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Cuies or CastJcs. This concludes one Game-Turn,

or aboul two weeks of real time. Victory is dclcr-
mined by controlling cities al the end of the game.


The 22• x 32• mapshcet ponray~ the area or the
Middle East encompassed by the two Crusades. A
numbered hexagonal grid has been superimpo$cd
over the terrain features to relegalc Movement and
Combat VOTE: The Terrain Key on the map ,~
incorrect. All green hexes should be Fertile; all tan

Western Invasions of he,es Variable; all yellow hexes Barren.


the Holy Land, The playmg piccc:s represen1 Crusader Kin~.

counts, barons. kmghts (and their retinues).
M uslim Sultans and emirs, Army Strength Poin~,
and Fleets. There are also several informational

1097and 1191 A.O.

Copyright © 1978. Simulations Publications, Inc. , New York, N. Y. 10010
marker~. Numbers on the Leader cou nteTS repre-
sent Guile (Finl Crusade only) and Combat
[3.21] Sample Unir
1.0 INnODLt.TIO'i' 21.0 GUlLI:. FRONT
2.0 GESERALt.OURSt.Of PLAY 21.1 Guile Ratwgs; 21.2 Guile and Command: 21.3 (Fmt Cru\ade
Trea~ry and Skges; 11.4 Changes 10 Gude leader)
J.0 GAME EQ\-lPME.,,
3.1 The Game Mao: J .2 The Playing Piece\, 3.3 Ratin~ Godfrey
Game Cham and Tables: 3.4 Game Scale: 3.5 The 22.0 THE BYZANTINE EMPIRE 8au,lon
Cru$8.der Counters: 3.6 Muslim/Saracen Armies; 22.1 Butimidcs; 22.2 The Emperor's Oath; 22.3 The Rank ....
J.1 tn,cntOI) of Game Paru Byi.antinc Arm> and Navy (Prnnaryl
5.0 ORDERS 23.1 Armenian Counters: 23.l Controlling Amie-
6.1 How to Move Land Forces: 6.2 Land Move- (Third Crusade
ment Rcstnclions and Prohibitions: 11.3 Sacking; THE FIRS r <:RUSADE
6.4 ">1o•e=nt Attrition 24. I Inter-Faith Alliances: M.2 EffCClS or DISSCD-
7.8 zo:-.t..SOfl"FLl. E:NC£ •ion on Mulu-Player Comt,at and Sie@e: 24.3 Wliam
1.1 Which Unns Exccn a Lone of lnOuena; 7.2 Ef- Discretion as the Beller Part of Valor, 24.4 l.s 8rs
Casualties In Mul1i-Pla)cr Combat Rani ....
fecu or Zones of tnnucncc (Tertiary)
8.0 LEADt ~ 25.0 CENA RIO INfORMATIO'-: Th• Flr51 Crusade Status
9.0 COMBAT 25.1 Length of Game; 15.2 Initial Deployment. Comi'at (Christian
Crusadm.; 25.3 Initial Deplo)ment: '-lushms; 15.4 Rating .,..,_ _ _ _ _...," '-oble)
9.1 Where Combat Takes Pla,,c: 9.2 Determinmg
lni1ial DeplO)mcnl: Armenians: 25.5 Sp«ial First
the Role or Attacker: 9.J Combat Fonnauons: 9.4 = ~,ondaf) Leader
Coordinated Besieger Anacks; 9.5 Combal Tables; Game-Tum Rules
9.6 Explnnation or Combat RC'lults: 9.1 Retreats 26.0 \ ICTOR\' COSDITTONS: The first Crusade [3.221 !,um mar) or L nll!.
and Di\ruption; 9.8 Leader Casualties and Olpture: 26.1 Schedult or Victory Points; 26.2 Variable Vic- From
tory Condition~; Kerbogha, 26.3 Crmadcr Victor) Firs/ Crusadr, Crusader
9.90verruru Bishop (Ttr/larv)
10.0 srEGl~ Conditions
10.1 Cat~; 10.2 Ca.sites; 10.3 Laying and Main- 21.0 CRUS....OER ORDERS Of BATTLE
tamm1 Siego; 10.4 Siege Msauh Procedure; 10.5 ?7. I Crmaders of the Fini! Crusade: 27 .2 Crusaders 1
Siege Attritton; 10.6 Siege Assault Table: l0.7 Siege or 1hc Third Crusade
Atlrillon Table First Crusade, Crusader [;]
11.0 LI'iESOH.OMMI.I'IIICATION Noble(Terrtarv Richard I
I t.I Traeing Lines or Commuruauion: 11.l Effects Third Crusade. C111Sader
of Failure to Trace a Une of Communication
ll. l Fleets; 12.2 Fleet Mo\Cment; 12.3 Blockade;
12.4 Na,al Combat Procedure: 12.5 Naval
Transport 12.6 Special Effects of Weather on
The Crusades is two games in one. Tbe basic game
is a two-Player simulation of The Third Crusade
(I 191 lo 1192 A.D.). The Crusaders, led by
Kmt (Primary)

First Cru11Jd<', Muslim

Third Crusade, Soivcen


Flttl.\ Richard Coeur-de-Lion, Philip of France, and Lhe lt!t1du (Pnmary) 3 \.
IJ.O \\ EATIIER divided barons of the Kingdom of Jerusalem, 1ry
13.1 Rain, 13.2 Winter lo regain the 1erri1ory {and 1he c11y of Jerusalem)
Flttr (Stren~rh 1)
14.0 RANDOM f,,VEl'ITS: Th• Third Crund• Josi 10 the Ayubid Sullan, Saladin (The Saracens). England 2
14.1 Crusader Random Evenu; 14.2 Saracen Ran-
dom E~cnt,, 14.3 Assa.s,inauon
The second game is a muJti-Player simulation of
The First Crusade, m which various Frankish and

Fleer (Srren,rli I)
15.0 :-.EL'TRAL', Norman knights and lords march 10 1he Holy
16.0 scE.,ARIO INFORMATIO'I : TIM!Thlnl Cruud• Land, each ~ith a different set of moti\'CS to meet
16. I Length of Game; 16.1 lniual Deployment:
~ r myS'""'"Pm,. r;;;i
their opponents - a divided coterie of Muslims.
Crusaders; 16.3 tnnial Deployment: Saracens: 16.4
Initial Deployment: Neutral$; 16.5 Castle Deploy-
mm1; 16.6 Rcinfo.-cemenb
17.0 VICTOR\ CO'IDmO"- :Th,ThirdCnaSlld•
17.1 Schedule of \'ic1ory Pom15; 17.l Who Wms:
19.0 EC0,0"11CS
Each Player notes in writing where he wanlS his
units 10 go, indicating the path of travel. Each OO
Arm,· srr~n,rl, POtnlS

(Siege 0,/t!f!Sl! Fa<:tor J)

Castlt! ser-up lu!x


19.1 Treasunes: 19.l Use of Trca.suno: 19.3 Jn-

co=: 19A Bribes; 19.5 Faumid Flttt Mtuntenantt Player then makes his moves, his unilS incurring


20.0 RA.'IDOM EVE:-.,S: The flrsl Crasad• any Movement Attrition after all movement lS
20.1 Random Ev,ms Table: 20.1 Deus Vwltl; 20.3 completed. If opposing Forces end their move- d
lruh'Allah!, 20.4 Visions: 20.5 Plague; 20.6 ment in the: same hex, Combat occurs. After com-
\,lusbm Reinforcement.. bat is rc:sOl\icd, Players may lay siege to enemy


