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In the week spanning from

November 13 to 17, our

engagement in the teaching
environment began with an
orchestrated by
cooperating teacher. Each of
us had the opportunity to
present ourselves to the class,
fostering a sense of
connection with both our
peers and the students.

Following these introductions, our cooperating teacher took a deliberate step to ensure our
seamless integration into the teaching environment. A comprehensive orientation ensued,
providing us with a nuanced understanding of the classroom dynamics. The session delved into
the intricacies of what was expected from us as aspiring educators, emphasizing a set of guidelines
encapsulating the do's and don'ts within the teaching realm.

This foundational knowledge proved invaluable as the week unfolded. Our primary focus shifted
towards observation, affording us the opportunity to witness firsthand the application of the
principles discussed during the orientation. Through keen observation, we gained insights into the
various teaching styles, classroom management strategies, and the dynamics between teachers and

This week of observation not only allowed us to contextualize theoretical concepts but also
provided a platform for reflection on the practical aspects of
teaching. As we observed seasoned educators in action, we
began to discern the subtleties of effective pedagogy and
classroom engagement.

In summary, the week was a holistic initiation into the world

of teaching. From personal introductions to a detailed
orientation and subsequent observation, this period laid a
robust foundation for our journey as aspiring educators,
fostering a blend of theoretical understanding and practical

Engaging in the week-long introduction, orientation, and observation within the teaching
environment prompted profound reflections on my journey as an aspiring educator. The initial
exercise of introducing ourselves to the class not only broke the ice but also established a personal
connection with both my fellow teacher candidates and the students.

The orientation session, with its emphasis on the do's and don'ts of teaching, proved instrumental
in shaping my understanding of the professional expectations and responsibilities associated with
the role. It served as a compass, guiding me through the intricacies of maintaining a conducive and
respectful classroom environment.

As the week progressed into the observation phase, I found myself captivated by the diverse
teaching styles and classroom management strategies employed by seasoned educators.
Witnessing these practices firsthand provided a tangible link between the theoretical concepts
discussed in the orientation and their real-world application. It was a transformative experience,
allowing me to recognize the nuanced artistry of effective teaching.

The observation period was not just about passive watching; it sparked a continuous process of
self-reflection. I found myself contemplating how I would approach certain scenarios and adapt
my teaching methods based on the observed successes and challenges of others. It was a valuable
exercise in aligning theoretical knowledge with the practical demands of the classroom.

Overall, this week served as a crucial stepping stone in my journey toward becoming an educator.
It not only equipped me with practical insights and strategies but also instilled in me a sense of
responsibility and enthusiasm for the rewarding yet complex task of guiding and shaping young
minds. As I move forward, these reflections will undoubtedly influence my growth and
development as an aspiring teacher.


In the week of November 20-24,
the focus shifted to hands-on
teaching experiences as I took
on the role of the second
lecturer. Prior to my session, I
actively assisted the first
lecturer, keenly observing the
students' actions and reactions. 2
This allowed me to gauge their
interests and preferences,
enabling me to tailor my
approach to make the upcoming
discussion more meaningful to

While assisting the first lecturer, I took note of the

students' engagement levels and identified areas
where they displayed heightened interest. This
information became crucial in shaping my teaching
strategy, as I aimed to incorporate elements that
resonated with the students.

To gain further insight, I initiated conversations with

some students to understand their prior experiences
in conducting experiments related to the subject.
Interestingly, many mentioned they hadn't engaged in
hands-on experiments before. This revelation
influenced my decision to integrate a practical
element into my session, ensuring a more interactive
and experiential learning environment.

When my turn to lecture arrived, I seamlessly integrated the gathered insights into my teaching
approach. The discussion not only covered theoretical concepts but also included a hands-on
experiment directly related to the topic.
This approach aimed to bridge the gap
between theory and practice, offering
students a tangible experience to
enhance their understanding.

By actively involving the students in

the experiment, I sought to foster a
deeper connection with the subject
matter. This hands-on activity served
not only as a practical application of
the discussed concepts but also as a
means to stimulate their curiosity and critical thinking skills.

In summary, this week marked a pivotal moment in my

teaching journey. The collaborative effort with the first
lecturer, coupled with a keen awareness of student interests,
allowed me to deliver a session that was not only informative
but also engaging and experiential. This hands-on approach
aimed to cultivate a more profound understanding of the
subject among the students, setting the stage for future
interactive and meaningful discussions.

