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The advancement of science has brought us so far from the primordial days when we use to survive

through basic tools like stones and sticks to this luxurious comfort rich era. It has fundamentally changed
our lifestyle from survival oriented to self imploring and life exploring

Science and technology is a double edged sword that in the past has proved to bring both begin and
detrimental consequences to both nature and humankind as well, so it becomes imperative we use it
for the overall wellbeing of our community and environment.

The recent emphasized focus on research and development in Technology has enabled it to connect the
human race like never before in history through the internet and transportation and helped create the
world a global community or village.

Science has provided us with the cure of various deadly diseases that caused epidemic and pandemics
saving countless innocent lives since time immemorial.

It has also gifted us with ingenious inventions like electricity and mechanics that have made our lives
easier , more comfortable and secure giving us more free time in our hands to explore different
dimension of life that is creativity and imploration.

But this progress brought with it its own plate of problems, like the development of hi tech weaponry of
various kinds be it explosives or biological warfare in the pretext of self defence has resulted in
detrimental consequences like terrorism and frequent wars between nations.

One may observe a recent trend of space exploration undertaken by several nations and agencies
utilizing enormous volumes of funds which could have been put to more sustainable and practical uses
for society.

Most often people attempt to understand the mysteries of life and nature through science but this is a
misconception since science tries to understand its subject by dissecting and analyzing each aspect
individually and this process has limited scope and can never comprehend the wholeness of life in its
entirety . Therefore science should be solely utilized for the purpose of making life easier and finding
solutions to problems and challenges.

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