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How do we select the optimal orbit for launching a module( Chandrayan Or Aditya)
2. Why it took 40 days to reach the lunar surface
3. Lagrange point is a point where sun and earth gravitational forces are equal. How did we
arrive at this conclusion
4. Rocket fuel we use- will it be different for different missions?
5. How come our ancestors precisely calculated the full moon, new moon and eclipse timings
without any equipment
6. How much percentages of solar energy is utilized for chadrayan-3?
7. What is latest technology used for transmitting signals from chandrayan-3?
8. What are the key materials and technologies used to reduce weight of Rover?
9. Why it is so challenging to land chandrayan -3 in south -pole compared to north-pole?
10. What is the target to achieve for next Chandrayan project?
11. Whether the driving program of Rovar is fully automated or partially controlled by ISRO?
12. If Rover is controlled from earth, then how much time, a signal takes to reach the Rover?
13. What are issues absorbed in Chandran -3 project?
14. How Chandrayan and Adithya helps human life?
15. What are the projects going on next to chandrayan and Adithya?
16. What technologies have been used in this mission?
17. What is special about the Moon's south pole why its specially land on that pole?
18. What tests were carried out to examine the technologies used in the making of Chandrayaan
19. What are the key aspects of Chandryaan 3?
20. What has ISRO learned from failure of Chandrayaan-2?
21. How is Chandrayaan 3 Different from Chandrayaan 2
22. What technological advancements or innovations were incorporated into Chandrayaan 3
compared to previous missions?
23. How do you manage communication and data transmission with the spacecraft when it is on
the lunar surface?
24. What were the primary scientific goals of Chandrayaan 3, and how did they contribute to our
understanding of the Moon?
25. What safety measures were put in place to ensure the successful landing and operation of
the spacecraft on the Moon?
26. Can you discuss the data collection and analysis process, particularly regarding lunar samples
and surface conditions?
27. What are the key differences in conducting lunar missions as compared to missions to other
celestial bodies like Mars?
28. How do you address the logistical and operational challenges of conducting space missions
with limited resources and tight schedules?
29. What's next for Chandrayaan-3?
30. Is it possible to wake-up Vikram lander and Pragyan rover again?
31. Did ISRO lost its communication with Chandrayan?
32. What made the Chandrayan to land successfully in the moon, while others countries are

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