Reflecting on the week of November 20-24, where I assumed the role of the second lecturer and
incorporated a hands-on experiment, it was a journey marked by insightful moments and

One significant aspect was the collaboration with the first lecturer, during which I carefully
observed the students' interactions. This allowed me to tailor my teaching approach based on their
interests, aiming for a more engaging and meaningful learning experience. However, I couldn't
ignore the lingering uncertainty of how the students might react during my session.

Anticipating challenges, I considered the possibility of students not grasping certain concepts or
struggling to connect with the discussion. This concern intensified when I faced difficulties in
finding adequate materials for the experiment due to their unavailability. The potential scenario of
students expressing confusion was a source of apprehension.

However, during the actual discussion, it was reassuring to witness the students' positive response.
Regularly checking in with them, I was heartened by their affirmative "yes sir" responses,
indicating their understanding of the material. Their attentiveness throughout the session, evident
by their engagement whenever I spoke, provided a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.

Navigating the challenges of material scarcity, I adapted by emphasizing the principles behind the
experiment, fostering a conceptual understanding even when practical implementation faced
constraints. This adaptive approach aimed to maintain the students' interest and ensure the
discussion remained valuable despite external limitations.

In conclusion, the week encompassed both anticipated challenges and rewarding moments. The
initial concerns about potential misunderstandings were alleviated by the students' active
participation and positive feedback. It reinforced the importance of flexibility in teaching, adapting
to unforeseen hurdles, and creatively overcoming limitations to deliver a meaningful learning



During the week of November 27 to December 1 a significant milestone was achieved as we

successfully covered three comprehensive topics in our teaching curriculum. Recognizing the need
for an assessment, we collectively decided to conduct the first summative test on Thursday,
evaluating the students' understanding of the materials discussed throughout the preceding weeks.

Given the extended class duration of seven hours, we strategically scheduled the summative test
to optimize the available time. Post-assessment, we granted the students a well-deserved 15-minute
break to unwind and recharge. This short respite allowed them to relax before delving into the next
phase of our instructional plan.

The break also served as a transition point for one

of my co-pre-service teachers, who commenced her
second demonstration teaching session. Her chosen
topic, intricately connected to the preceding
discussions, aimed to build on the foundational
knowledge acquired by the students. Understanding
the importance of seamless comprehension between
topics, we prioritized clarity and coherence in our
instructional approach.

To maximize the remaining class hours, my co-pre-

service teacher efficiently navigated through her demo, ensuring that the students grasped the
interconnected nature of the subjects. This strategic coordination aimed to enhance understanding
and facilitate a smooth transition between topics, contributing to a more holistic learning

The class concluded at 6:00 in the

evening, marking the end of a productive
and well-orchestrated instructional day.
The collaborative effort in planning the
summative test, incorporating breaks, and
seamlessly connecting topics reflected
our commitment to providing a
comprehensive and effective learning
environment for the students.

Reflecting on the week of November 27 to December 1, which culminated in a summative test and
an extended seven-hour class, it was a day of both accomplishments and challenges.

The decision to conduct the summative test marked a crucial point in assessing the students'
comprehension of the three covered topics. While I anticipated inquiries from students seeking
guidance during the test, I challenged myself to resist offering hints when faced with questions
like "Sir, paano 'to?" This conscious decision aimed to encourage independent thinking and
problem-solving skills among the students.

The seamless transition between the summative test and my co-pre-service teacher's demo teaching
session reflected a coordinated effort to maintain the flow of learning. The interconnection of
topics was prioritized to ensure a coherent understanding among students, emphasizing the holistic
nature of our instructional approach.

However, the extended seven-hour class posed a considerable challenge, leading to a physically
and mentally taxing day. Maintaining focus and energy throughout the extended duration
demanded resilience and adaptability. Despite the fatigue, witnessing the students' engagement
during the demo teaching session served as a motivating factor.

The exhaustion from the extended class hours underscored the need for effective time management
and occasional breaks to sustain both students and teachers. It reinforced the importance of
balancing comprehensive instruction with mindful consideration for the well-being of everyone

In conclusion, this week's reflections highlight the balance between encouraging independent
learning and navigating the challenges of prolonged class hours. As a teacher, it reinforced the
significance of strategic planning, resilience, and adaptability in delivering effective and impactful


In the week of December 4-8,
a pivotal moment unfolded as I
commenced my second demo
teaching session, delving into
the intricacies of the complex
topic of balancing redox
reactions. Recognizing the
potential for confusion
inherent in the subject, my
primary objective was to devise an approach that facilitated understanding without overwhelming
the students.

