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Vocabulary List #1 Name_________________________

1.) Accord Noun agreement, conformity

2.) Affable Adjective being pleasant and at ease in talking to others.

3.) Ambivalence Noun simultaneous and contradictory attitudes or feelings (as attraction and
repulsion) toward an object , person, or action.

4.) Animosity Noun ill will or resentment tending toward active hostility; an
antagonistic attitude.

5.) Autonomy Noun quality or state of being self-governing; the right of self-

6.) Benign Adjective of a mild type or character that does not threaten health or life;
having no significant effect.

7.) Bustle Noun noisy, energetic, and often obtrusive activity.

8.) Caustic Adjective capable of destroying or eating away by chemical action;


9.) Convoluted Adjective involved, intricate.

10.) Culpable adjective meriting condemnation, especially as wrong or harmful;

Vocabulary List #1

11.) Debase Verb to lower in status, esteem, quality, or character.

12.) Defunct Adjective no longer living, existing, or functioning.

13.) Effrontery Noun shameless, boldness, temerity.

14.) Embroil Verb to throw into disorder or confusion; to involve in conflict or difficulties.

15.) Flamboyant Adjective marked by or given to strikingly elaborate or colorful display or behavior.

16.) Fluency Noun the quality or state of being capable of moving with ease and grace;
effortlessly and smoothly.

17.) Furtive Adjective done by stealth; obtained underhandedly; secretive.

18.) Hackneyed Adjective lacking in freshness or originality; trite.

19.) Hermetic Adjective impervious to external influence; reclusive; solitary.

20.) Ignominy Noun deep, personal humiliation and disgrace; disgraceful or dishonorable
conduct, quality, or action.

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