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Field Study 1 Episode 6

Daniel T. Soriano


Classroom Routines Observed (✔) ✖️)

Not Observed (

1.Movement into the classroom ✔

2.Transition in classroom activities ✔

3.Movement out of the classroom ✔

4.Use of lavatories/comfort room ✔


5.Passing of papers ✔

6. Passing of books ✖️
7. Working with pairs/groups ✔

8. Tardy students ✔

9. Absent students ✔

10. Submission/Collection of materials ✔

11. Submission of projects ✔

12. Asking questions during lessons ✔

13. Asking for assistance ✔

14. Joining classroom activities ✔

15. Lining up ✔

16. Walking in line ✔

17. Fire drill/emergencies ✖️

18. Movement between activities ✔

19. Use of classroom supplies ✔

20. Checking of assignments ✔


1. Were the routines effective in ensuring discipline and order in the class? Why?

Why not?

- Processes' effectiveness in establishing classroom discipline and order is

determined by a variety of criteria, including the clarity of instructions, the

regularity of enforcement, and student engagement. Routines that are clearly

stated, consistently reinforced, and actively involve students in preserving order

are more effective.

2. Which of those routines were systematic and consistently implemented? Explain

your answer.

- Procedures must be implemented in a methodical manner in order to function

well. Routines that are constantly followed and have a defined framework are

more likely to foster a healthy school climate. When teachers adopt routines

methodically, students know what to expect, resulting in a smoother flow of

activities and greater predictability.


1. Which of the routines will you most likely apply in your class? Why? Why not?

- An organized and cheerful start to the day can make children feel more calm,

focused, and prepared to participate in learning activities. Morning routines

frequently involve activities like a morning meeting, brief conversations, or a

review of the day's plan, which promote a feeling of community and prepare

students for the day ahead. This practice promotes a sense of routine and

predictability, which can contribute to a healthy school environment.


Classroom Rules Importance

1. E.g. Read directions well. Ensures less error in answering the activity.

2. Requesting approval for a personal This rule is important to follow since it reduces
need disruptions for personal needs while maintaining a
focused and productive learning environment.

3. If someone is speaking in front of This guideline is essential for effective

you, no one should speak. If you have communication and courteous classroom behavior.
a question, raise your hand. It encourages active attention and minimizes
distractions during class debates or presentations.

4. Before and after using the room, This rule proves essential for keeping a clean and
clean it. organized learning environment. It instills in
students a sense of responsibility and adds to a
positive and clean learning environment.

5. Always wear the proper uniform. Following the dress code is important for
developing a sense of community and discipline in
the classroom. It also helps to reduce distractions,
keeping the focus on academic activity.


1. Analyze each given rule. What circumstances led to the formulation of the rule?

- The significance of evaluating any rule stems from understanding the precise

conditions that caused its formation. By looking into the history and context of

each rule, educators can acquire insights into the specific obstacles or issues

they hope to address in the classroom.

2. Are classroom rules really important?

- Yes, following classroom norms is crucial. They offer a well-organized and

comfortable learning setting that promotes a good rapport between teachers and

students. Well-defined rules support respect, uphold order, and improve the

overall efficacy of the educational process.


1. Reflect on the various classroom rules set by the resource Teacher. Will you have

the same rules? What rules are you going to employ? Explain your answer.

- Developing a welcoming and inclusive learning atmosphere would be my top

priority when developing rules for the classroom. I would enact regulations that

uphold students' rights to respect, cooperation, and active engagement while

highlighting the significance of candid communication and understanding

between peers.

Show your Learning Artifacts

Link Theory to Practice

1. A

2. A

3. A

4. D

5. D

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