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F: GD (10) Known Powers

Optic Blasts: Scott can generate Monstrous intensity

A: GD (10) blasts from his eyes. He gains a +2CS to his Agility to hit
S: TY (6) with them. He can take a –2CS to accuracy and -1 CS to
damage for each target after the first (-1 for the second
E: EX (20) target, -2 for third, etc) to hit up to five targets by banking
R: GD (10) his shots off each other. He can also gain a further +2CS to
accuracy but –3CS to damage by using a wider beam. He
I: EX (20) cannot use these at the same time.

P: EX (20) Limit: When he was young a brain injury caused damage

that prevents him from controlling his powers on his own.
Day to day he wears ruby quartz glasses that suppress his
Health: 46 power and in training or on a mission, he uses a special
visor that Xavier made, allowing him to open or close and
Karma: 50 aperture to fire simply by thought.
Initiative: +4 Talents: Martial Arts A, B, Pilot, Leadership

Defense: -1 Contacts: Scott is a teenager and does not really know an-
Resources: PR (4) yone outside of the school.

Popularity: 10 Cyclops Backround: When Scott was 9, he and his family were on
their way to see his grandparents on one of the family
Real Name: Scott Summers
planes. They accidentally spotted a Shi’ar vessel which
Other Aliases: none
then pursued them. His father Christopher had his wife
Base of Operations: Xavier Academy
give Scott a parachute to take he and his brother to safety.
Occupation: Hero, Student
With no time to put it on properly, the boys found them-
selves in freefall. For the first time his power’s manifested
and he used his blasts to slow their fall, but not enough to
prevent his being injured on impact.
The boys were separated when Alex was put into foster
care. The Essex foundation kept Scott, as it was actually
bent toward exploiting mutants. At thirteen, fed up with
his treatment, Scott escaped. He hoped to live with Alex
and his foster family, only to find the father was abusive.
He grabbed his little brother and dragged him away.
On the run, pursued by the authorities and the Essex
foundation, the next month was hard for both boys. The
police caught up to them but they were rescued by
Banshee, who took them to Xavier’s school.
In training Scott proved himself a capable leader. At sev-
enteen he now leads the Blue Squad of X-Men along
with his brother and the other second generation of stu-
dents and trying to be an example to the younger ones.

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