A key element of my teaching strategy involved continuous

communication with the students. I frequently checked in with
them, asking if they could follow the discussion. When
indications of confusion surfaced, I promptly adapted, either
through repetition or by altering my approach to ensure the
students could grasp the underlying concepts. This dynamic
engagement aimed to create a learning environment that
catered to diverse learning styles and individual understanding.

To further solidify their comprehension, I integrated a

multitude of examples into the discussion. These examples
served as practical applications, offering the students various
scenarios to navigate and thereby reinforcing their
understanding of the redox balancing principles. Additionally,
seat work assignments were provided, offering hands-on
opportunities for the students to master the complexities of the topic.

Following the discussion, collaboration

with my co-pre-service teacher continued
as we transitioned to the next phase—a
laboratory report discussion. This
practical application phase aimed to
bridge theoretical knowledge with real-
world experimentation. The synthesis of
theory and practical application aimed to
deepen the students' understanding and
encourage critical thinking as they
embarked on the process of reporting their
laboratory findings.

In summary, the week encapsulated a holistic approach to

teaching, characterized by adaptability, effective
communication, and the integration of practical
applications. The students were not only exposed to the
theoretical intricacies of balancing redox reactions but were
also encouraged to apply their knowledge through
laboratory report discussions, fostering a comprehensive and
experiential learning journey.

Reflecting on the week of December 4-8, marked by my second demo teaching session on the
challenging topic of balancing redox reactions, the experience highlighted the significance of
adaptability, empathetic teaching, and the rewarding moments tied to practical application.

The complexity of the subject matter prompted a deliberate effort to find an approach that would
unravel the intricacies without causing confusion among the students. Throughout the week, my
teaching approach became a dynamic process, consistently changing whenever students signaled
difficulty in understanding. This adaptability, born out of a desire to cater to diverse learning needs,
aimed to make the complex topic more accessible.

Frequent check-ins with the students became a cornerstone of my teaching strategy. The
willingness to ask if they were following the discussion and the readiness to repeat or alter my
approach when they expressed confusion underscored the importance of real-time feedback in the
learning process. Recognizing that the topic was challenging and new to them, the patience
exercised during these moments of confusion became a crucial element in facilitating their

The inclusion of numerous examples and seat work assignments served as practical tools to
reinforce their comprehension. It was heartening to witness their efforts in navigating the
complexities of balancing redox reactions. Despite the initial challenges, the students displayed
resilience and a growing familiarity with the subject.

A particularly delightful moment emerged during the laboratory report discussion. The students'
presentation of their findings not only demonstrated their understanding of theoretical concepts
but also showcased creativity and engagement. Their ability to present complex information in an
entertaining manner was truly gratifying, marking a testament to their growing confidence and
application of learned principles.

In conclusion, the week's reflections emphasized the fluidity of teaching methodologies, the
importance of empathetic understanding in challenging subjects, and the joy derived from
witnessing students not only comprehend but also creatively apply their knowledge. This
experience reinforced the dynamic nature of education and the profound impact of tailored,
supportive teaching approaches on student learning and engagement.



During the week of December 11-15, my focus shifted to observation as I had the opportunity to
witness my co-pre-service teacher conduct her demonstration teaching sessions. The primary goal
of this observation was to glean new and interesting approaches in delivering lessons, with the
intention of incorporating these insights into my own teaching practices for personal development.

Throughout the observation period, I paid particular attention to my co-pre-service teacher's

instructional techniques, pedagogical strategies, and engagement methods. Identifying innovative
approaches and effective classroom management strategies became paramount as I aimed to
enhance my repertoire of teaching skills.

Simultaneously, this week marked the culmination of another academic segment as we completed
the discussion of three additional topics. To assess the students' understanding, we conducted the
second summative test, providing a comprehensive evaluation of their grasp on the recently
covered material.

The observation and the summative test collectively contributed to a holistic understanding of
teaching and learning dynamics. The observational experience offered a valuable opportunity for
professional growth, allowing me to adapt and refine my teaching methodologies based on the
observed effective practices. Meanwhile, the summative test served as a crucial measure of the
students' mastery of the recently discussed topics.