Open the m11g■zine to the tenter: bend open the si11ples "ilh a penknJfe or screwd rl~er: Jirl ou t lhe rules a nd close sill pies.
Comte de Nevers; William/ Les Brs: William d e cities and t-astles within a hex - 1hus eliminaung a
COUNTER DESIGNATIONS Les Barres; Ralph/ Clermont: Ralph de Clermont; lot of problems with Siege - and also made c11ies
FIRST C R USADE William/Cha lon: William. Comte de Chaton; and castles quite imponant positionally. Controll-
'lorlhern Fn1nks and Normans: Roben/ C1 John/ Fontigny: John, Comte de Fonligny; ing cities thus becomes of major importance. and
Flndrs: Ro bert 11, Cornie de Flanders; Ro ben/ Dk Alain/St- Vlry: Alain de Saint-Valery; Dreux/ an army will be hard-pressed 10 move anywhere
Nrrnnd} : Robert II Cun hose, Uuc cte "Jormanely; Mello: Dreu, de Mello; Aubrey/ Clement: Au brey without a st ring of c ities and castles behind i1.
S tephen/ Cl Blois: Stephen, Comee de Blois e1 Clement, l\larshall of France; :-.iarjo1 / Tou,·y: P layers will notice this immediately in both
Chartres: Waller/ Ct S1-Vly: Walter, Comte de Narjo1 de Touvy: Raymond/Turenne: Raymo nd Crusades, jus1 as 1he) will quickly realize the irn-
Saint-Valery; Girard/Gournay: Girard de Gour- de Turenne; Geoffrey. Joinville: Geoffrey de Join- ponancc of Antioch in The Firs1 Crusade.
nay; Hugh/St. P ol: Hugh de S1. P ol: Everard/ Le ville: Jolin/ Sees: Jolin, Comte de Sees; Henri/
Bas: Henri, Comte de Bas: Guy/ Darnpiere: Guy T he Moverneot and Attrition System wa~
Puirs: Fvernrd de le Pui1s; Caro/ Asini: same: dC\eloped over several week s of playtes1ing. 11
Ralph Garder: Ralph/ Garader: same: Guerin / de Dampiere; Robert Dreux: Roben, Co mte de
Dreux; Erard/ 13rienne: Erard, Cornie de Brienne; origi nally invohed a 101 of die-rolling. none of
Guerona1: same: Arnulf Hesdins: Arnulf "htch remams. The idea to use a foraging sys1em
d' Hesdins; Aubrey/ Grdmcsnl: Aubrey de Grand- Philip/ Bshp Bvs: Philip de Dreux. Bishop of
came from the research. ,, hich emphasized n01 1he
mesnil; lvo/Grdmsnl: lvo de Grandmesnil: Ar- Beauvais. English: Richard 1/Cr-de-Ln: Richard I
,peed or maneu,erability of armies (both of" hich
nult/ Choques: Bishop Arnulf de Choques Coeur-de-Lion. King of England, Lord of Ireland,
Duke of Normandy and Aquitaine. and Cou ol of were relati, ely non-existent in 1his era). bu t rather
("Malecorne"); Hugh/ C t Vmdos: Hugh Le the necessity for armies 10 feed 1hern~ehes. Wi1h
Maisne. Cornie de Vermadnois; Drogo/ Nesle: Anjou, Maine and T ourraine; Bald¼ in/ Achb
this in mind, 1 abandoned 1he standard idea of 1er-
Drogo de Nesle: Clrmbald/Vendeuil: Clarambald Ctby: Ba ldwin. Archbishop of Canterbury; An-
drew/ Chvgny: Andrew of Chauvigny; Hubert/ rain cos1ing variable poims and changed 10 a sialic
de Vendeuil; WiUiam/ Vct \.lelun: Will iam, movemen t rate which is adju~1ed solely b} the
Vicomte de Melun (The Carpenter). Sicilian Nor- Salisbury: Hubert-Waller, Bishop of Salisbury;
players, based on the size of the army and the type
mans: Bohemond/Taranto: Bohemond of T aran- Garin/ fi1z Grid: Garin fi1z Gerland; William/
Preaux: William or Prcaux; Hugh/Gou rnay: of terram (in terms of supply). The bigger I he
to; Tancred/Taranto: T ancred of Taranto; Force and the farther it moves in a g iveo period.
Richard/ Salemo: Richard of 1he Pn ncipate; Hugh de Gournay; \\ illiarn/Ferrcrs: William de
Ferrers. Earl of Derby: Simon/ Montfort: Simon 1he more it will lost to Attrition.
Rainulf/Salerno: Rainulf of Salerno: Geof-
frey/ Rsgnoulo: Geoffrey, Count of Rossignuolo; de Montfort. German and Flemish: Leopold/ Dk T he Cornba1 rules are fairly qandard, ewept 10
Gerard/ Arra no: Bishop Gerard of Arrano; Austr: Leopold, Duke of Aus1ria; O110/ Ct Gldrs: note 1ha1 units ma} pass through enemy units
Robert/ Sourdeval: Robert de Sourdc, al; Otto. Count or Guelder~; James. Ld Avsnes: (unless the enern) is on Defend) wi1hou1 harm
Boel/ Chartres: Boel de Chanres: H errnan/ Can- James. Lord of Avcsnes . pitched battles were quite rare in 1hi, era.
nae: Herman de Cannac; Albcrard/ Cagnano: and they were usua lly foughr only when both sides
Alberard de Cagnano: Humphrey/ Ml Sebso: desired i1. Battles were rarely fough1 <imply for 1he
Humphrey of Monie Scabioso: Roger/ Brnville:
BIBUOGRAPHY sa ke of ha, ing ba11 le. Thu,, bo1h sides must desire
Roger de Ba rnville: Williarn/Grdrnesn l: William A History of The Crusades, Vol"mes I and II, combat for it IO occur. Players should note here
de Grandmesml. Germans: Godfrey/ Bouillon: edi ted by Kenneth Setton, General Editor that 1.hc Combat CRT includes n:sult, that 1,ill be
Godfrey of Bouillon, Duke of L0 \\er Lorraine; (Uni- . o f Wisconsin Press, 1969) A magnificent the equivalent of a Ha11in-,1yle rout. Such a
Baldwin/ Boulogne: Bald\\in of Boulogne: \\Ork. with a marvelous Ga.:eceer and index. In- disaster can quickly end a game. so \\ atch your-
Eustace/ Ct Blgne: Eustace. Count of Boulogne; valuable. (There are -;ix\ olumes altogether). ,elf.
Baldwin/ Le Bourg: Baldwin of Rethel, Lord or Le A History of the C rusades, Volumes I and fl/. by T he Fir\l Cru,ade - the multi-Player game - was
Bourg: Henry/ Esch: Henry of Esch; Rainald/ Ct S1even Runcirnan (Cambridge Uuiversity P re%, designed first. Thus the rule, for Guile, Visions,
Taul: Rainald, Count of T o ul: Warner- Gray: New York, 1955) Runciman is an exceptional economics, etc.. all .,.ere developed qui1e early on.
Warner of Gray: Dudo/ Konz-Sbg: Dudo of Konz- writer, and this book reads like a novel. It also So was the Random Events Table, although I
Saarburg: Canon Montaigu: Conon of Mon- contains excellent informa1ion. A major source. hadn' t intended 10 really use o r.e (despi1e Play-
taigu: Pe1er/ S1enay: Peter of Stenay: Baldwin/ tester Charlie Vasey's sta1ement, "Wha1·, a Berg
Hainaull: Baldwin of Hainaull; O110/ S1 rsbrg: 01- The Epic of the Crusades by Rene Grousset (Orion
Press, Ne" York, 1970; uansla1ed) The classic game "ithout a Random Event\ Table . . ) :0-1uch
10, Bishop of S1rasbourg. Sou thern Franks: Ray- of 1his could be considered "chrome"' -cenainl)
mond/ Ct T oulse: Raymond IV de Saint-G illes, French Crusade scholar's massive work in an
abbre, iated form. Riddled with some unusual the Visions rule< can be omt11ed. But chrome add\
Comte de T oulouse el Marquis de Provence: navor. and The CrusadeJ deals wi1h ao era \\ilh a
Adhemar/ Monteil: Adhemar de \.1 omeil, Bishop prejudices (mostly Gallic in navor) and hurt by
1he inept translation. great deal of romance and flavor. I don't belie,e in
of Le Puy: Francs- Lrnbt/ Monteil: Franci, simpl) pulling strength points on a game-map and
Lamberc de l\l orueil, Lord of Peyrins: Ram- Crusading Warfare by R.C. Smail (Cambridge ,aying " T he firs1 P layer 10 co111 rol Jerusalem or
bald Ct Ornge: Rambald, Comte d'Orange: Gas- l.Jniversit) Press. Ne,, York, 1956) A game capture Wilhelm von Einbuch win~." The game i,
100/ Bearn: Gaston. Vicorn1e de Bearn: Gerard/ designer', delight. Good information on tactics, mea nt 10 elucida1e a, "ell as entertain . and i1 i, m)
Roussloo: Gerard, Comte de Roussilon: \\Capons. methods. et a l. desire 1ha1, within the parameter~ o f 1he ,ystem.
lsoard/Gap: lsoard de Gap: Raymond/ Le Forez: 1he players , hould find ou1 as much as they can
Raymond de Le Forez; Wm-Hugh/ Monteil: about,, hat they are playing" ilh.
William-Hugh de Mo nteil: William/Orange:
William, Bisho p of Orange. A word abou t the Order o f Battle\. The reamn
that 1he Cru~ader~ have OB sheet;, and the
T/-1/RD CRUSADE J\luslim~ don' t is qui1e simple: 1hi, h ho" we <ol, -
ed the counter-mi, problem. (The original mix was
Kingdom of Jl'rusalem : Guy/ 1'.g Jrsl rn: Guy o l some 325 counters). In addi1 ion, the Crusaders in
Lusignan, King of Jerusalem; Arnalric/ Jcr~lm: DESIGNER'S NOTES the game "ere c hosen mostl) by whim of 1he
A ma Irie of Lusignan. Constable of lcrusalern; T he original concept of The Cms"des wa, a rnuhi- De~igner (a~ide from I he ob, ious leaders). \\'ho
Geoffrey Lu~gnan: Geoffrey. Count of map, rnany-coumered bash wi th cards, tables and could res isl Drogo of Neste or Dudo o f h.on,-Saar-
Lusignan; Humphrey/ Toren: Humphrey of a "hole host o f items. After being informed that burg. In esse nce, these Crusader, are repre,en-
Toran; Robert/Sable: Robert of Sable, Grand the game "as des1ined for an i~sue of S& T , some talive of the rest of their Ilk; they are not e,clu~ive.
\faster of the Knights Ternplar; Conrad/Mn frat: immedia1e re1 had 10 be done.
Conrad, Marquis of Monferrat; Balian/ lbelin: Finally. the Firs1 Crusade Victor}' cond11ions \\ere
Balian of lbelin; Reynald/ Sidon: Reynald Gar- The first problem ,,as what area to cover. I had decided only alter much soul-searching. They are
nier, Lord of Sidon: Warner/ Nablu,· Warner n f wanted 10 use almosl all of Asia \.1ino r. from somewhat unu~ual. Ho"e,·cr. 1hey do renect the
ablus, Grand Maqer of the Knights H ospital; T urkey 10 Alexandria, but this scale ,,as im- idea that although the First Cru5ade is a mu lti-
Geoffrey Don1on: Geoffrey of Donion. Grand practical for an issue game (too much water; I player game, 1he ,ituation seems 10 fos1er a grca1
\1a~1er of the Knigh1s Hospital; Bohemond / already got burnt o n that item in Consrantinople). deal of •·team pla) ". T hus, having players keep
.\cn1ioch: Bohernond Ill , Prince of Anti och: So I "hittled 1he area do"n 10 "hat you ~ee now . their goals ,ecre1 helps to s1irnulate co mpe1i1ion.
Bohernond/ Tripoli: Bohemond IV. Governor of T hi, (lf cour<e eliminated the imeresting opening The I\\O games are quite differem in play The
Tripoli. French: Philip/Kg France: Philip II of the First Crusade - and some 01her Crusades Thfrd Crusade is a fast-moving Freddy the Great-
Augus1u~. King of France: Hugh/ DI.. Brgndy: as well- bu1 made the ta sl.. much easier. M~le game. After the first 2-J 1urns. in "hich the
Hugh !II , Due de Burgundy: Henri/ Ct Chrnpgn: T he idea 10 use large hexes (1 thin k this is the first players feel each other out. 1he game moves quite
He nri de Champagne, Comte de Troye<.: is~ue game to use 1he 25mm hexes) occured ,, hen rapid I). T he Fir<I Crusade is an01her stor:r . as
Philip/ Ct Flndrs: Philip d' Alsace, Cornie de tad ling 1hc problem of Zones of ln 0uence for the noted abo,e. T ogether, The Crusades should pro-
Flanders: Peter/ Couriney: Pe1er de Courtney, cities. Using 1he larger he,e< enabled me 10 place , ide an emenainin!,!, ie\\ of an exciung period.
R1 1


