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In this days and ages, the more devoloping science and technology are,the more advanced people’s lfe
become.Besides accomodation and clothes,food is the essential things that can’t lack in our life.So
that,the health is the issue that plently of people care about.Therefore,I totally disagree with the
opinion: “people mind about the produces’s prices than it progress”

Nowsaday,the people’s demand is higher,it’s similar with most of the factory want to meet these
demand.To make more profit,some fatory are not afair of making the products with dirty equipments
and substandard.This inhumance works have effected to many people health.Therefore,more and more
people take care of the food process because of following reasons:To begin with,despite of expensive
prices,consumers can gain the freshness,qualification and healthy products.Morever,nutrients is one of
an esential element for body,it will be retained if produced using modern and clean production
lines.Last but not least,the qualification of food is also depends on the factory and origin.For
example,the imported fruits from Indian or another country are better than the chinese ones.

On the other hands,there are two main disadvantages and advantages of costly foods.First of all,people
can easy to buy several type of fruits or with more amounts.Secondly,cheap foods can make chances for
sellers to approach more products and consumers can purchase everywhere because of the common
prices.However, “Quality often matters more than quantity”,the more produces,the low quafication are-
People can use the healthy and fresh foods,many products were contaminated with bacteria and
chemicals, and improperly packaged because why?-To make more profit and meet the consumtion’s
demand,some factory use the dirty lines or substandard origins.

Taking all things into consideration, there is amount of reasons why. People choose food. But in general,
they choose foodby two criteria: price and quality.

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