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Date Planned : __ / __ / __ CBSE PATTERN Duration : 3 Hours

Actual Date of Attempt : __ / __ / __ Level - 0 Maximum Marks : 70

= 

= −
− −

=  − +

 


  
=   
 
 

 
=   +  =  + 
 


= + +
Level - 0 CBSE Pattern/Solutions

1. One wavelength (  ).

H O 16H
2.   4 or  H  4 O .
O H H

3. Number of beats produced per second,

b  3s 1  v1  v 2  b  3
4. The phenomenon of beats is used in tuning two musical instruments.
5. The principle of superposition of waves states that when a number of waves travel through a medium
simultaneously, the resultant displacement of any particle of the medium at any given time is equal to
the algebraic sum of the displacements due to the individual waves. Mathematically.
y1  y1  y2  y3  .....  yn .

6. The speed of a wave travelling on a string depends on

(i) the tension (T) in string and (ii) its mass per unit length (m)
7. 332 m/s, because pressure has no effect on the velocity of sound in air.
v  v2 256  260
8. Frequency of resultant sound, vav  1   258 Hz.
2 2
Number of beats heard in one second  260  256  4 .
9. (i) Transverse and longitudinal (ii) Longitudinal
(iii) Transverse and longitudinal (iv) Longitudinal
10. When the first tuning fork is excited, the vibrations of the air molecules are simple harmonic with
angular frequency   512  as is evident from the form of the equation, x  A cos(512t ). The linear
frequency of vibration of the first fork is n   / 2  512  / 2  256 Hz . The frequency of the 2nd tuning
fork before loading with wax was therefore 256 Hz. After loading with wax, its frequency is lowered.
Since the beat frequency is 4 Hz, its frequency (after loading) is 256 – 4 = 252 Hz.
11. Here true frequency of SONAR system v = 40.0 kHZ, speed of sound in water v = 1450 ms1, speed of
enemy submarine towards the SONAR v0  360 kmh 1  360  ms –1  100 ms –1
As the source is at rest and observer is in motion towards the source, apparent frequency received by
observer (enemy submarine) will be
v + v0 1450  100
v  .v   40.0 kHz  42.76 kHz
v 1450
Then the frequency is reflected by enemy submarine (which now behaves as source, moving with a
vs  100 ms1 ) and is observed by SONAR. Hence, frequency as felt by SONAR system
v 1450
v   .v    42.76 kHz  45.9 kHz .
v  vs 1450  100
12. After meeting the water surface, a portion of the wave is reflected back in air which then travels with
speed of 340 m/s, and another portion of wave is transmitted in water which then travels with speed of
1486 m/s. Also, when sound travels from one medium to another, its frequency remains unchanged.
speed of sound in air
Wavelength in air a 
Frequency of sound
340 m/s
  3.4  10 3 m
100 kHz
speed of sound in water
Wavelength in water w 
Frequency of sound
1486 m/s
  1.49  10 2 m
100 kHz
13. On comparing this displacement equation with, y( x , t )  a sin(kx  t )
(i) The amplitude of the wave is 0.005 m = 5 mm.
(ii) The angular wave number k and angular frequency  are k  80.0 m 1 and   3.0 s 1
We then relate the wavelength  to k through,   2 / k  7.85 cm
(iii) Now we relate T to  by the relation T  2  /   2.09s and frequency, v = 1/T = 0.48 Hz
14. This is a case of increase in apparent frequency due to the motion of the source. Since there are no beats,
the apparent frequency [v / (v  vs )]n of the whistle of A is the same as that of B so that we have,
[330 / (330  15)]  n  [330 / (330  30)]  600 so that n/315 = 600/300 from which n = 630 Hz.
15. Given equation of a travelling harmonic wave is
y( x , t )  2.0 cos 2(10t  0.0080 x  0.35) … (i)
The standard equation of travelling harmonic wave is
 2 2 
y( x , t )  A cos  t x  0  … (ii)
 T  
Comparing equation (i) and (ii), we get
 2  0.0080 cm 1 … (iii)

 2  10 and 0  0.35
We Know that phase difference   path difference … (iv)

