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Full name: Vo Lam Chi Cuong

Class: 12A4
(Unit 3 – Writing)
Topic: Write an essay of about 180-200 words about the
advantages and disadvantages of consuming organic food or
the pros and cons of solar energy.

Nowadays, the issue of food safety and hygiene is of concern to everyone. They
always want to choose organic, clean, and healthy foods. However, besides the
benefits, there are also disadvantages to organic foods.
One of the benefits of organic food that everyone considers essential for people
to choose is that organic food is very good for health, very clean, and rarely uses
harmful chemicals. pesticides. Therefore, consumers can use it with peace of
mind without any further doubts. Besides, the production of organic products
includes environmentally friendly farming methods. Therefore, farmers not only
save a certain amount of money but serious soil and water pollution is also
reduced and improved.
On the other hand, the fact that they have many healthy nutrients means that the
price of organic foods is very expensive. This is because consumer demand is
high, so their production must also be high. These foods are all made entirely
from the manual labor of farmers, without the use of chemicals, so it will take a
lot of time. And one more thing is that organic foods, due to the lack of
chemicals, have a short shelf life despite being clean and good for health.
Therefore, if not consumed promptly, a lot of organic food will be wasted.
In short, consuming organic food brings many benefits, but the disadvantages of
high prices and scarce supply make it less popular with conventional

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