[26.0) VICTORY T hird C rusade
CONDITIONS: Note: Players are advised to ma ke photo• Kingdom ofJerusalem
The First Crusade copies of the Crusader Orders o f Battle prior Bohemond/AnlA:ICII □C lJ
CASES: to playing Lhe game. Keep the o riginal page
Bohernond/ Tnpoi □0
[26.l ] SCH ED ULEOF clean so that furcher copies can be made.
A 1/egiance to Guy of Lusignan
{26. 11) P layers receive Victory Point, for con- [27. 1] ORDE R OF BATTLE: Firs t Crusade Guy/Kg .h1m LC U □
trolling (17.3) cities under the following sched ule Northern Franks and Norman Amalric/m/m nn
(see Case 26.2): (67 Army S lrength Points) Geoffrey/Lusgnan n
Cities Victor y Points Robert/Ct Flndrs C ::JD □□□□□□ DO Humphrey/ Toron □
Jerusalem ( 1823) Crusader 25; Muslim 10 Roberti Ok Nrmndy □ □ □ □ [J [JU Roberti Sable [' " ..J
An tioch (1908) Crusader 15; \lluslim 10 Stephen/Ct Blois □□ A 1/egionce to Conrod ofM onferrot
Edt>ssa (2S0S) 8 Walter/Ct St-~ □□□□□
10 (01her 1han Jeru- Conrad/Mnkat fl[l □ C □
Level Four Cilies GirardiGoumay □ □ CJ Q CJ □
salem. Antioch) Baian//bein □ [1[1[_:
Hugh/St Po/ □□□ ODD Reynald/Sidon □
Level T hree Cit} 3
Level Two Cit) 2 Everard/Le Puits [I Ll nn Warner/Nab/us OD
Level One Cit} Caro/Asini ur7n Geoffrey/Ooojon c...l
(26. 12] The True Cross is ,,onh n ,e Vic1or}
Ralph/Gamder r-::1no F re n c h (A II French support Mon/erro r)
Poini~ 10 1he Crusader who has ii at the e nd of the Guerin/Gueronat ~U[J
Philip/Kg France [JC:::::::
game: it is wonh nothing 10 the '-'l us li ms. T he T rue Arnull/Hesdins u□n
Hugh/Ok Brgndy □ lJ O □ □
Cross ma} not be moved by a l\l uslim P layer. Aubrey/Grdmesnl DOC
lvo/Grdmesnl DOC Henry/Ct Chmpgn [J □ □ □ □ n
CONDIT IONS: Kerbogba ArnultlChoques u Philip/Ct Rndrs □□ □ r.
[)17 Peter/Courtney O □
The Mosul Turk de1ermines his own Victory Con- Hugh/ Ct Vmdos
di1 ions. under the restrictions listed helm, . He Wtlfiam/Les 8ts [1
0rogo/Nesi> DO
record, in writing whal cilies he will go after p rior Ralph/Clermont □□
10 sianing 1he game. He may not sho " them to
Clrmbald/Vendeu,7 □ William/Cha/on □□
William/Vet Melun C
anyone al anytime. He may reveal such inform- John/Fontigny ::J □
a1ion in a Diplomacy P hase (whether it is true or Sicilian Normans (JOA rmy Strength Points)
Alain/Sf.i,z.y □
not is up 101he 01her P layers' belief). Once picked. Behemond/Tafiillto C □C
those ci1ies are Kerbogha's Victory Condition, . Oreux/Mello 0
Tana-ed/Taranto □□□
Kerbogha may pie\.. up 10 5ix of 1he Ci1ies listed Aubrey/Clemef/t □
belo". He receives I he Vic1ory P oinis for con• Richard/ Salemo nn Narjot/ TOUlo/ [l
trolling those Cities as lis ted below . Rainulf/Sakrno □□ Ci [j Raymond/ Turenne [ '
C i t)· Points City Points Geoffrey/Rsgnou/o □□0 □ Geoffrey/Join~ C
lconfom (0803) I Ha renc (2108) 2 Gerard/Arrano □ Jolin/Sees □ [1 [ 1
Tarsus ( 1506) 2 Antioch (1908) 10 Roberti Sourdeva/ C □□ Henri/Bas □□
Melitene (2301) I Hamah (21 11) 5 Boel/Chames nr1n Guy/Oampiere 0
Edessa (2505) 5 H oms (2213) 5 Herman/Cannae Ci [i
Aleppo (2407) 5 Damascus (2118) 15 Robert/Oreux ~1000
Alberard/Ci,gnano □□ Erardlihmne [J COO
Ravendan (2206) 2 L11laki11 ( 18 10) 5
Humphrey/Mt Sc/Jso □
Philip/&hp 8vs LJ L.. L.J □
The other Muslim Players s imply total points fo r Roger/Brnv#/e □
E nglish (A II Ent,1/ish support King Guy)
Cities controlled, as per Case 26 . 11. Wilrlam/Grr/mesn/
Germa ns (43 A rmy Strength Points)
Richard 1/Cr-tJe.ln nn
....J □ L:::::; ~ lJ LJ
Baldwin/Achb Ctby [1 n
[26.3] CRUSADER Godfrey/&1J17/on CC :J □ □ C ~ Andrew/Chvgny [J
VICTORY CO:'IIDITIONS Baldwin/&ulogne □□□□□ Hubert/Sa/,sbuiy [ l
(26.3 I J Each Crusader/ Player determines his own Eustace/Ct 8/gne □□
Garin/fitz Grid □
Victory Conditions. He makes this d etermination Baldwin/Le Bourg L7 □
- and writes ii down - a s ,oon as Antioch falls, Wiffiam/freaux □
Henry/fsa'I □ D □ DD □ Hugh/Gournay [1
or by January, 1099- whichever occurs first .
Rainald/Ct Tout □□ □ William/Ferrm [l r.
[26.32) Each Crusader secretly chooses eight
Cities; Lhe~e Ci1i~ are his Victory conditions. He Warner/Gray CODD Simon/Montfi:vt '7 r
gets no credit for other Cities (see Case 26. 11). 0udo/KOlll.Sbg □ □□ □
Germans a nd Fle mis h
{26.33) On March 11, 1099, each Crusader Player Conon/Montaigu □□ □
reveal<; to the other Crusader Players (but not 10 Peter/Stenay D □□ Leopold/Ok Austr
Otto/Ct 6/drs [J
the \ltuslims) what his conditions are. I f no Player Baldwin/Hainauh OD
has chosen Jerusalem, then each Player may add Otto/Stmry C Jameslld Avsnes □ L7C □
Jeru~alem as a condition. I f o ne or more Players
has chosen Jerusalem, the P layers not chosing Southern Franks (50 A rmy S lrength Points) DESIGN CREDITS
Jerusalem ~uffer Desertion. Raymond/Ct Toulse □ C::::::::J □□□ C::J □□ Game Design a nd De,clopmcnt: Richa rd Berg
(26.34) All P layer~ ~uffering De,ertion lose zoro Adhemar/Monte,7 D P hysical Sy~te,m and G raphic~:
o f their Force, rounded up. Deserting Army Red mo nd A. Simons en
Frncs-Lmbt/Monteil □D □0 0 □
St rength P oints are distributed amongst P layers Special Assis tance: T om W akZ}k, John Gau lier
Rambald/Ct Ornge □ □ □ □C Playtestcrs: Roberl DeVi ro. Ton)' De Vito,
going ror Jerusalem: any odd Army Strength
P o ints are eli minated. Remember . none or th is is Gaston/Beam [J □□ [JU 0 Darryl Esakoff, Jim Halperl. Dave Halpert.
revealed 10 the Muslims. Gerard/Rouss/on D □ □ □0 □ □ Philip Law, Tom Peccorini, Philip e lton
lsoard/Gap D □ DO □ Special TeMing: T he S taff of Perfidious A lbion
(26.351 A Crusader loses one poini for each City (Engla nd) a nd members of the Pennsylnnia
he ha~ chosen that he does not hold at the end of Raymond/Le Forez [100 Wa rgamers Club
the game. Wm-Hugh/Montei/ □ □□ Production: Roberl A. D egni, Kale H iggins.
(26.36) T he P layer with the most Points wins. William/Orange [ lD 0 Manfred F. Milkubn, Norman P earl. Bo b K}er

