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Lesson 1: The Physical Self


1. For me beauty means kind of like art. It evokes some type of emotional response or wonder.

2. A beautiful person is a person who possesses good qualities not only on her outer appearance own a beauty

3. I am beautiful because I am one of the beautiful creations of God. Every creation of God is no doubt beautiful
and I choose to see the good in myself and everyone else.

4. List down the names of the people you know who are beautiful

 Beauty queens: Catriona Gray, Pia Wurtzbach,etc..

 Artists: Kathryn Bernardo ,Liza Soberano,etc..

Fill out the table below listing the common sexual male and female characteristics

Female secondary sexual characteristics Male secondary sexual characteristics

Breast grow, nipples enlarge Voice become much lower
Hair develops underarms & in pubic area Hair develops underarms & pubic area
Hip become wider Body becomes more muscular
Uterus and vagina become larger Penis become larger
Ovaries starts to release eggs(period begins) Testes starts to produce sperm


1. When do we usually observe the changes listed above for male and females?

-prior to 8 years of age in girls and 9 years of age in boys and considered delayed when such changes do not
occur prior to 13 years of age in girls and 14 years of age in boys.

2. Where you able to experience the same changes? When?

Yes, when I was at the age of 12

3. If you were not able to experience the above changes, what might have cause such difference?

-I think it’s the delayed of occurrence of biological changes.

4. How does the society shape the sexual behavior of an individual?

- Society shapes the sexual behavior of an individual by being a great influence of what this certain individual
sees, hears and how society treats him/her.

5. Can we really change our natural or innate sexual organ and sexual response? Yes/No support your answer.

-I believe that our natural or innate organs can be changed, well at least in appearance. Those who want to
physically switched genders can go through an existing medical procedure today if they can afford it. The sexual
response is slightly different, we could say that it is baked into the person right from birth. It is neither he nor she
is attracted to the opposite or the same sex or both. This of course will depend on whether there is a change in
the brain that causes a person to switch hi/her sexual preference.
Activity 1

Film viewing (Miracle of Life)

Make a reflection paper



People do all sorts of things to get attention. Why? It may be the last thing on his mind, but this man's body is
working toward this. Whether we're thinking about it or not, our bodies want to make babies. And our bodies are
very good at it. Around the world about 365,000 new babies get made every day.

But as ordinary as it seems, creating a new human being is no simple feat. Just think of it. No matter who you are,
once upon a time you looked like this. From a single cell you built a body that has one hundred trillion cells. You
made hundreds of different kinds of tissues and dozens of organs, including a brain that allows you to do
remarkable things. How did you do it?

How life arose is a question that is fundamental to both philosophy and science. Responses to it enable one, in
turn, to answer such questions as, “Who am I?”, “Why am I here?”, “How am I created?” and “How do I make sense
of this world?” This secondary set of questions can be answered in a myriad of ways for a variety of reasons, but
the answer to the first question has only two responses. As Douglas Futuyuma says, “Creation and evolution,
between them, exhaust the possible explanations for the origin of living things”. The possibility that perhaps the
origin of life cannot be explained by a natural mechanism is ignored, and this is disturbing. For if we limit what
explanations we are willing to accept for the origin of life, we could be closing our eyes to reality.

The video, “Miracles of Life”, explains in detail how a human is born from the start. All organisms contain genes,
DNA, and cells and are able to reproduce. In order for a baby to be born, a male gamete meets with the female
gamete and this is called fertilization. This is the first step leading to the birth of a baby.

The video is prepared not only to show the wonders of prenatal development but also to prove the marvels of life
itself. Remarkably beautiful, the “Miracles of Life” records human conception and much more. Living and
functioning reproductive systems are shown in the video, and there is so much to explore and absorb. I followed
the short journey of millions of sperm as they develop and strive mightily to reach the egg. And I noticed that there
isn't a guy in the room who can watch footage without squirming! Likewise, magnification of up to half a million
times the actual size allowed me to see the egg from its development in an ovary, through the delicate fallopian
tube for fertilization, and on to the uterus for growth and eventual birth.

