safety (Ali et al., 2020). Foreigners including students may thus suffer

economic and political consequences if they do not consider learning the dominant langauge in

the new country.


Some countries host huge foreigners including students, expats, and families who make

part of aa significant minority group. Language barriers can exacerbate existing power

imbalances within such societies. For example, groups who do not speak the dominant language

may be less likely to access essential services or participate in decision-making processes,

leading to marginalization and exclusion. By breaking down language barriers, we can create

more equitable societies where everyone has the opportunity to participate and thrive. This can

involve providing language classes and translation services, as well as creating policies and

programs that prioritize the needs of individuals who are struggling with language barriers.

Difference of language brings a critical hurdle for students learning way from their own

country. Studying abroad is surely a rewarding experience for students for multiple reason

which range from self-development to intercultural learning experiences (Ali et al., 2020).

However, if students do not pay attention to learning a language, it may become a hurdle for

students and keep them from achieving their academic goals. Some students may have the

potential to do better in academics, but language may work as a barrier, and they may not be able

to explore things to their full due to lack of understanding of a language. Even students who are

proficient in the language of instruction may still struggle with cultural nuances and idiomatic

expressions that are unfamiliar to them (Ali et al., 2020). This can result in miscommunication

and misunderstanding, which can hinder their academic and social progress. For those who

completely cannot understand the langauge of instruction and also cannot speak the dominant

language in their new country, they may feel excluded from social interactions and events. They

may also find it difficult to navigate their new environment, as they may not be able to read

signs, follow directions, or communicate with locals (Ali et al., 2020). Moreover, language can

also create cultural barriers, as individuals may struggle to understand the cultural norms and

customs of their new country, which can further hinder their social integration. It can be very

dauting and stressful for students to get acquainted with a new language, but it surely has

promising benefits to it.

Also, difference in langauge can be a hurdle especially when foreign students have to

participate in institutional events where the foreign language is used as the langauge of

instruction. The language barrier can affect international students' mental health such that the

frustration and stress of struggling with the new language leads to feelings of anxiety,

homesickness, and even depression (Ali et al., 2020). This can further impact their academic

performance and ability to make the most of their international education experience. While

organizing institutional events is one of the best ways through which students may overcome

language barrier is the fact, it ca be really frustrating at first. Even so, for those who appreciate

such opportunities, participation in the organization teams and collaborating with other students

comes out beneficial (Ali et al., 2020). For instance, the easiest places to break the ice and begin

conversations are university clubs. Organizing events, being part of them and sharing lunches

and inner can not only help international students learn the language but also help them to

become part of college communities while helping cultivate memories and friendships”

(Sareshta, 2022). This way, international students may get a chance to make new friends and

improve their language skills by communicating with them. Not only this, but it will also

motivate international students to break the ice and develop better relationships through effective

communication. Student’s limited initiative to take part in organizational activities so as to

improve their language barrier in new countries is thus one of their greatest undoing which

worsens the langauge difference hurdle.

Lastly, language difference can be a hurdle to foreign students because they have

difficulties learning the new language for both communication and studying. When students

learn new languages, they help them in gaining better knowledge. According to research,

“Studies have demonstrated the cognitive benefits of learning another language, no matter how

old you are. These studies have shown that bilinguals tend to have bigger brains, better

memories, are more creative, better problem solvers, etc.” (Dick, 2022). Research also shows

that, “Not only do these advantages make it easier to learn yet more languages, they also make it

easier to learn, well, anything. The ability to quickly switch between tasks is especially important

in today’s busy multitasking world. Bilinguals can switch between tasks much faster than their

monolingual counterparts and can handle many more tasks at once.” (Dick, 2022). To overcome

the language barrier, international students may need to invest additional time and effort into

language learning and practice. They may also need to seek out resources and support services,

such as language classes, tutoring, and peer support groups. However, these resources may not

always be readily available, and may come at an additional cost but where it is possible, learning

the new language is the way to go (Ali et al., 2020). This shows that language is important skill

that everyone should learn when they get an opportunity to study abroad so as to limit their

anxiety and frustration during actual studies and class engagement.


Therefore, language is an essential tool in our daily lives, and it plays a crucial role in

international students' success. Language can work as a barrier for foreign students living in

different countries from their own. One of the major reasons for this is the communication

difficulties that arise due to a lack of a common language. Communication breakdowns can lead

to social isolation, exclusion, and frustration, impacting the mental health and well-being of

international students. Moreover, language can be a barrier to students' academic and economic

growth and create political barriers. It can exacerbate existing power imbalances within societies

and cause marginalization and exclusion. To overcome these barriers, language classes, language

exchange programs, technology, and translation apps can be beneficial. However, students need

to appreciate the significance of learning a new language not just for communication but also for

academic growth, personal development, and overall success. By breaking down language

barriers, we can create a more equitable society where everyone has the opportunity to

participate and thrive.



Dick, K. (2022). Why is it Important to Learn a Foreign Language? Retrieved

on February 21, 2023, from


Ali, S & Yoenanto, N. & Nurdibyanandaru, D. (2020). Language Barrier cause of stress among

International Students of Universitas Airlangga. PRASASTI: Journal of Linguistics. 5.


Sareshta, S. (2022, August 17). Three tips for overcoming language barriers as an international

student. Student. Retrieved February 19, 2023, from


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