In summary, the week encapsulated a balance between actively engaging in observation for
personal development and administering assessments to gauge student progress. This dynamic
combination aimed to foster continuous improvement in teaching strategies and ensure the
students' comprehension of the academic content.

Reflecting on the week of December 11-15, which involved observing my co-pre-service teacher's
demo sessions and conducting the second summative test, it became a pivotal moment in my
teaching journey, prompting introspection and a desire for growth.

As I observed my co-pre-service teacher, I couldn't help but admire her exceptional organizational
and systematic approach to delivering lessons. Her ability to seamlessly navigate through content,
maintain student engagement, and employ effective classroom management strategies left me
wishing for a similar skill set. This experience sparked self-reflection, leading me to question my
own effectiveness as a teacher.

Amidst these thoughts, I found myself pondering if I possessed the organizational prowess and
systematic approach displayed during the demo. It prompted a moment of self-assessment,
challenging me to evaluate my teaching methodologies and identify areas for improvement.
Witnessing her demonstration served as a catalyst for critical self-reflection.

The realization that there were areas where I could enhance my teaching skills did not deter me;
instead, it fueled a belief in my potential for growth. Acknowledging that improvement is an
ongoing process, I embraced the idea that I can refine and enhance my teaching practices. The
week's experiences became a source of inspiration, igniting a renewed commitment to continuous

In conclusion, this reflective journey allowed me to acknowledge both strengths and areas for
improvement. Witnessing my co-pre-service teacher's exemplary demonstration provided valuable
insights, challenging me to strive for greater effectiveness in my teaching. The week served as a
catalyst for growth, reinforcing the belief that with dedication and a commitment to improvement,
I can evolve as an educator and provide a more impactful learning experience for my students.



During the short yet impactful week of December 18-19, my focus shifted towards the culmination
of my co-pre-service teacher's journey as she conducted her final demonstration teaching session.
The objective was not only to observe the delivery of the lesson but also to actively listen to her
discussions and gain insights for my own learning and development.

As I attentively watched her final demo, I aimed to absorb the nuances of her teaching style,
classroom management, and effective engagement strategies. Observing the concluding moments
of her teaching journey was not only a testament to her growth but also an invaluable learning
opportunity for me as an aspiring educator.

Listening keenly to her discussion provided an additional layer of insight. The delivery of content,
the way she responded to student queries, and the overall flow of the discussion became valuable
components of my learning experience. This act of active listening was geared towards not only
understanding the subject matter but also deciphering the nuances of effective communication in
a classroom setting.

The week, though short, encapsulated a rich learning experience. Watching and listening to my co-
pre-service teacher's final demo served as a source of inspiration and practical knowledge. The
observations made during this period will undoubtedly contribute to my ongoing development as
an educator, enhancing my ability to create an engaging and effective learning environment for
future students.

Reflecting on the observation of my co pre-service teacher during the demo teaching on December
18-19, it was insightful to witness her classroom management and teaching strategies. However,
the impending Christmas break added a layer of anticipation, as both students and teachers were
excited. The worry about delivering an impressive presentation lingered, fueled by the festive
atmosphere and the awareness that preparations might be affected by the upcoming extended
break. This added pressure sparked overthinking, creating a challenge to balance the festive spirit
with the commitment to delivering quality education.



From January 8-12, a significant week marked both the finale of our teaching journey and our last
moments together with the students. As the week unfolded, I seized the opportunity to demonstrate
my teaching prowess in the final demo. Drawing inspiration from a co pre-service teacher's
successful implementation, I opted for the jigsaw strategy approach.

Having observed the positive impact of

cooperative learning approaches,
particularly the jigsaw strategy, I believed
it would resonate well with our students.
The decision to adopt this method aimed at
not only showcasing my teaching skills but
also ensuring a meaningful and engaging
learning experience.

As the final demo commenced, the classroom atmosphere buzzed with anticipation. The jigsaw
strategy unfolded seamlessly, dividing the students into collaborative groups where each member
played a crucial role in comprehending and conveying specific content. This cooperative learning
approach not only encouraged active participation but also fostered a sense of responsibility among
the students.

Witnessing the students embrace and enjoy the learning process affirmed the effectiveness of the
chosen strategy. The week, being the last one before parting ways for an extended break, was not
without its emotional undercurrents. The imminent Christmas break added a layer of excitement
and nostalgia, making it a bittersweet farewell.