Your Precious Baby's Life Began At The Moment of Conception! Conception is the moment at which the sperm
penetrates the ovum. Once fertilized, he or she is called a zygote at this stage, until reaching the uterus 3-4 days
later. Fertilization: The sperm and egg join in the fallopian tube to form a unique human being. Forty-six
chromosomes combine, which predetermine all of a person's physical characteristics.

Conception, the beginning of life, takes place when one sperm cell from the male partner fertilizes one ovum (egg)
from the female partner and becomes an embryo. This occurs in one of the woman's Fallopian tubes and provided
the embryo is then transported to the uterus for implantation, pregnancy begins. It may sound simple and
straightforward but the process demands fine and delicate biological tuning.An ovum needs to be regularly
released each month from the ovary, a process that can only proceed if a complicated cascade of hormonal events
takes place without interference. This egg then needs to be able to move freely along an unblocked Fallopian tube
where it can be fertilized by a sperm and then reach the womb.The sperm have to be healthy, motile and
numerous, although only one will ultimately penetrate the egg and form an embryo with it. Then the lining of the
womb must also be receptive to this embryo so that it can embed itself within it and begin to produce the
hormones necessary to maintain the pregnancy thereafter. Any one of these sensitive but essential components of
fertility can easily be upset by a number of unfavourable factors. Many, however, are within your control.

I have never thought about what an absolute miracle my life is. I can’t imagine how I came to be. Out of thousands
of eggs and millions of sperm, one egg and one sperm united to produce me. Had the union of sperm and egg come
a day or even a month earlier or later, I might have been very different, maybe the opposite sex or with curly hair
or longer legs. The exact person that I am, born to my parents, on the date and time I was born, with the DNA
structure I have has about a 1:400,000,000,000 (one in 400 billion) chance of existing. If I don’t call that miraculous,
then I don’t know what that is!

The film has shown me something profoundly beautiful and yet has left its fundamental mystery intact. The
“Miracles of Life” is exceptional and it is a documentary that can also be considered as art. Watching the video is
like having a journey as I witnessed the complex, mysterious way of life.

Activity 2

Are you in favor of legalizing marriage among homosexuals and transgender? Why?

No, because God created man as male and female and destined them for each other in a bodily way as well.
Christians owe all persons respect and love, however, regardless of their sexual orientation, because all people
are respected and loved by God.

Lesson 2: Material self

Activity Debit Card challenge


(B)-I will buy foods that I want (C)-dress,clothes

(B)-shoes,sandals (H)-appliances, materials in order to repair our house

(B)- i will buy medicines/vitamins. (H)-gadgets,desktop computer

(H)- I will buy painting/drawing materials (H)-pets,cats,dogs

(F)- I will also save money for the future (H)-bicycle or scooter

Answer the ff. questions

1. How do you feel as you do the debit card challenge? - I feel happy and ambitious

2. Which among the item in your list you like the most? Why? - gadgets, desktop computer because nowadays it
is very important and very useful especially for me as a student.

3. If ever you were given a chance in real life to have one among the list, which would you choose? Why?

- gadgets, desktop computer because nowadays it is very important and very useful especially for me as a

4.Does your choice different from what you answer in question number 2? Why or Why not? No, because it is what
I like and what I need .
Lets do this

Debit card challenge

1. Go back to your debit card challenge list. Put a mark on the left side of each time with the following categories

2. Answer the ff. questions.

 Which among of the categories you have the most in your list?
H- item related with home
 What do you think these things tell you about yourself?
It simply tells that I care about my family and our home. I want my parents to live a peaceful and happy
life so I will help to build my desired home for them.

Collage making

Research paper

Makes a research paper on the role of Filipino consumer culture to Filipino self and identity.

Consumer behavior has affected Filipinos' self identity.  Consumer behavior refers the study on how
people mentally, physically  or emotionally react or respond on different products and services.  Self-
identity refers to the overall perception of oneself in relation  to the society someone belongs to.

