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1. The invasion of Abyssinia was significant for Britain as its relations with Italy worsened, the
Anglo-German naval agreement ended, due to the Abyssinian crisis Italy become separated
from its Stresa partners and Britain was interested in promoting a settlement of this conflict to
safeguard Anglo-Italian ties and the balance of powers in Europe.

2. This cartoon conveys the message that Abyssinian emperor was unsatisfied with the
attitudes of both France and Britain, which were allowing Mussolini wishes. Moreover,
Mussolini dressed as a robber represents that why was taking Abyssinian territory without
reason/justification, he indeed does a crime by doing that.

3. Source A states that the first consequence of the crisis was an unexpected rally of the League
of Nations members, to create pressure on Italy and ultimately promote peace between Italy
and Abyssinia on terms according to the Covenant. It is further stated that Hoare-Laval pact
had several consequences for the League and it was a sign that Germany could advance
(without serious consequences). Moreover, it is described how German-Italian relationships
were developed positively around this period and how in Germany there was a constant attack
to the Franco-Russian Treaty. Source C agrees with Source A regarding the position of Britain
and France towards Italy, as both state that these countries did not act as they should against
Italy, instead there was an appeasement. However, Source C says that this happened due to the
other affairs both France and Britain were dealing at that time, while Source A gives the Hoare-
Laval Pact as the primary reason. Both Sources agree that the responses from the League of
the Nations encouraged Germany to move on with his expansionary policy. Moreover, Source
C, as Source A, also states the improvement in relationships between Italy and Germany.
Furthermore, both agree on the negative effect of the Hoare-Laval Pact inside the League.
While, Source A tells the desire of the League member in the fulfilment of the Covenant,
Source C does not agree by saying that the League powers were not prepared to enforce the

4. Source B:

1. Origin: …
2. Purpose: Historical-Politic view on the perspectives of Britain Foreign Secretary
regarding Abyssinian Crisis.
3. Values: He lived this crisis and participated in the discussions and negotiations, so has
direct access to all the information about this event.
4. Limitations: Secondary source, so he may have forgot some things with the time. May
retract the event in a favourable way regarding Britain. May only represent is own
view, not the one of Britain.

Source C:

1. Origin: …
2. Purpose: History book that provides an overview of significant historic events during
1870-1945, here providing an insight about the Abyssinian crisis.
3. Value: Being written in 1997, the authors have the possibility to provide a well-
rounded, well studied perspective.
4. Limitation: Being a book for students, it may oversimplify some events, moreover as it
covers several years of European History may provide insufficient information on the
Abyssinian Crisis.

4. Source A: Abyssinian Crisis motivated a rally from the members of the League to achieve
global piece. The Hoare-Laval pact impeded that, broke that unity that was present inside the
League and gave a signal for the Germans that they continue with their aggressive foreign
policy. The crisis also motivated a development of Italian-German relations.

Source B: The crisis highlighted not only the work, but also the limitations of the League of
Nations. There was a division inside the League regarding its purpose: ones saw it as a place to
solve discussions, others as an organization that should act seriously against law-breakers.
Britain tried to conciliate with Italy. The crisis highlighted that was needed a serious rebuilt of
the League.

Source C: Shows that Britain and France had other priorities rather than solving the Abyssinian
Crisis. The Hoare-Laval pact was generally considered as a bad move. The crisis revelated that
the Covenant was still not prepared to be enforced. And the League attitude towards this
conflict ultimately encouraged a development in the German-Italian relations.

Source D: Reflects that Britain and France were protecting Mussolini and were not ready to
take firm positions against other European countries.

Source E: The Crisis resulted in Italy becoming separated from its Stresa partners. Britain put
their interest, above the ones of the League, as it wanted to safeguard Anglo-Italian ties. The
crisis would most likely result in problems regarding the balance of power in Europe.

Your own knowledge: Although the Abyssinian Crisis was not the only factor representing the
failure of the League of Nations, highly represented its weaknesses and how it was not capable
of ensuring World Peace. The crisis resulted in a significant worsen of relations and many
divisions, that anticipate the near coming WW2.

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