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Answer Key

Part 1
1. A lawn examination – CORRECT: Jacob is asking for a lawn care
consultation to x the issues he’s been having with his yard.
2. Over watering – CORRECT: He has had pests (creatures), weeds
(voluntary plants) and holes (craters).
3. Vanquished – CORRECT: He is overwhelmed and defeated by
the state of his yard.
4. True – CORRECT: Jacob is willing to help and do whatever it
takes to x his yard.
5. To follow in his dad’s footsteps – CORRECT: Jacob hopes to win
this award “just as [his] father did”.
6. Lawn troubles – CORRECT: Jacob explains the many issues
he’s been having with his yard, which would explain why he
hasn’t won the award.
7. Abounding number of – CORRECT: Jacob describes a whole
slew of issues his yard currently has.
8. Recovery – CORRECT: Jacob needs a landscaping team that
knows how to x the problems he’s facing.
9. Uneven ground – CORRECT: With the holes dug by his dogs
and the pests who make underground tunnels, the ground is
hardly ideal for successful grass growth. (‘Too many pets’ is
incorrect because he only has the dogs, and a landscaper
would never suggest getting rid of a pet; they might suggest
controlling where they are allowed to roam).
10.Win any contests – CORRECT: Jacob is trying to win an award
for best lawn in the city.
11.Willingness to help – CORRECT: Jacob wants to do any work
he can on his own.

Part 2
HZad Education Inc.

1. provide various bene ts (we are looking for ‘health purposes’ in

this sentence. The only mixture with greens is ‘greens and vanilla’.
It has multiple health uses, not just one. Also, option 1 is incorrect
since greens improve the heart functions; that may or may not
mean it reduces heart attacks as well).
2. protein and vanilla (it reduces cravings and has a natural
sweetness which will help with the ‘sweet tooth’ issue).
3. heart (three products mention heart improvement. The same
cannot be said about the other options. Since we are referring to
‘many of them’, we have to see what is the most repeated feature).
4. potassium and magnesium (this mixture helps with bone strength,
muscle gain, and exercise performance; hence, it is best suited to
workout performance).
5. calcium and protein (this mixture improves metabolism and
reduces fats, ideal for weight loss).
6. hasn’t reached his full potential (the coach says that Mark has
made ‘su cient’ progress, not complete progress. Option 1 is
incorrect since we don’t know if Mark has always been this way.
Option 2 is incorrect since the main complaint here is the diet, not
the workout).
7. are controlled by Mark himself (the coach said: “The ball is in your
8. encouraging (he is not being pushy because he is not forcing Mark
to do what he says but rather giving the reasoning behind it and
encouraging him to not give up. Option 1 is incorrect since
“detailed” is not an attitude).

Part 3
HZad Education Inc.

1. B “Firstly, a metaverse continues forever – it does not stop or

reset, and there is no limit to the number of users.”
2. C “Furthermore, a metaverse has its own functioning economy.”
3. C “Metaverse may not be new, but most existing virtual worlds
cannot be described as a “fully immersive” experience – one in
which the user feels “truly present.” Meta CEO Robert Gord’s
goal is to create a social network of “mixed reality in which the
user can easily jump between the real word and their virtual
4. B “A metaverse is a 3D virtual world in which real people
interact with each other and their digital environment.”
5. D “. Some experts worry that some users may become addicted
to the virtual environment, resulting in mental and physical
health issues. Others worry about information privacy as
companies could gather large amounts of data from hardware
like VR headsets.”
6. A “In this massive virtual world (known as “the metaverse”),
users will be able to collaborate with coworkers, play games,
and hang out with friends in an online space where the
possibilities are limitless.”
7. E Not Given
8. B “They can earn money, shop, attend college or business
meetings, and even go rock concerts.”
9. E Not Given

Part 4
1. C: Mindfulness – CORRECT: By understanding and listening
to your body and what works best on an individual scale, you
will maintain a healthy body.
HZad Education Inc.

2. B: It mentions the fads of the health world – CORRECT: After

describing the many methods of healthiness, it o ers yet
another option.
3. C: Healthiness changes based on the individual – CORRECT:
She says, “…All bodies are di erent, therefore the ‘secret’ to
being healthy varies per person.”
4. B: False – CORRECT: “Dr. Whirl is not discounting everything
you’ve learned about being healthy. Vegetables and Fruits are
still a crucial part of your diet and the old saying, “motion is
lotion” holds true.”
5. C: Aversion to exercise – CORRECT: Though disliking
exercise could slow the process of getting healthy, this article
focuses on preexisting and genetic conditions.
6. O ering health advice – CORRECT: Dr. Whirl and the author
give many proven methods of healthiness.
7. Getting healthy in the right way – CORRECT: Dr. Whirl o ers
advice regarding how to be a healthier you.
8. Understanding – CORRECT: Knowing what is best for your
body takes time and dedication, “but it is absolutely worth it
in the long run”.
9. Healthiness looks di erent on everyone – CORRECT: Dr. Whirl
says, “…Healthy takes di erent forms on everyone.”
10. The many di erences in health solutions – CORRECT:
According to Dr. Whirl, “All bodies are di erent, therefore the
‘secret’ to being healthy varies per person.”

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