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By: Remanente, Jerome Patrick A.

10 - Rubin
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What is it?
Anesthesia shields patients from discomfort during
procedures like surgery, some diagnostic and screening tests,
the removal of tissue sample and dental work.

It enables patients to undergo surgeries that improve their

health and lengthen their lives
Timeline of A
Anesthesia of Early
(2300 BC - 1200)

Opium Era
(1200 – 1845)
Development of the
First Anesthesia

Discovery of (1846)
First Anesthetic

Use of Pentothal or (1848)
sodium thiopentone

Addition of
The disappearance of
ether and chloroform

(1950) Establishment of the
Department of Anesthesia at
Creation of Harvard Medical School

Remimazolam (1969)

R.X. Remanente
Saytek Pharmacy
R.X. Remanente
Saytek Pharmacy

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R.X. Remanente
Saytek Pharmacy

Anesthesia of Early
(2300 BC - 1200)

Early anesthesia can be

traced back to ancient times
(Babylonians, Greeks,
Chinese and Incas). The
concept of painkillers was
formed back in early human
R.X. Remanente
Saytek Pharmacy

Opium Era
(1200 – 1845)
Opium has been known for centuries to
relieve pain and its use for surgical
analgesia has been recorded for several
centuries as noted above.

Over the past two centuries, opium and

its derivatives have emerged as the most
effective analgesics for postoperative
pain relief
R.X. Remanente
Saytek Pharmacy
Development of the
First Anesthesia
On 16 October 1846, Dr William Morton gave the first
public demonstration of ether anesthesia in Boston.
Modern medicine would not be possible without
anesthesia. An early form of anesthesia was first used at
Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston by dentist
William T.G. Morton and surgeon John Warren on October
16, 1846.

One name stands out amongst all others when the

founder of modern anesthesia is discussed, William T.G.
Morton. A young Boston Dentist, Dr. Morton had been in
the search for a better agent than what had been used by
many dentists: nitrous oxide. (Toledo 2012)
R.X. Remanente
Saytek Pharmacy

Discovery of Chloroform
Professor James Young Simpson of
Edinburgh introduced chloroform in
1847. Which will take effect after it
gets into the body either inhalation
or ingestion.
R.X. Remanente
Saytek Pharmacy

First Anesthetic Death

He also described the first anesthetic death in
1848, the patient being a young girl named
Hannah Greener. She was the first of many who
suffered sudden heart failure under chloroform.

In London, John Snow led the way in analyzing

complications after anesthesia and surgery, with
a careful evaluation of postoperative deaths. He
attempted to modify his practice by referring to
what he had learned from previous cases.
R.X. Remanente
Saytek Pharmacy

Use of Pentothal or
sodium thiopentone
General anesthesia became more
pleasant for patients when pentothal or
sodium thiopentone came into use in the
late 1930’s.

In an effort to produce a "painless

execution," sodium pentothal was
R.X. Remanente
Saytek Pharmacy

Addition of Curare
Muscle relaxation using curare
was first demonstrated in
humans in Montreal in 1942,
allowing a lighter depth of
general anesthesia than had
previously been possible.
R.X. Remanente
Saytek Pharmacy

The disappearance of ether and

The investigation of halogenated hydrocarbons as nonflammable,
highly potent anesthetic agents resulted in the introduction of
halothane and the disappearance of ether and chloroform from most
operating rooms.

In 1947, Ralph Waters attempted to reactivate chloroform, but failed.

Possibly as a result of these efforts, however, chloroform played a
role in American publications longer than elsewhere. (Wawersik 1997)

After the invention of safer, more efficient inhalation anesthetics,

the usage of ether and chloroform decreased, and they are no longer
utilized in modern surgery.
R.X. Remanente
Saytek Pharmacy

Establishment of the
Department of Anesthesia at
Harvard Medical School
Establishment of the Department of Anesthesia at
Harvard Medical School. The first academic
departments of anesthesia were established in the
United States at the University of Wisconsin.

Harvard Medical School decided it was time to

establish a department of anesthesia, in 1969. We
examine the forces on both sides of the issue, for and
against, and how they played out in the late 1960s.
(Mizrahi and Desai 2016)
R.X. Remanente
Saytek Pharmacy

Creation of Remimazolam
With Remimazolam is the newest
benzodiazepine and possesses the properties of
a combination of two existing drugs used in
anesthesia: midazolam and remifentanil, was
created in August last year
(Hu Q et. Al 2022)

Remimazolam is an ultra short-acting

benzodiazepine used for the induction and
maintenence of procedural sedation during
short procedures.
R.X. Remanente
Saytek Pharmacy

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