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Topic A great photos

Why do some people always take bad photos?
Người A muốn người B chụp ảnh cho mình
A: what a beautiful place! hey B, can you take photos for me?
B: okay , make a pose ( give me fashion cũng là tạo sáng nma ko bic đúng ko:)))))
Rồi tạo dáng hoa hậu bụp, bụp…
A: let me see the Picture!
B: here, is it beautiful?
A: OMG! How Can you take a picture like that?
So freaking ugly, you took a picture of me looking like a monster on the hill
Urgh, let me do it myself, I should rethink our friendship
B: what ??????
Người B sẽ là người nói tiếp: So that is the reason i used to ask myself
Why my pictures are always disparaging?
Recently, I’ve recognized that It's not necessarily that people always take bad
photos, but rather that some photos may not turn out the way we intended them to
for a variety of reasons
 Here are a few possible factors that can directly affect the quality of photos:
+Fistly, you must note to the composition, complete composition will make the
photo look eye-catching… You don't want to look at a photo that looks messy,
+ Secondly, You have to adjust the light accordingly, so that the picture is in
harmony, creating sharpness for the photo
(đưa hai bức ảnh độ sáng đẹp và xấu để thấy sự khác biệt)
This is and two photos that show the importance of light in photography
+ Next, The focus point is the place that attracts the viewer's eyes and is the
center of attention for the whole , make viewers notice the beauty you want to
+ Catching a good moment is also an important thing,( này t bí ý quá)
+ A great photo is not only beautiful, but it also contains each person's story
which can be a beautiful memory or a milestone in your life, and those stories
can arouse people's emotions in viewers and realize the hidden beauty of each
=>And all of the factors work together can create the best picture than ever
But i think it still depends on the opinions of each other Everyone has a
different artistic eye, maybe many people find your photo beautiful, but there
are also many people who find it not.
Are there any tips?
 Taking a good photo is not too complicated but if you find it a bit difficult,
you can use these tips
+Use the rules of thirds: The rule of thirds is a composition guideline that
places your subject in the left or right third of an image, leaving the other two
thirds more open. While there are other forms of composition, the rule of thirds
generally leads to compelling and well-composed shots.
+Use natural light: you can enjoy the early morning sun, the street lamp or even
the red sun at sunset
+ Have a nice phone, sharp camera, high resolution
+ And today is the age of information technology, the world has created many
photo editing applications with features that help create beautiful photos more
+ Practice makes perfect: Practicing is not as hard as doing exercises every day,
but when you see something beautiful and apply what you have learned, take a
picture which can be a beautiful tree, blue sky, beautiful street, or even eye-
catching food. , and over time you'll see your shooting improve

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