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A New Leadership At Marigondon Elementary School Takes Over

At Marigondon Elementary School, a new era has begun with the arrival of the newly appointed
principal and assistant principal on June 20, 2023, marking an essential phase towards forming the
school's future. The renowned school heads, who are recognized for their dedication to student growth
and academic success, are poised to take the school to new heights.

As the new principal of Marigondon Elementary School, Mrs. Marichu Ligan brings a wealth of
experience in education leadership along with a strong commitment to creating a stimulating learning
environment. Mrs. Ligan's breadth of expertise from her time working at Lapu-Lapu City Central School
will undoubtedly benefit the faculty and students.

Mrs. Milagros Echavez becomes the assistant principal, bringing significant experience to the
school's administration. Having demonstrated success in _____________, Mrs. Echavez is keen to
support the school's achievements.

Under the skillful direction of our Principal Mrs. Marichu Ligan and Assistant Principal Mrs.
Milagros Echavez, the academic community at Marigondon Elementary School bids adieu to the past
and welcomes the future. Together, they will begin on a journey of development, innovation, and
sustained greatness. With a shared dedication to developing the next generation of leaders and
learners, the school is ready for an exciting new chapter.

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