[23.27] At the siart of the game, all Armenians are such a case, when deu:rmining casualties (24.5). Hamab (211 1) Emir of Hamah: IO Army Streng! h
neutral. for every casualty 1a~en b} the o ther Players the Poin1s. no Bezants
[23.28) Control of an Armenian gives control of Player a11emp1ing 10 \\ i1hdraw lakes two, and ab- Homs (221 3) Jarah-ed Daba, Emir of Homs; 10
sorbs an) odd casual tie,. Army Strength Points. 5 Bezants
hb City of origin to the controlling Player, un less
1ha1 Ci1y is occupied by someone else. It also g.i ves [24.44] If. somehow, all Force~ s ucceed in such a Tripoli (18 14) Emir of Tripoli; ID Arm) Strength
control to the Player of any City the Am1enian is wi1hdra"al, the "ithdrawal i, cancelled and they Points, 10 Bezants
actually in, unle.-.s someone else is already in it. all Fight wi th 1he "'ors1 F ormation po~ible. Harenc (2 108) 5 Arm) Strength Points. no Bezants
(23.29 ] Armenians may never be used in combat [24.45] This rule applie~ only if there are Forces Ridwan, Emir of Aleppo, controls al l ci11es north
against other Armenians. from more than one Player on one "side.·· of 1812-2314 10 St. Symeon-Ravendan-Aleppo
[24 .5] CA SUALT IES I Duqaq controls T ripoli, Damascus, Baalbck.
M ULTI-PLAYER COMBAT Beirut, Sidon, Tibcrias, Nablus, Jerusalem. and
[24.0] ADDITIONAL RULES If more than one Force is involved (allied) in Com- Ramlah.
bat, an~ lo~,e~ are di\ ided as evenly as possible
APPLICABLE TO amongst 1he Players' units. Any overage is absorb-
THE FffiST CRU SADE ed by the unit, o f the Commander of the Force.
125.33] T he MosulTurks
CASES: Off game-map. an~where be twee n 1001- 1901
(24. 1) I T RA-FA ITH COMBAT Hasan, Emir of Cappadocia; IO Arm} Strength
Point\, 5 Be7ants
Because each Player is essentially ou t for himself, [25.0] SCENARIO Samosara (2503) Bolduk. Emir or Samosata; 15
it may happen that Muslim will fight Muslim, and INFORMATION: Army Strength Poim~. 10 Bezants
Crusader fight Crusader. For lntra-Fai1h combat T a r~u, ( 1506) Emir of Tarsus: 10 Arm) Strength
10 occur, both Players mus1 "ish 10 have combat. The F irst C rusade
Point\, 10 Bezants
If either Player doe~ not want combat, there is no CASES:
combat. In a case where one desires combat bur (15.34] Mosu l Turk Reinforcemenh
the 01her does no1, 1he Force with the lowes1-ra1ed [25. 1] LENGTH OF GA ME On the May I, 1098 Game-Tum. the Army of Ker-
Commander (Combat) must retreat one hex. (T ie\ bogho. Atabeg or M osu l arri\l'.S, along \\1th a se-
The FirsL Crusade begin5 with the August I. 1097
broken b) die roU: sec also Case 9.35). cond Leader. Wassab ibn- \ilahmud. The Armv i\
Game-Tum. 11 ends with the completion of the
50 Army Strength P oinls strong. and ii may e~ter
[24.2] INTER-FAIT H ALLlA."IICES Jul} II 1099 Game-Tum. Given the vicissi1udes o f
multi-player games, thl' Firs1 Crusade could lake
anywhere on an) hex along the Eastern edge of I he
C rusaders ma} fight in alliance with Mu~lims game-map. It carries a Field Treasury of 10
around 1en hours (or more) 10 complete.
against euher side. I n such case, Command (and Bezants.
thus the Prevalent Faith) must be decided by [25.2] IN ITIAL D EPLOYMENT:
agreement. If there 15 no such agreement I here can Crusaders (! C rusade) [25.4) IN ITI AL D EPLOYME:"IT:
be no such alliance. and the Forces may nm righ1 Armenians (Firsl Crusade)
A//Crusader.,and Bu1imides start in hex 0101. T he
together (see also Case 9.35). M aresh (2003) Thatoul, 2 Army Streng! h Points
four Crusader Fleets (English, Flemish. Pisan, and
Genoese) arrive via thl' Random Events T able. See Raha n (2203) Kogh Vasil. 2 Army Strength Poini~
Edessa (2405) Thorus, 5 Am1y Strengt h Point\
ON MULTI-PLAYER Cases 25.6 and 27.1 for distribution o f Leader\.
COMBAT AN D SIEGE The Field Treas11ries "re ;,s folio\\,· and 25 Bezants(controls Birejik)
Melitene (2301) Gabriel, 2 Army Strength Point\
(24.3 1( If there is more than one Force in a hex, Crusading Force Treasury pro n ( 1405) Oshin. 5 Arm) Strength Point,
and 1ha1 Force is a11acking. and one (or more) of S icilian Normans 75 8e72ntS Pa r t.ziperl {1705) Conswntine, 2 Army S1reng1h
lhe Players con1rolling those Forces has dissen- Germa ns I 00 Be,..ams PoinL\
sion, then the Force(s) "i1h Dissension may not at-
Southern Franks 125 Bezants
tack. It must \\ithdraw one hex along 1he lines of a
retreat. Northern F ranks/ '\Jormans 150 Bezants
124.32) If a For~c cannot, for some reason, with- (25.5] S P ECIAL FffiSTGAME-TURN
dra" 3\ per Case 24.31. it does join the combat. RULES: Firsl Crusade
Howe1er. for each ~uch Force with d issension
Muslims (Firs t Crusade) [25.S l) On the first Game-Turn (August I, 1097),
1here is an adJus1me111 10 the ratio of one column
again~t 1hea11acking Force. (25.31] The Fa limid Caliphate of Eg) pl there is no Diplomacy Phase, nor i, there any Ran-
dom Events P hase. Players simpl) write their
124.33) The above rule i_s a lso in effect for a Force Cairo (0329) al-Afdal Shahanshak, Vi1ier of
moves and complete them.
1ha1 is defending. H owever. in such case with- Egypt: lftikhar-ad-Daulah; 15 Am1y Strength
drawal is voluntary in 1ha1 the Commander may Points: 100 Bezams. (25.52] On the first Game-Turn (only) all
a//empt to wlthdra"'. He rolls one die; if ii is lower Alcundria (0 125) Emir; 5 Army Strength Poin1,; Crusaders and Buumides have a M ovemcm
than his Guile Rating, he wi1hdraws. If not. he I Fleet. 10 Be7ant5 Allm,ance of 10 . (This will, of ~ourse. increase
stays and ddends, and Case 24.32 applies. D amiella (0625) Emir; 5 Army StrengLh Poims: their Amilion.)
I Flee!. IO Bezants
(24.34] A Force with dis~ension may never add i1s (25.6] MULTl- PLAYER ASSIGN MENTS
P elusium (0826) 5 Army Strength P oints: I Fleet
strength to a Siege Assault (although it remains in [25.61] The basic - and best -configuration for
10 Bezants
the he,). Dis~ension never affects \iege defense. The First Crusade is seven Players, divided as
The Fatimids hold 11ominal comrol o~er 1he
[24 .4) DISCRETIO A STH E follows: the Fatimid, the Syrian, the Mosul Turk,
following cities (in addition to those listed abo,e):
BETTER PART O F VA LOR the Sicilian Norman, the German, the Southern
Gaza ( 1424). Ascalon (1524). Jaffa (1523). Tanis
Frank .. and the Nontiern Frank and Norman.
(24.41] E,en \\i thout dissen\ion, a P layer may (0626), Arsuf ( 1522). Cacsarea ( 1521 ), Haifa
,~ish to withdraw from combat (not siege) for (1620), Acre (1619), Tyre (1618), and Hebron [25.62] For eight Players. 1he Syrians are split bet-
whatever rea\on~ strike him. Th15 decision - { 1725). There an: no units 111 these cities; thev arc ween Ridwan and Duqaq.
voluntary withdrawal (or. perhaps, judicial simply part of ··Fa timid Terri1ory." .. [25.63] For six Players, the Fatimid Pla) er is
cowardice) - may be made before or after the op- [15.32] T he~) n ans dimimtl.:d . .:x,.:µt that >tarting with the April I,
posing Playerreveals the st reng1 h or his Force. 1099 Game-Tum the M osul Player conirols a
Alepp o (2407) Ridwan. Emir of Aleppo; 15 Army
[24.42] To voluntarily withdraw. a Player rolls Fatimid Army of 80 Army Streng1h Points, plus
S1reng1h Poims. 15 Beainu.
one die. If i1 is lower than the Guile Rating of his al-Afdal, in Cairo. No Player may enter Egyp1 un-
Da mascus (2 IJ8) Sham~ al-'vtalil Duqaq; ;\1abeg
Commander, that Commander's Force may with- til that Game-T urn.
Toghetkin, 10 Army Strength Points. 30
dra" one hex. If such wi1hdrawal is s uccessful, the Bezants [25.64] For five Players. one Player lake~ the
Commander loses one G uile Poin1. Remember, A nlioc h ( 1908) Yoghi-Siyon, 10 A rmy S1reng1h Sicilian Normans plus the Northern Franks and
this is a "i1hdrawal without dissension, so do no1 Poi nts, 25 Bezani5 No rmans, a second Player takes the German\ plus
confuse ii with Case 24.3. J erusalem ( 1823) Soqman, the Onoqid Emir of the Southern Franks. Musli ms as in Case 25.61.
(24.43] If a Commander fails in a volun tary Amida: !lgohzi; 25 Army Strength P oints: The [25.65) For four P layers, combine Cases 25.63
withdrawal. he must stay and right. Howe,er. in True Cross. 25 Bezants and 25.64.