(i) When path difference = 4m = 400 cm, then from (iv)
Phase difference   400

 2  0.0080  400 [by using (iii)]
 6.4  rad
(ii) When path difference = 0.5 m = 50 cm, then phase difference  2   0.0080  50  0.8 rad
 2 
(iii) When path difference  , then phase difference     rad
2  2
3 2 3 3  
(iv) When path difference  phase difference    rad     
4  4 2  2 

 cos(   )   cos   effective phase difference  rad
16. (i) When two sound waves of different frequency approach your ears, the alternating constructive
and destructive interference cause the sound to be alternatively soft and loud this phenomenon
which is called ‘beating’ or producing beat occurs. The beat frequency is equal to the absolute
value of the difference in frequency of the two waves.
(ii) Speed of source (whistle), vs  r   0.5  20  10 m/s

Actual frequency, v  385 Hz

Speed of sound, v  340 m/s
When the whistle (at point B) is moving towards the observer, then frequency
v 340
v  v   385  396.7 Hz
v  vs 340  10

17. y( x , t )  0.06 sin  cos120 t … (i)
(i) The displacement which involves harmonic functions of x and t separately represents a
stationary wave and the displacement, which is harmonic function of the form (vt  x ),
represents a travelling wave. Hence, the equation given above represents a stationary wave.
(ii) When a wave pulse y1  a sin (vt  x ) travelling along x-axis is superimposed by the reflected

y2   sin (vt  x ) from the other end, a stationary wave is formed and is given by

2 2
y  y1  y2  2a sin  cos vt … (ii)
 
Comparing the eqs. (i) and (ii) we have
2 2
 or   3m
 3
v  120  or v  60  60  3  180 m s 1

v 180
Now frequency v    60 Hz
 3
(iii) Velocity of transverse wave in a string is given by v 

3  10 2
Here,   2  10 2 kg m 1

Also, v  180 m s1  T  v 2  (180)2  2  102  648N

 
18. Here, y1  10 sin  3t  
 3 
 

 Amplitude of this wave is, A1  10 and y2  5[sin 3t  3 cos 3t ]

1 3     
 10  sin 3t  cos 3t   10 cos sin 3t  sin cos 3 t 
2 2   3 3 
 
 
 10 sin  3t    Amplitude of this wave is A2  10
 3 

A1 10
Their corresponding ratio is  1
A2 10

19. (i) The speed of sound in a gas is given by, v 

At constant temperature, PV  constant;  constant

Since m is constant, so  constant

i.e., when pressure changes, density also changes in the same ratio so that the factor

remains unchanged. Hence the pressure has no effect on the speed of sound in a gas for a given
(ii) We know that
PV  nRT or P 
P nRT RT
Also v  
 V M
Where M = molecular weight of the gas
As , R and M are constants, so v  T ,
i.e., velocity of sound in a gas is directly proportional to the square root of its temperature, hence
we conclude that the velocity of sound in air increases with increase in temperature.
P 1
(iii) As v  , i.e., v 
 
The density of water vapours is less than that of dry air. Since the speed of sound is inversely
proportional to the square root of density, so speed of sound increases with increase in humidity.
20. Other factors such as  and v remaining the same, I  A 2  constant (K), or A 
On superposition
A max  A1  A2 and A min  A1  A2  A max  A12  A22  2 A1A2

I max I I 2 I1I 2 2
  1 2  , A min  A12  A22  2 A1A2
I min I I 2 I1I 2
  1 2   I max  I min  2I1  2 I 2
21. (i) Solution needed
(ii) Bats emit ultrasonic waves of large frequencies (small wavelength) when they fly. These
ultrasonic waves are received by them after reflection from the obstacle. Their ears are so
sensitive and trained that they not only get the information of the distance of the obstacle but
also that of the nature of the reflecting surface.
(iii) The quality of the sound produced by an instrument depends upon the number of overtones.
Since the number of overtones is different in the cases of sounds produced by violin and sitar
therefore we can distinguish through them.
22. (i) Here, v  360 m s1, v  256 Hz
v 360
   1.406 m
u 256
 1.406
AA    0.3516 m
4 4
AA  0.3516
Time (t) at which the second curve is plotted   9.8  10 4 s
v 360
(ii) Nodes : A, B, C, D, E, Antinodes : A ,C 
(iii) Distance between A and C ,   1.406m  1.41m
23. Here, frequency of string A, v A  427 Hz, beat frequency, v  5 Hz

Say frequency of string B  v B

As v |v A  v B |  v B  v A  v

 v B  427  5 Hz, v B  432 or 422 Hz

Increase in tension in string increase its frequency.