The  Filipino people's buying behavior has become highly dependent on  vanity and materialism
nowadays. This means that more people  would more likely buy products as long as these have higher
aesthetic  value and "better" than what others are using. An example of this phenomenon is  investing
more on top-rated yet very expensive gadgets as opposed  choosing more functional ones. People buy
products based on the physical  aspects and not by the content. Another example of this is parents opting
to buy formula  milk brand A because it is simply much more expensive than brand B when in fact the
nutritional  value of both is just the same. These characteristics of Filipino consumers lead to higher
spending on disposable income and not being able to save money anymore. Expensive products like  cars
and gadgets also need higher maintenance which means consumers end up spending even more  than
what they originally planned.

In my own opinion, Filipino consumers' buying habits have to be remodeled. I am also guilty of this

unhealthy behavior and I think people's perception on products have to change.
CHAPTER III. Managing and Caring for the self

Lesson 1: Learning to be a better person


1. Do you agree with the result of you MAI? Why? Or why not?

-not yet, i dont know why

sometimes i'll try my Brain to this apps
for reviwing my old past studying
2. Make a list of you “top 5 tips/secrets for studying” based on your personal experiences preferences

1. I pick a best place and time to study

2. I plan my time

3. Review and revise

4. Taking breaks/ taking naps

5. Stay motivated

3. Does your MAI result consistent with your personal Top 5 tips/secrets for studying?


Application and assessment

Create a diagram or schedule using at least five of the metacognition strategies skills, and studying techniques
mentioned in this lesson on how you would prepare for the next seven days before your final examination.

Physical self care

Answer the following:

1. Are you getting enough face-to-face time with your friends? No/yes support your answer.

-No, because I am kind of introvert person and prefer to stay in house instead of going outside and also because
of the pandemic nowadays. We can’t be able to see each other face to face .

2. What are you doing to nurture your relationships with friends and family?

-sometimes i spend time talking to them, chatting my friends and keeping in touch with them.
Mental self care

Answer the following:

1. Are you making enough time for activities that mentally stimulate you?-Yes sometimes

2. Are you doing proactive things to help you stay mentally healthy?- Yes sometimes

Spiritual self care

Answer the ff.:

1. What question do you ask yourself about your life and experience?

- How is your life now?, Are you feeling at peace in your life?, How did you overcome those struggles and
challenges in your life?

2. Are you engaging in spiritual practices that you find fulfilling? Yes/No support your answer

- Yes , every Sunday and Wednesday I go to church and every Saturday I practiced choir in church.

Emotional self care

1. Do you have healthy ways to process your emotions? Yes

2. Do you incorporate activities into your life that help you feel recharged? Yes

Lets do this:

Create/develop your self plan


5-10-20 selfie

1. Five years from now

2. Ten years from now

3. Twenty years from now

Analysis Envisioned Self Plan

1. Who are you and what would you become:

a. In five years

-I have a stable job and working on an office.

b. In ten years

-I’m getting married and decide to start my own family.

c. In twenty years

- I’m living happily together with my husband and our children.

2. What are your motivations for your envisioned self

a. In five years

 - Achievement drive, or the personal drive to achieve, improve, and meet certain standards;
 Initiative, or the “readiness to act on opportunities”

b. In ten years

 - Commitment to my own personal goals;

c. In twenty years

- God-centered family

-faith and love

3.How do you feel after doing this exercise? -I feel hopeful and motivated.

4. What is your perception on goal setting? -Goal setting is the pillar to a successful life, every great and well doing
individuals in the society has set up his goals in the right direction.
Goals setting is an indicator or a pointer to a successful and great achievements in life.
Without setting up your goals in life, you will be like a man without direction.

Application and Assessment

1. According to Bandura, there are four main sources of self-efficacy beliefs:
Mastery experiences;
Vicarious experiences;
Verbal persuasion;
Emotional and physiological states 
According to Locke and Latham, there are five goal setting principles that can improve our chances of success:
Task complexity.
Dweck’s Mindset Theory proposes that people hold different beliefs about whether people can or cannot change basic
psychological attributes, such as their intelligence or personality.

