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Prodi / NIM : Teknik Industri / 22440410033.

1.Read the following long conversation and choose the appropriate word tocomplete the passage.

The Agony of a Middle-Aged Salaryman

President: Yes, Mr. Tanaka, I understand you want to see me about something. howcan I (1. help)
you?. Tanaka: My manager has told me that I am to be (2. transferred) from theaccounting section to a
job with no (3. responsibility) in the postal
section. President: Yes, that’s right. So what’s your problem? Tanaka: Well, I expected to be promoted a
fter my 20 years of (4. loyal) service tothe company. But this job seems to be a demotion for me, not a
promotion. President: The fact is, Tanaka, that we’re at the end of the financial year and you stillhaven’t
completed the accounts for your section. They should have been ready for thecompany (5. balance)
sheet at least ten days ago. Tanaka : I have been working overtime every night for the past two
weeks to try to getthe accounts done on time. President: That’s not good enough. You
were late with your accounts last year, too.You’re not quick enough. You just don’t have what it (6.
takes) to occupy a management position. I’m sorry. Tanaka: Then who is going to take my (7. place) in
the accounting department? President: I expect it will be young Kikuchi. He is very good with (8.
numbers) andhe’s quick, too. I understand he offered to help you with your accounts, but you said
youdidn’t need his assistance. Tanaka: That’s right. I had my pride. Of course he is quick because he (9.
works)everything out by computer. I do every thing in my
head. President: That’s why you’re so slow. Mr. Inoue, your manager, suggested that you(10. enroll) in a
computer course, but again you refused. Tanaka:
I hate computers. Our company has managed for 30 years without them, andwe can manage 30 MORE
years without them! President: can’t you see that the (11. corporate) system is changing in Japan
and it’schanging very quickly? Your desk is piled high with files, letters and various documents.But
there’s hardly any paper on young Kikuchi’s desk. Why? It’s because he’s filedeverything away on
computer disks. And what’s more, he can (12. retrieve) any piece of information he needs in
seconds. Tanaka: I’m sorry I’m not good with computers. I’ll try to do my best in the future if you allow
me to keep my job. After all, I’m (13. due) to retire in eight years. Can’t I stayon in the accounting section
until then

President: I’m afraid not. I’d like to explain another change to you. Up until now, our company has been
profitable every year. Last year was the first time that we operated(14. at loss). With the current (15.
depreciation) of the dollar against the yen, we expectto lose even more money next year, as our
company depends on exports

Tanaka: Yes, but how does that (16. concern) me? President: It means that we have to reduce our staff
and cut down on salaries and bonuses.Of course, your take-home pay will be less now. But in these hard
times, we all have tomake (17. sacrifices). But now that I think about it, there may be another way out in
your case. Tanaka: What’s that? President: I think we can give you the (18. option) of early
retirement. Tanaka: I could not probably accept that. I just couldn’t President: Why not? It’s very comm
on these days. You should think about it. You’realmost 50 years old now. We could give you a (19. lump)
sum of money instead of a pension, so that you could enjoy your leisure time. You could play a lot of
golf.Tanaka: I don’t play golf. And besides that, my wife would be very angry. We
haven’t been very happy together recently. If I were to hang around the house all day long withnothing
to do, she might divorce me. Since the children left home, she’s threatened to dothat several times. And
in a way, I blame this company for the sad state of my
marriedlife. President. But we’ve treated you very well. Your pay and bonuses have been higher than
average for somebody your age. Tanaka: Yes, I earned it by working late every night. I’ve only taken a
few days ( ) during the last ten years, although I was entitled to more. In other words, time that
Ishould have spent with my family, I spent working in this office!

II. In my opinion, from the conversation above, if I side with the company, I really understand what the
company is experiencing, especially in the current era, many competitors are increasingly coming, it's no
wonder that a company will lay off workers suddenly, not without reason, that's the company's system if
a company experience a loss and the only way to cover the loss is by laying off workers, the company
will do that regardless of the status of the old worker or the power of the worker in a company. Thus, if
Mr. Tanaka argues that he has contributed a lot to the company, it will not change the company's
mind. . Meanwhile, if I am on the part of the workers, I will protest to defend my position or even ask for
a promotion with the motive that I have already contributed to a company that prioritizes the company
over the family, so Mr. Tanaka should deserve to remain in the company or be promoted, in everyone's
work definitely think about future career paths, one of which is by becoming a permanent employee or
moving up to a higher position, the same is the case with Mr. Tanaka, with a high work ethic, Mr. Tanaka
really deserves these benefits too. It can benefit the company not to look for new workers who also
require costs. and a long time. In conclusion, both have advantages and disadvantages depending on
how we take the situation.

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