[20.62) To de1ermine "he1her he ha< re,eived Each T reachery Pomt he uw< negate< one Alcxius abandoned the Crusader,. the Cru~aders
rem lorcemems. a ;'\lu,Iim Player u;c; 1he 1ame Treacher> Point u~ed against him. ignored the oath.
dic:c roll he u,cd for Random E,cnt<, read in!! 11 as (21.37] All treachcl') is h'rillen as an order. (Thus, [22.2 1] If a Cru,adcr Player take, a Le,cl Two
11-66. Thu,. a Sand a 3, a; u<ed in the .:,ample in nei1her Player knows what the other is doing.) City or abo,c and pledges it to the Emperor.
20.0. becomes a 53. The :-.1u,Iim Player no,, iake- Furthermore, Treachel") P oints \\Tillen into an Bu1imide, immediatel> comes over to hi,,idc.
1ha1 number :1nd con5uh, the Mu\lim Reinforce- o rder are expended whether they" ork or not. [22.22) A Player gams no Victor, Poin1, for
ment Table(20 65). Ci11es pledged 10 the Emperor. unless they are re-
(20.63) Each number ha, a corr~ponding Cit) [21A] C HA'IGES TOGU IL£RATl~GS 1aken by the '.\luslims and then re-taken b} another
and Rcinlorccmen1 ra1e. If - and only if - the (2 1.41 ] Printed Guile Ratings are nor perma11en1; (or even the ,amc) Crusader. Howc,cr, the Player
Player controls the City corresponding to the dice the) may, nuctuate :u:cording 10 certain actions ,..,// recei, c the income from that Cit).
roll in 20.62, he receives 1he reinforcemcms lis11:d tak<!n b> the Leader. Players should keep !rad. nf [22.231 If two Cru,adcrs pledge Cities 10 the
- and he receive, 1he111 in that City. If he doe~ not any changes ona piece of paper. Emperor in the same Game-Turn. high Guile
control 1he City, he recci,e, nothing. {2 1.42) A Leader increases his Guile Rating if any Rating-plus-die roll gets Bu1imide~.
(20.64) fhe Muslim P layer may al~o receive rein- one of 1he folio" ing occurs: [22.24] Once Deus Vulr # 12 occurs all Pledg~ are
rorceme111, ,ia /nsh 'Allah Event# I a. He is in Command of a, ictonous Land Baille off, and Ciues pledged to the Emperor revert 10
(20.65) Plague "'1usli m R einforcement Table (the oppo,ing ,ide retreats). There is no increase w hoc, er occupie, I hem.
(see map) for defeating a Force of Armenian\ (only): or
b. He takes a city by Siege Assault, Treachery. or [22.3] THE B\'ZA:'\TINE ARM\'
by a Surrender to that Leader; or · ANDNAV\
c. He capture, The True Cross. (22.3 I) If any Mu$lim Force or Fleet enter, any
[21.0) GUILE (21.43) A Leader loses one Guile Point if any one he, North of - and including - an) he, in
oft he following occurs: Cyprus, and West of - and incl uding - he'CO\\
CASES: 1400, the ByL.antinc Army and Na,y immediate!)
a. He fails m 1akea dt} by 1reachery; or emer, the game.
[2 1.1] GUILE RATll\GS b. He fails in an assassina1ion a1tempt: or
All Leader< have a Guile Raung. Leaders with a c. He fails in a d isputation of a Vision: or (22.32) The Byzantine Army- 50 Arrn) Strength
Guile Rating of Oand Bi;hop, with parenthesized d. He is Commander for the Player "ho rolls P oints, 100 BeLants, Emperor A lexius, and
Guile Ratings may not use Treacher). Deus Vulr # 12; or General Ta1idu,- is placed in hex 0l01. It is mov-
e. He voluntari ly withdra"' from combat (24.42). ed by the Crusader Player with the highest Guile
[21.2] GUIL£Al°'DCOMMA D Ra11ng-plus-die roll Commander for that Game-
[21.44] Guile Ra11ngs ma) never exceed 6 nr go Tum. The Byzantine Army may be used only
If more than one Player has Forces together in the lower than I (unles~ they are already OJ.
,amc hex, or the Force; arc 10 join at the end of against Musli ms. and Byzamine Bezants ma} be
movement. and 1ho,c Players cannot reach agree- expended only for A1tri1ion.
mem on" hose Leader will Command the combin- [22.341 The Byzamine Forcc/ Flcc1 remains in the
ed Force. the Players roll for Command. Each Adalia (0106) and iscontrolled as in 22.32.
Pla)er tal.e, h,s Leader-choice', Guile rating and
add, to 1ha1 his die roll. High total commands. [22.0) THE BYZANTINE (22.34] The Byzant ine Force/ Fleet remain in the
game un1 il all Muslim forces arc gone from the
(Roll to break 11es in the same fashion.) EMPIRE area described 1n 22.31. The Byzantine Ann) and
[21.3) TREt\CHF.R\' .-\ND SJF.C.ES CASES: Fleet is a ffected by Deus Vulr # 12. If# 12 has oc-
curred already, this entire rules Section is ignored.
(21.31) Treachery Points are gained in the Ran- (22.1] B TlMIDES
dom Event\ Pha~e. The) must be assigned im-
[22. 11] A Byzantine, Manuel Butimidcs. was
mediately to a specific Leader. They may not be
assigned to the Crusade b) Emperor Alexius 10
1ransferred lo another Leader for any reason. No
help with siege operations. Bu1imides has a force [23.0) ARMENIANS
Leader ma) ever have more than three Treachery
of 5 Army Strength Poinl> (use A rmy Strength CA SES:
Point,at one lime.
Point coulllcrsl, and he helps with Siege~.
(2 1.32) A Pla)er besieging an Enemy City may try [23.1] ARMENIA COUNTERS
122.12] At lhe beginning of the game. Butimidcs is
10 useTreacher~. rather than Assault, 10 take 1ha1
a11ached to the Player whose chosen Commander Armenian counters are Leader~. but the) use Ar-
Cit). To do so, a Leader with Treacher} Points
ha~ the highest total of Guile Rating plus one die my S1renglh Pom1 counters. Armenian Leaders
mu,1 be in Command of Siege operation~ that
roll. Thai Player controls Butimides until a have a Mo,·emenl Allowance of fi,e, and the) are
specific e,ent occurs (sec Case 22.13). Tertiar) Leaders. They are ne,cr affected by Vi-
(2 1.33] A besieging Commander must ha,c al sion5. Armenians do not undergo \.l ovement or
(22. 13] Butimide<. changes allegiance onl) if one
lea~1 one Trcachcr) Point to a11empt Io take a Cit) Wea1her Attrition, bu1 they are susceptible to
of the follO\,ing occurs:
by Treachery, and that point mu,t be a,ailabk Plague and Siege A 11rit1on.
after any actions under 21.36. a. By ,pecific agreement between Crusader
[2 1.34] T o take a city by treachery a Pla)er an-
Players: or [23.2] CO'.'ITROLLINC ARMENIANS
nounces he is attempting lreachcry. There is no b. The chosen Commander (for that Game-Turn) (23.21) Players ontrol Armenian, through
Siege As,ault that Game-Tum. The Commander for 1ha1 Player ("ith 13utimide~) loses a Guile briber). Armenians go 10 the h1ghes1 bidder and
adds his Treacher} P oints 10 hi~ Guile Rating and Point. The other Cru~aders then repeat 22.12. and remain with tha t Player until someone else bids for
then roll~ two dice, adding them together. If the Butimides is placed with the ·'winning" Pla)er: or 1heir ,en ice,.
dice roll is lower 1han 1he sum of the Guile Rating c. The Emperor's Oath (see Case 22.2).
[23.22] A Player may bribe one Armenian per
plus Treacher) Point,, the City fall, 10 1reachcl"). [22.14) Butimides goe<. home ,,hen Deus Vulr # 12 Game-Turn. H e may control as many Armenians
Thai Commander - and that Player - 1al.c the occurs. as he can afford.
City. Defender losses are a~ ,n a regular Assault [22. 15) Bu1im1des may not lose an Army Strength [23.23) All Armenian bribes must be ,n gradations
( 10.45), with one exception: one Defending Leader Pom1 until ever_v other Crusader Leader in the
(choice of Defending P layer) plus I Army S1reng1h offive Beza111s.
,ame he, has lost an Army Strength Poin1.
Point are allo\\ed to escape," ith up 10 10 Be1an1s. (23. 24( The Player who offers the h1ghe,1 Bribe in
(22. 16] A Commander who has Butimidcs stack- a given Game-Tum control, 1he chosen Am1enian.
The c,cap,ng Lender ;_., placed in 1he neore:.i
<:!d and allied with htm adjusts the ratio one colum n Ho"e,er, all Briber} money ordered is ewended.
Friendly City.
in hi, fa,or \1ohen rolling for Siege A~sault. If the even if unsuccessful. If there are two "high"
(21.35] If the dice rol l is 1hesameasnrhigherihan Assault ratio is less than 2-1, I his i, ignored.
the \Um oft he Guile Rating plus Treachery Points, bribes, the Armenian remains" here he was.
treachery fail~. The Players go direct I) 10 Siege At- (22.2) TH£EMPEROR'S OATH (23.25) If an Am1enian "ii h Force A is , uecess-
trition. Each Crusader, when in Cons1an1inople, gave hi~ full) bribed by P layer B, B may move the Arrne-
[21.36) A Player defending against a siege may Oath to the Emperor Ale>.1us tha1 he wou ld not nian to any adjacen1 he;,..
use !reacher, 10 cou111crbalance oppo~ing seek land for him,elf in the Middle East and that (23.26) The P layer "ho contro ls the Armeruan
treachery. lf a Leader in a besieged city ha~ an) thing 1al.en "ould be for Christendom - and moves him. O1herwise, Armemans stand in place,
Treachery Points, he may use them to reduce the 1he Emperor. In return, the Crusaders received defending if nec~sar). Control lasts until another
number of T reachery Points used again~l him. victuals and the general aid of the Empire. When Player bribe, the Armenian away,