However, amid the festive spirit, a shadow of concern loomed. The worry stemmed from the fear
that the impending break might hinder our ability to prepare and deliver an exceptional final
presentation. Despite these concerns, the commitment to ensuring a high-quality learning
experience prevailed. We navigated the delicate balance between embracing the festive cheer and
upholding our dedication to meaningful education.

In the end, the week encapsulated the essence of our teaching journey — a blend of challenges,
triumphs, and the forging of connections with our students. The successful execution of the jigsaw
strategy in the final demo not only showcased my adaptability as a teacher but also served as a
testament to the transformative power of cooperative learning in fostering a dynamic and engaging
classroom environment. As we bid farewell to our students, the memories of this week lingered as
a poignant reminder of the impact we had on their educational journey.

Reflecting on the culmination of our teaching journey during the week of January 8-12, gratitude
fills my thoughts. The students' exceptional cooperation and active participation in discussions
profoundly influenced the teaching and learning process. Their engagement not only made the
final demo successful but also underscored the significance of fostering a collaborative classroom

The decision to implement the jigsaw strategy proved to be transformative. Observing the students'
enthusiasm and involvement in this cooperative learning approach was truly rewarding. Each
group member's active contribution not only demonstrated their understanding of the content but
also highlighted the power of collective knowledge construction.

The students' cooperative spirit played a pivotal role in shaping the week's narrative. Their
willingness to engage in discussions and collaborative activities not only eased our teaching
process but also enriched the overall learning experience. The reciprocity between teacher and
student became evident as we collectively navigated the challenges and triumphs of the final demo

Moreover, the jigsaw strategy itself became a source of personal growth and learning. As a teaching
method, it not only enhanced the students' comprehension of the topic but also deepened my own
understanding. The dynamic exchange of ideas and perspectives within the groups facilitated a
richer exploration of the subject matter.

In hindsight, the students' cooperation and the efficacy of the jigsaw strategy stand out as key
factors contributing to the success of our teaching and learning endeavors. As we bid farewell to
the students, the impact of their active involvement serves as a lasting reminder of the collaborative
spirit that defines a vibrant educational environment. This week has been more than a culmination;
it has been a celebration of shared knowledge, meaningful connections, and the profound impact
of cooperative learning on both teacher and student.



Embarking on my journey of in-campus teaching as a pre-service teacher has been a multifaceted

experience filled with both challenges and opportunities. This period of growth and learning has
shaped my understanding of education in profound ways.

One of the notable challenges I've encountered was adapting to the diverse needs and learning
styles of students. Crafting lessons that catered to individual differences required thoughtful
planning and flexibility. Additionally, managing classroom dynamics and ensuring a conducive
learning environment presented its own set of challenges, demanding effective classroom
management skills and also the integration of technology into the teaching process was both a
challenge and an opportunity. Navigating the use of educational tools and platforms proved to be
a learning curve, but it also opened up avenues for innovative and engaging teaching methods.
Embracing technology provided an opportunity to enhance lesson delivery and connect with
students in new and dynamic ways.

Additionally, coordinating with fellow pre-service teachers and collaborating with mentors
brought both challenges and rewards. Balancing different teaching styles and approaches within
the team required effective communication and adaptability. However, these collaborations offered
a unique chance to exchange ideas, share experiences, and collectively enhance our teaching skills.

The richness of the in-campus teaching experience lies in the daily interactions with students.
Building rapport, addressing individual needs, and fostering a positive learning environment
became integral components. Witnessing the impact of effective teaching strategies on student
engagement and understanding was a rewarding aspect of the journey.

Despite the challenges, the opportunities for personal and professional development were
abundant. Experimenting with various teaching methodologies, reflecting on experiences, and
receiving constructive feedback contributed significantly to my growth as an educator. The in-
campus teaching experience underscored the importance of continuous learning and adaptability
in the ever-evolving landscape of education.

In conclusion, the in-campus teaching phase as a pre-service teacher has been a transformative
period marked by challenges that fostered resilience and opportunities that fueled growth. The
ability to navigate these challenges and seize opportunities has not only enhanced my teaching
skills but has also deepened my passion for education. As I reflect on this journey, I carry forward
a wealth of experiences and lessons that will undoubtedly shape my future endeavors in the field
of education.

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