Here beat frequency is decreased, therefore v B  v A . So, original frequency of B is 422 Hz.

24. (i) Value displayed by vini are curiosity and zeal for knowledge.
Valued displayed by her grandfather are caring and understanding nature.

 
25. The transverse harmonic wave is y( x , t )  3.0 sin 36t  0.018x  
 4 

For x = 0,
y(0, t )  3.0 sin(36t   / 4) … (i)
2 2 
Here,   36, T   s
T 36 18

For different values of t, we calculate y using equation (i). These values are tabulated below :
On plotting y versus t graph, we obtained a sinusoidal curve as shown in above figure.
t 0 T 2T 3T 4T 5T 6T 7T T
8 8 8 8 8 8 8
3 3  3  3 3
y 3 0 –3 0
2 2 2 2 2
Similar graphs are obtained for x  2 cm and x  4 cm.
The oscillatory motion in travelling wave differs from one point to another only in terms of phase.
Amplitude and frequency of oscillatory motion remain the same in all the three cases.
26. Newton’s formula for velocity of sound in gases : Newton’s gave an empirical relation to calculate velocity
of sound in gas
v , B  Bulk modulus

  density of gas.
He assumed that changes in pressure and volume of a gas when sound waves are propagated through it
are isothermal. Using isothermal coefficient of elasticity i.e., Bi , formula becomes


Here, Bi  
dV / V
But there was  16% error in Newton’s formula. He put forward a number of arguments but none of
them was satisfactory.
Laplace correction; Laplace pointed out that the pressure variations in the propagation of sound waves
are so fast that there is little time for the heat flow to maintain constant temperature. Therefore, these
variation are adiabatic not isothermal.
(i) Velocity of sound in a gas is quite large.
(ii) A gas is a bad conductor of heat.
Using coefficient of adiabatic elasticity i.e., Ba v 

Calculation of Ba : Consider certain mass of gas Let P be initial pressure and V be initial volume of gas.

PV   constant
where,   C P / CV  ratio of two principal specific heats of gas.

Differentiating (i), we get

P ( V 1dV )  V dP  0 , PV 1dV  V dP

V   dP  dP
P      Ba , Ba  P
V 1  dV 
 dV / V

Corrected formula is v 

The value of v depends on nature of the gas.
27. The Doppler effect is the change in frequency or wavelength of a wave for an observer who is moving
relative to the wave source. Let us take the direction from the observer to the source as the positive
direction. Let the source and the observer be moving with velocities vs and v0 respectively as shown in

figure Suppose at time t  0, the observer is at O1 and the source is at S1, O1 being to the left of S1. The

source emits a wave of velocity v, of frequency v and period T0 all measured by an observer at rest with
respect to the medium.
Let L be the distance between O1 and S1 at t  0, when the source emits the first crest.

Now, since the observer is moving, the velocity of the wave relative to the observer is v  v 0 . therefore, the

first crest reaches the observer at time t1  L / (v  v0 ).

At time t  T0 , both the observer and the source have moved to their new positions O2 and S2

The new distance between the observer and the source, O2 S2 , would be L  (vs  v0 )T0 ]. At S2 , the
source emits a second crest.
This reaches the observer at time.
t 2  T0  [L  (vs  v0 )T0 ] / (v  v0 )

This reaches the observer at time

t n 1  nT0  [L  n (vs  v 0 )T0 ] / (v  v 0 )

Hence, in a time interval t n 1  tn , i.e.,

nT0  [L  n (vs  v0 )T0 ] / (v  v0 )  L / (v  v0 ),

 v  v0  v v 
The observer counts of the wave as equal to T given by T  T0 1  s   T0  0
 v  v0  v v 
   0

 v v 
The frequency v observed by the observer is given by v  v0  
v v 
 s 
(i) When both observer and source are approaching each other, the source is moving in negative
v v 
 v  v0  
v v 
 s 
(ii) When both source and observer are moving away from each other, the observer is moving in
negative direction

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