(17.2) WHO WINS escaping Leader may take 10 Beza111s with him. In (20.2] DEUS VULT!
a Surrender, any financial deal may be arranged.
The Player with the mo,t Victory Poin~ win,. The great rallying cry of the Council of Clermont.
H0\\aever. if the Crusader Player has a less than 119.26] lfa Force with a Field T reasury is required 1095, became the Watchword of the Crusaders.
five point margin and he does not control to retreat after combat. it loses 10"'• of irs God Wills It! The following Even1~ corre.\pond 10
Jerusalem. 1he Crusade is considered a Draw. If Treasury (rounded up) for each hex it must retreat the number., on the Random Evems Table 120. 1.
the Saracen Player ha, the most point~ he wins. (whether it docs so or not). Thu,. a Force 1ha1 see map).
regardless or "ho controls Jerusalem. Players must re1rea1 three hexes loses J0°To of its Field
wishing to pla) simply for the sake of the game Treasury 10 the Victor. [20.3] I NSWALLA/1!
may ignore the Historical Jerusalem re,tricl ion. Insh'Allah 1s Arabic for "Fate... And the follow-
[19.3] INCOME
[17.31 CO TROL [ 19.31] If a Player•~ For.:e (or Army Strength ing bits of Fate corre,pond 10 the numbers on 1he
Random Even1s Table (see map).
To earn Victory Point~ for a Cit}. a P layer must P oints) occupies (physical presence) a Level T"o.
control that City. A Player controls a City/ Castle Three or Four Cil). he wiU J!CL income from 1ha1 [20.4) VISlONS
if he was the lasl Player to 0CCUP} it. A City or City in the Income Phase of any Game-Turn ex- [20.41] A P layer who receives a Vision gain~ the
Castle under siege can still earn Victory P oints if cepla \\ imerGame-Turn(seeCase 13.27). following benefits:
the siege has not been successfu l by the end of the IJ9.32] The income of a City is the same as us a. All hts Leaders may move one cxlra hex that
game. leH·I. (E"cep1 Level One Cil) produces no in- Game-Turn: and
come). b. For any combat in which hi$ Leader i, in Com-
119.33] Income may also resu lt from a Random mand. he adjus1s the ratio one column in his ravor:
Event (20.0). and
[18.0] THE FIRST CRUSADE .:. He adds one 10 rhe die roll for an:,, Siege A\.aull
[ 19.34] All income is placed in the City a1 which i1
The First Crusade is a multi-player game for from arrives. H o\\ever. Bczams arri,ing from outside he commands; and
three 10 eight people. Seven is the ideal number. All aid (20.2/7&8) are treated as Field Treasuries d. If under Siege (whether in Command or not) he
rules or The Third Crusade apply 10 , he Fim without Leaders, wai ting 10 be picl-.ed up. subtracts one from t he Mu~lim"s die roll.
Crusade. unless 00100 01 berwbe. ( 19.35] Unoccupied cities. citic-; in winter, and [20.42] Because victory in combat increases a
cities under siege (sec Case I 0.38) produce no in- Lcadcr·s Guile Ra1ing (21.42), ~ well a~ other
come. Cities with Plague produce no income in the benefits. other Crusaders might wanl 10 dispute a
rum rhe} have plague. Blodadcd citie\ may pro- Vision•, authen11city.
[19.0] ECONOMICS duce income. (20.43) Any Player \\ilh a Bishop may dispute a
(19.4] BRIBES Vision. A Vision must be disputed upon receipt:
GENERAL RULE: 01herw1~e ii i~ automatically accepted as authentic.
The Firsl Crusade uses an economic systed based Players may bribe OLher Players to do "bate,er
they 1hink necessary. Bribes mus1 be Wrinen. All
[20.44] To dispute a Vision. a Player simply states
on a legal tender called the Be~ant. Be,ants are he wishes LO dispute. He roll~ one die and com-
kept in Treasuries. Each Player starls with his O\\ n Bribe money is transferred in the Bribery Phase-
before rhe acrion 1ha1 has been bribed takes place. pares the die roll with the Guile Rating of his
Treasury. Players earn addi11onal BeLanb by oc-
(The possibiliti~ for double-cross are obviou~.) disputing Bishop. If' 1hat die roll is ht!{her than the
cupyingcitie~. each Ci1y bringing a certain amount
Bribe money is transferred from Leader LO Leader Guile Rating of his Bi~hop, rhe Vision is deemed
of income per Game-Turn. Bezants may also be
bu1 need not be transported. a111hen11c. All Forces of the d isputing Player suffer
earned from Random E,ents. immediate dissension (24.3) and their mo,emenl is
(19. l] TREASURIES [19.51 t"AI IMID FLEET reduced by one for 1ha1 Game-Turn.
119. llj All Bennt, are kepi in either Field [20.45] If 1he die roll is the same as or lower than
Treasuries or City Trea,urie,. In any Game-Turn in which the Fatamid Player the Bi~hop's Guile Rating 1he Vision is deemed a
moves his Fleets LO any hex other than a Fatamid- Jake. The Player who received the Vi\ion must
[1 9.12] A Cit} T rcasuf) is any Friendly Cit) \\ ith comrolJed Port. he must pay a cost of five Bezanls reduce his Commander's Guile Rating by one
at least IO Bezants inside the Cit} . If a P layer ha~ per Fleet. No Fleet may move until rhi~ cost b point. and 20.4 1 docs 1101 apply.
no City "ilh at least 10 Bczants. then any Friendly paid. and payment may come from any Friendly
Cities with Bezants can be City Treasurie,. City (20.46] A Player receiving a Vi~ion may arnid
City Treasur). disputation by denying the Vision himself.
Treasuries levels are recorded on paper.

[ 19.13) Field Trea~urie, are repre,ented by
The First Crusade
[20.51] If a Player ger, a Random Event of
P lague. he immediately thrm,s one die twice and
combines 1hc results, in an 11-66 read-c)ul. Thus a
l and a S a re 15.
numbered coumer, ror 1den1ifica11on. 1-'ield
GENERAL RULE: (20.521 He then consuhs 1he Plague Mu,lim
The Third Crusade Random EvcnL~ Rules Section,
Treasurie, mo,e wirh Leaders. Reinforcement Table (20.65) and finds the Cit>'
14.0. i, ignored. lns1ead, each Player m the game .:orresponding 10 the number he threw. Thal cir~
[ 19.14] Income collected from Cities is placed in (not Just one Crusader or one Muslim) rolls for a
1hat City. Income collected from Bribe, may be ha, P.lague. regardless of whether he controls that
Random b ·ent during the Random Event Phase.
placed any" here. (A City can ha,e and/or collect City or not.
Referring 10 rhc First Crusade Random E,cms
Be,anls even if i1 contains noCityTrcasury.) Tables. the Random Even I is applied immediately. 120.53] To de1ermine the efrects of Plague. each
There is no particula r order in which Players must Player with forces inside the affected City refer, 10
[ 19.2] U EOFTREASURIE . tht> Siege A11ri11on Table, City Column. H e ro lls
roll. Muslim Reinforcements enter the game as a
[ 19.21] Payments for bribes and \upplying force, result of Random Events. one die. noting the A11rilion loss listed under !he
(6.46) must come from 1he Field T reasur} of 1hc City Column. He doubles that number. and this is
Leader paying such cost. unless thal Leader is in a PROCEDURE: the number of hi, Army S1reng1h Points elimi-
City conraininga Treasury. Each Player uses the Random E,en1s Table (20.1)
nated by Plague. Thus. if he rolled a four, 1he
to determine his Random Eve111s number. Eath number would be 2: muh1plied times 2. 1his r~ult
[ 19.22] Payment for anything not s1a1ed in Ca,e P layer 1hen refer~ to one of I\\O Tables 10 deter-
19.21 may-come from an~ Friendly Treasury_ would mean four Army Strength Points dead.
mine what that number means. All Cru;ader
119,231 To be 1ransferred from one TreasUf)' 10 P layers use 1he Deus Vult! Table for their Evcms; [20.54] P lague affecis a Ci1y regardless of
another, Be,.ant, musl be literal!} 1:arried by a the \1uslim Players each uw the lnsh"Allah! Table "hcther i t is bemg besieged or not. Plague lo,se,
Leader from one place to the next. nu~re is no cost for explanations of their events. Two dice activate may 1101 be diminishc:d b) payments.
10 pick up and caff) Dezan is. nor is I here any limit the Random Events Table. The firs 1 die thrown by
a Player i, the column, the second die is 1he row.
to 1hearnoun1 tha1 can be carried.
Thus a 5 and then a 3 would be read as column (20.6 1] Muslim reinforcements (Army Strength
( 19.24] There i, no limit to I he number of Bezants
five. rm, three: the result. a 118 e,ent. Points) are initiated by mean, of rhe Random
that any one Treasury can hold.
E,ems Table during the Random Event\ Phase.
[ 19.251 If a City 1, raken by ,;iege. 1he en , ire CASES: l'\s rhc) arrive after order~ are wri11en. reinforce-
Treasury is ,·aptured. unless the City is taken by [20. l] RANDOM EVE TS TABLE ments may no1 move until the Game-Turn follow-
!reacher} c,ee Ca,e :!1.3). In the l:111er event. 1he (see map) ing 1heir arrival.