3. Goal Setting Theory

4.Dream Board

Lesson 2: Taking charge of one’s health

Application and assessment:

1. Reaction paper


By : Michael l. Tan
THESE are certainly not the best of times for Filipinos, so it's not
surprising that we're pretty much feeling more than the usual physical
aches and pains. Sure, Filipinos are resilient, but as popular medical
anthropologist Michael Tan points out in the latest i Report feature
as part of our series tackling health, this doesn't necessarily mean
we don't feel stressed.

In fact, it may be one of the reasons why heart disease and strokes
are among the top causes of death in this country. Tan says it could
also be a cause of bangungot, that notorious phenomenon that has had
Filipino men, many of them in their prime, dying in their sleep from
supposed nightmares.

An astute observer of Filipino culture, Tan says while solitude

stresses us out, so do the demands of family, although our kin also
happens to be one of our major source of happiness. We are sensitive
to smells, but not so much to noise (unless perhaps it happens to be a
barrage of rumors about us). As Tan notes, "stressors are not
universal." What could be soothing to a foreigner (silence, for
example) could drive us up the wall, and vice versa.

Yet, Tan says, "(not) enough's being done to understanding stress in

its local context, yet stress is mediated through culture: from the
very nature of the stressors, to the ways we respond to the stress.
Understanding this local context might help us develop more culturally
appropriate, and therefore more effective, ways to deal with stress."

I stumbled upon Mr. Michael L. Tan’s article Stress and the Filipino at Dr. Tan is a medical
anthropologist and professor at the University of the Philippines. In this article, he laid out cultural and social facts
and analyses in regard to stress among Filipinos.
He said that we’re already in the epidemic stage of stress-related illnesses and little is done to tackle stress. He
pointed out intentionally using the word “tackle” rather than “treat” because there is a tendency to medicalize
stress, to look for drug treatments that could lead to new dependencies.
Nevertheless, Dr. Tan has proposed a number of solutions we already have in culture which I believe would help
mitigate the ill effects of stress among Filipinos. These are the following (paraphrased or directly quoted from Dr.
*Utilize community health workers for mental health.
Given some training, they can learn to help their barangay residents with stress. That includes essentials about
counseling, for example, not resorting to that notorious “sulsol”.
*Cognitive restructuring.
Help patients to take on new lenses as they revisit their problems. Instead of wallowing in self-pity as a victim,
cognitive restructuring helps people regain some sense of control.
*Taking control of one’s own body, and the failing spirit.
We have that in our folk therapies — note how, in bangungot (can be very loosely translated to sleep or better yet,
nightmare that results to death), we’re supposed to try to move a finger, a toe, any part of the body. It’s not a
symbolic act; it actually means taking control. It’s a powerful metaphor that can be used to explain other stress-
related ailments and syndromes.
Dr. Tan describes Filipinos as “a very olfactory people”.Since most imported aromatic oils are expensive, it’s best to
use local plants. Some of the most expensive aromatic oils are extracted from local plants we take for granted, like
*Hilot (traditional/village masseur-healer).
Many traditional therapies can be channeled toward stress management. The manghihilot can be “reinvented” so
his or her skills with therapeutic massage can be applied not just for sprains, but also for broken hearts and weary
*Community action.
Communities should be urged to create their own safe spaces where people can seek some refuge. Filipino-style,
such spaces need not be totally quiet, but they do need to give some sense of safety, of sanity in a mad world.
Filipino-style, too, we need to think of how these therapeutic spaces might work out as places where people can
engage in social activities, without becoming more agitated. Alternatives could be offered: gardening, cross-
stitching, bingo…anything that calms the mind. You don’t need to be in the lotus position to meditate.
Similar to Dr. Tan’s conclusion, I strongly believe as well that stress management or mitigation is a matter of
perspective – allowing people to realize that yes, the world and life itself is stressful but we can provide people with
thoughts or activities that would somehow rejuvenate and stimulate them to face life’s daily challenges with more

3. Self-care Plan

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