(t:Onlmrmlfrom pagr R6/

Famagusta (1212): Isaac Comnenus; I Army
Moreover, ony Force that moves during Wimer INFORMATION: Strength P oint
must lose at least one Army Strength Point (unless
it buys ii back; see Case 6.48). The Third Crusade Tars us (1507): King Leo //; 10 Army Strength
[ 13.24] During Wimer, for Siege Attrition losses,
P oints
[16.1) LENGIB OF THE GAME Tripoli (1814): Bohemond JV
the besieger uses the Barren column, regardless of
The Third Crusade begins with the April II, 1191 Antioch ( 1908): Bohemond Ill
the hex he is in. Besieged losses are normal.
Game-Turn. It ends al the conclusion of the Neutrals control all cities west of Raban and
[13.25) In Winter, a Force that does not move and August n, 1192 Game-Tum. A game s hould take Meli1ene, plus Limassol and Famagus1a. Antioch
is not inside a City/ Castle or besieging one loses approximately four hours to complete. and Tripoli are considered Crusader cities.
one Army Strenglh Point per Game-Turn, in addi-
tion 10 Case 6.47. [16.2] INITLAL DEPLOYMENT (16.5] CASTLE DEPLOYMENT
(13.26) Forces inside a City/ Castle are still im- Crusaders The four castles arc localed as follo"s:
mune from Attrition (unless under s iege). The Crusader Player sets up his Leaders as al- Marqab: Hex 1811
[13.27] Winter never affects any Fenile hex (or follows: Beaufort: Hex 1817
City therein) in Egypt (the southwest corner of the In T yre (1618) Conrad of Monferrat; Bolian of Krak d e Montrea l: Hex 1826
game-map). [belin (Total Force of9 Army Strengih Points. K rak d es C hevaliers: hex 21 13
1618 Philip, King of France; H ugh de Burgundy;
Peter de Courtney; William de les Barres; Ralph [16.6] REINFORCEMENTS
de Clermont; William de Chaton; John de Fon- The following units arrive during the course of the
[14.0] RANDOM EVENTS: tigny; Alain de St-Valery; DreUJ( de Mello; game. They are placed in the he'I: or area indicated,
Aubrey Clement; Narjot de Touvy; Raymond at no c.:ost 10 the unit(s). They are moved as normal
The Third Crusade de Turenne; Geoffrey de Joinville. {Total Force units in their turn of arri\al. All Reinforcements
GENERAL RULE: of 23 Army Strength Points). Two French arrive in 1he Order Segment.
Fleets. Cmsader Reinforcements
In the Random Events P hase in The Third
1619 King Guy; Amalric; Geoffrey of Lusignan;
Crusade, each Player determines whether any May I , 119 1 Anya/I-sea hex on Western map edge,
Humphrey of T oron; ReynaldofSidon; Worner
event out of his control will affect the course of the 11orrh of Beirut
of Nablus; Robert of Sable; H enri de Cham-
game. Each Player rolls one die. If he rolls a 1, a pagne; Philip, Comte de Flanders; Jolin de Sees; Richard I, King of England: Andrew de
Random Event occurs. That Player then rolls an Henri de Bas; Guy de Dampiere; Robert de Chauvigny; Hubert, Bishop of Salisbury;
odditionol die to see what the Random Event is. DreUJ(; Erard de Brienne; Philip, Bishop of Garin fit-z Gerald; William de Preaux; Simon
The event takes place immediately, before any de Montfort. ( 16 Army Strength Points) 2
Beauvais; Baldwin, Archbishop of Canterbury;
other action. This section applies only to The Hugh of Gournay; William de Ferrers; Leopold English Fleets.
Third Crusade. See Game-Map. of Austria; 0110 of Guelders; Jomes of Avesnes. Saracen Reinforcemenrs
(Besieging Acre; a Force of 55 Army Strength J u ne I , 119 1 Damasrns (2118)
P oints) Two Danish Fleets, P isan Fleel, /mad ad-Din Zengi 11. Lord of Sinjar; 10 Army
[14.3] ASSASSI ATIO Oenoese Fleet, F risian Fleet, Norman Fleet, S1rength P oints
Venetian Fleet, Flemish Fleet.
A splinter Muslim sect, known as Assassins (or 1814 Jerusalem Fleet. Junell , 1191 Cairo(OJ29)
Hashshasin, derived from the drug Hashsheesh. Krak de Chevaliers {in 2l13) Geoffrey of Donjon. al-A::.i:,, 'Uthman Imad ad-Din, Emir of Egypt:
which they took}, specialized in Killings for Hire 15ArmyS1reng1h Points
(usually with religious motives). The Crusaders control the following cities and
castles: Antioch, St. Symeon, al-Marqa b, Tripoli, July I , 1191 Damascus(2//8)
[14.31) If a P layer rolls Assassination on his Ran- Tortosa, Tyre and Krak des Chevaliers. lz:i: ad-Din Mas'ud, Lord of Mos ul; 10 Army
dom Events Table, he may allempt to Assassinate Strength Points
an Enemy Leader. If, for some reason. the Saracen reinforcement
( 14.32] The Player chooses the Leader he wislles [16.3] INITIAL DEPLOYMENT cities are occupied by Crusaders, the Armies of
to attempt to kill and rolls one die. If the die roll is Saracens Sinjar and Mosul may appear on any hex on the
higher than that Leader's Combat Rating, the The Saracen Player sets up his units as follows: Eastern edge of the game-map. The Army of
Leader is assassinated. The Crusader Player Cajro (0329): I Army Strength Point Egypt may appear in an~ of the following hexes:
always subtracts rwo from any such die roll. Damietta (0625): 4 Egyptian Fleets 0129, 0228. 0428 or 0529.
( 14.33) Army Strength Points assigned to an Jaffa (1523): 2 Army Strength P oints; 6 Egyptian
assassinated Crusader Leader are not eliminated; Fleets
they are distributed amongst any other Leaders of Ascalon ( I524): 5 Army Strength Points
Acre (1619): Kara-Kush, Governor of Acre; 18
the same contingent (i.e., English, French, etc.).
Army Strength Points (Acre is under Siege)
However, Army Strength Points assigned 10
Richard or Philip of France are eliminated. Nablus ( 1722): 2 Army Strength Points The Third Crusade
Beaufort ( 18 I 7): I Arrny Strength Poini
Hex 1819: Saladin (an-Nasir Salah ad-Din Yusuf
ibn Aiyub, Sultan of Egypt and Syria): [17. l] SCHEDULE OF
[15.0] NEUTRALS Saphadin (al Adi l Abu-Bakr Saif ed-Din, Emir VICTORY POI T S
of Jazira); Toki (al-Malik al-Modaffer Taki ed Players gain Victory Pom LS for controlling the,e
GENERAL RULE: -Din Omar); 40 Arrny Strength P oints cities/castles at the end of the game·
During The Third Crusade, several personages Je rusalem (1823): 10 Army Strength Poims; The
True Cross. Pointr for Poi111s for
maintained a posture of neutrality, Thus, during City/Castle Crusader Saracen
The Third Crusade scenario, Bohemond Ill, Krak de M ontreal (1826): l Army Strength Point
Hamab (2111): al-Mansur (al-Mansur M uham- Acre (1619) 3
Prince of Antioch, and Bohemond TV, Governor A ntioch ( 1908) 0
of Tripoli, as well as King Leo I/ of Armenia are mad I. Nasir-ad-Din, Emir of Hamah); 5 Army
Strength Points Ascalo n (I 524) 2 2
"neutral." They ostensibly belong lO 1he Crusader
D amascus {2118): al-Afdal (al-Afdal ' Ali Nur-ad- Un ufocl ( 1817) 2 5
Player. H owever they may nol be moved, unless
attacked by the Saracen P layer. Once attacked, Din, Emir of Damascus): 10 Army Strength Cairo (0329) 5 0
they may be moved normally. (Both Bohemonds Points Famagus ta (l 2121 2 0
will react if either is attacked.) Isaac Comnenus, Ho ms (2213): al-M ujohid (al-Mujahid Shirkuh, Jaffa (1523) 2 2
ruler of Cyprus, is neutral in the sense that he is Salah ad-Din, E mir of H oms); 5 Army Strength Jerusalem ( 1823) 10 5
beholden to no one. H owever, he will defend in P oints
K rak des C heva liers
place if auacked. Un-occupied "neutral" Ports Aleppo (2407): a:,,-Zahir (az-Zahir Ghazi
(2113) 2 5
are "friendly" to all Fleets. Neutrals have a Zone Ghiyath-ad-Din, Emir of Aleppo); 5 Army
Strength P oints T ortosa (Hl12) 0 2
of Influence only for the City they are in (unless
Tripoli (1814) 0 2
activated). Crusaders and Saracens may move The Saracens control all cities/castles not controll-
freely through the hex "oucside" such Cities. ed by Crusaders (16.2) or Neutrals (16.4). T yre ( 1618) 3 5
Barren hexes. It may be traced through as many a. A Fleet may end a Movement P hase in a [12 .54] Land units (and Treasuries) are debarked
Barren hexes (total) as the Crusader Player wishes, Coastal hex if it is on or about to blockade (see at the end of Fleet Movemem. Such Land units
but no more than two of t.hese may be consecutive. Case 12.3). may not move in the Game-Tum in which they are
The Muslim/Saracens may trace through no more b. A Fleet may end its movement in a Coastal hex debarked. Such Forces may attack Enemy Forces
than three consecutive Barren Terrain hexes. if it has, in that Game-Tum, transported or sup- in the hex to which they were transported.
(11.17] Lines of Communication are judged a t the p lied Army Strength Points in lbat hex, or engaged [ l2.SS] Generally, Army Strength Points may be
beginning of the Movement Phase. However, a in Naval Combat. transported to any coastal hex. H owever, there
Force that has been ordered to Defend may block a [ 12.24] A Fleet that does not satisfy 12.23 is were few good anchorages in the Middle East, and
Line of Communication in the Game-T um it has eliminated. transporting troops by sea was problematical.
been so ordered. T here may be no transporting of troops or
[12.25] Fleets may move through Enemy Fleets, T reasuries Lo any hex in Winter, with the exception
111 . 18) Land units in Coastal hexes may use unless such Enemy Fleels arc on Blockade.
Friendly Fleets presem in that hex to trace a L ine of the ports listed below. Furl hermore, trans-
(12 .26} Fleets may never "occupy" or "control" portation of land units in normal months or Rain
of Communkation back 10 a Friendly Supply
Ports. Only Land units may do so. to any hex other than those ports listed below may
Source. Such a Line of Communication cannot a-
ceed five hexes and may 001 be traced in Winier. cause casualties. When debarking such Land,
[12.3) BLOCKADE units roll one die: if a 5 or 6 is rolled, I0OJo (round-
Each F leet Strength Point may Supply 10 Army
( 12 .31) Fleets may be ordered to Blockade Enemy ed up) of the Army Strength Points are eliminated.
Strengt.h P oints.
P orts and/or any Coastal hex to prevent passage Leaders and Treasuries are unaffected. If the de-
( 11 . 19) Units inside a City/Castle need never trace and supply by Enemy Fleets. barkation hex is nor a Friendly Port, add one to
a Line of Communication. They are not affected 1he die roll. Ports immune from both this and
[12.32) A Fleet that has moved in a Game-T urn
by any lack of a Line of Communication. Wimer restrictions are: Acre, Fumagusla , Alex-
may not Blockade.
[ 11.2) EFFECTS OF FAILURE andria , Oamiell.a and Pelusium .
(12.33] A Port under B lockade by Enemy Fleets
TO TRACE A LINE may not act as a Line of Communication source [12.56] Fleets transporting Army Strength Points
OF COMMUNICATION for the Crusaders. 10 a Coastal hex may end their movement in that
[11.11] If a Crusader Force begins a Movernem hex. T hey may also move on, if they have the
[12.34) Friendly Fleets must stop when they emer
Phase without a Line of Communication, the Movement Points LO do so. There is no cost 10
a hex under Enemy Blockade. This precipitates
Crusader uses the 19+ Line on the Movement At- debark units. Remember Case 12.23.
Naval Combat.
trition Table for determining Movement Amilion r12.s71 Forces debarked in a Coastal hex that at-
losses, regardless of how far the Force moves or (12-4] NAVALCOMBATPROCEDURE tack an Enemy Force and are required to retreat
whether it moves at all! must retreat onto the Fleet. Retreat ends there.
(12.41] When opposing Fleets end their Move-
[11.21] If a Muslim/Saracen Force begins a ment Phase in the same hex. Naval Combat en- [12.58] lf a Flee1 carrying Army Strength Points
Movement Phase without a Line of Communica- sues. or Treasuries suffers any combat losses, the
tion, it may move only two hexes that Game-Tum number of Army Strength Point~ must be reduced
(one in rain Game-Turns). Regardless of its size, (12.42] Both Players total all their Naval Strength to correspond to the transport capacity of the Fleet
the Force suffers a loss of one Army Strength Points in that hex; no Points may be withheld. The counters. If a one-point Fleet is carrying Treasury,
Point, in addition 10 any losses suffered on the Player with the most Naval Strength P oints is the the Treasury is lost. If a two-poinJ Fleet loses I
Movement Allrition Table. Attacker. If both s ides are even, determine the At-
point, ½ the Treasury is lost (round fractions up).
tacker by rolling a die. T he Attacker subtracts the
Defender's Points total from his own 10 obtain the [12.6) SPECIAL EFFECTS
Naval Combat Differential. Thus, if 12 points at- OF WEATHER ON FLEETS
tacked 9, the differenlial would be 3 . [12.611 Starting with each November Game-Tum
[12.43) If the Attacker has at least twice the - and continuing through all Winter Game-Turns
[12.0] NAVAL RULES strength of the Defender, he adds one Point to his - the Crusader Player rolls, in the Random
Differential. If he has at least three times the Events Phase, for each of his Fleet units. If he rolls
G ENERAL RU LE: Defender's strength, he adds two points. Thus, 4 a I, 2, or 3, that Fleet (counter) is removed from
Fleets are used 10 blockade, provide a form of points auacking J results in a Differential of S (the the game.
"supply,'· and to fight Enemy Fleets. Basically, normal 3 . plus 2 for having 3-1 strength or belier). (12.62] All Crusader Fleets removed under Case
Fleets move between Friendly P orts and engage in [12.44] The Allacker consults the Naval Combat 12.61 return in the March II Game-Turn. They are
combat when in the same hex as opposing Fleets. Results Table (12.48) and rolls one die. A ny results placed in either Adalia (0106) or Famagusta
Fleets may T ransport men and Treasuries. are applied immediately. ( I 2 l2). if the latter is controlled by the Crusaders.
CASES: [ 12.45] Numbers represent percentage losses of (12.63) Weather has no effect on Blockade or
the total Strength, rounded up. Thus, a 10/- Combat, other than that discll5sed in Cases 12.21
(12.1) FLEETS means that the Altacker loses IO% of his Fleet. and 12.55.
(12. 1l ) Most Fleet counters have a strength of 2 Distribution of losses is determined by 1he Player
on one side and a strength of/ on the reverse side. affected.
The lauer is a "reduced" strength, used if the Fleet [ 12.46] An r results means that the affected Fleet
suffers any losses. Thus, ifa 2 Fleet loses one Fleet m ust retreat 10 the nearest Friendly Port within 10 [13.0] WEATHER
Strength Poim, ii may be turned over to its one- sea hexes. Such hexes may not include Enemy
poim side. One-point Fleets that lose a point are CASES:
Fleets on Blockade. ln Winter, such a retreat may
eliminated. nor exceed five he.,-:e,. [13.l) RAI
(12.11) Fleets do not exert Zones of influence. [12.47] Fleets unable 10 Retreat are eliminaled in The Game-Tums of November and March I are
They control only hex they are in - and then entirety. Rain Game-Tums. During Rain Game-Turns,
only if they are on Blockade. Fleets have no effect Muslims/Saracens have a Movement Allowance
[12.48) Naval C ombat Results T a ble (sec map)
on Land Forces (and vice versa). o f three (one, if they have no Line of Communica-
[12. 13] Fleets do not use Leaders to move or fight, [12.5) NAVAL TRANSPORT tions), while all other units have an allowance of
and they derive no benefit from them. [12.51) Each two-point Fleet may transport up to two. No Force may cross a River hexside - at any
10 Army Strength Points (and, in the First time - during a Rain Game-Turn. A Line of
(12.2) FLEET MOVEME T Crusade only, unlimited Treasury). Muslim/ Comm unication may not be traced across a River
[12.21) Each Flee1 has a Movement Allowance of Saracen Leader counters travel free. in a Rain Game-T urn.
JO Sea hexes wilh the exceplion of Winter Game- [12.52) Each one-point F leet may carry up to 5
Tums. when the Allowance is five. Fleets must be [13.21 WlNTER
Army Strength P oints (plus unlimited T reasury
ordered to move, the same as any other unit. and Muslim/ Saracen Leaders). [13.21] December, January and February are
[ 11.22) Fleets may enter any hex that contains Winter Game-Tums.
[12 .53) Fleet T ransport is an order (see Section
Sea, as long as they do not cross an all-land. hex- 5.0). T ransponing Fleets and their cargo must [13.22] Movement Allowances in Winter Game-
side. start the Game-Tum in the same hex, and that hex Turns are normal.
[11.13] A F leet must end the Movement Phase in a must be a Friendly P ort. The Flee! moves in 1ha1 [13.23] During Wiater Game-Tums, all Move-
Friendly (controlled) Pon, with these exceptions: Game-Turn, with its cargo, to its destination. ment Atlrition Points for hexes arc doubled.
/commued onpagr R7/

siege. To Maintain a siege, a Force must have al [10.5) SrEGEATIRITION

[10.0] SIEGES feast as many Army Strength Points besieging as (10.51) Every Game-Turn in which a Siege
GENERAL RULE: the defending Force has inside 1he City/ Ca~tle (un- Assault fails to carry the City/ Castle, both sides
Forces or stacks or Army Strength Points inside multiplied) (see Case 10.41). This l-10-l ratio muse undergo Attrition.
Cities or Castles may be auacked only by Siege. be maintained throughout the course of the siege.
Do not confuse the ratio for maintenance with that [10.52] Each Player rolls one die and consults the
Each City/ Castle has a Siege Defense Factor by Siege Attrition Table (I 0. 7). The defending P layer
"hich the Anny Strength Poin1s inside the necessary 10 win a Siege Assault (10.4).
always uses the "City" column. while the column
City/ Castle are multiplied to produce the Siege (10.JS] A besieging force unable, for any reason. for the Besieging Player depends on the Attrition
Defense S1reng1h. The besieging Player compare~ 10 maintain the siege, must leave the hex. If a Level of the hex his force is in (see 6.41 ).
hi~ strength "ith that or the Defender/ besieged force is unable to do so, it loses 10% (rounded up)
Player and con\ults the Siege As,aull Tahir. If lhe of i1< Force each C.ame-Turn it cannot maintain [10.53] Results on the Siege Attrition Table are
1he siege (plus 1he normal Siege Attrition). expressed as the number of Army :Strength Points
Assault is successful, the city falls. O1herwise.
both Players undergo Siege A11rition. lost. (Remember. in the First Crusade such losses
[10.36( A siege 1s ordered either as a Full Siege or a may be redeemed by expending bezants at the rate
CASES: Partial Siege. In a Full Siege, the besieging Force of five per Army Strength Point.)
de, otes its entire Strength to the Siege Assaults. If
auacked by an outside Force (with or without "in- [J0.54] If the besieging P layer obtains a result
(10.1] CITIES with an asterisk(• ), the next time he rolls for Siege
[10. 11) There are four different 1ypes of Cities. side" help) it defends at half-strength, rounded
up. A Partial Siege means tha1 the b~ieging force Attrition during that Siege he must roll on the next
each differentiated by the" Level" of its fortifica- worse Allrition Level. Example: a Force besieges
1ions. See the Terrain Key on the game-map. Siege Assaults at half-strength (rounded up) ahd
defends al full s1rength. A besieging Force attack- Tyre and rolls a 1 for Attrition. The Force loses no
[ 10.12] The Level of a City is that City's Siege ed solely by 1he Defenders inside the City/ Castle Army Strength Points, but next Game-Turn, if
Defense Factor To obtain the Siege Defense defends ai full strength. regardless of the order. there is Attrition, the P layer must use the Variable
Strength of the de[enders inside a City, multiply Terrain column. This rule simulates the effect of
the Army Strength Points by the Siege Defense [10.37] Any Force may enter an unoccupied City stnpping the countryside during a siege.
Factor. For example, 10 Army Strength Points in- without hindrance (remember Case 10.23).
( 10.SS] The Allrition Level of a he.'1 in a siege re-
side Acre have a Siege Defense St.rcngth of 30 [ 10.38] A City/Castle is "under siege" the instan1 mains at its changed level (10.54) for all purposes
(l0X3=30). an Enemy Force enters (and remains in) the hex - including movement - until the siege is suc-
[ I0.13) Players wiU note that all Cities and Castles
"outside" the City. cessfully concluded or abandoned. On the Game-
arc mini- hexes inside a main hex. Each such City- Turn following either result, the hex reverts to its
hex is 1reated as if it were a separate hex for move- [ 10.4] SlEGEASSA U LT PROCEDURE original Attrition Level.
ment purposes. Thus, a force in 0428 would ex- Siege Assault is an auempt to take a City/ Castle [10.6] SIEGEASSAULT TABLE
pend two Movement Poims to enter Cairo; one to by force (as opposed to simply starving them out). (see map)
enter 0329 and one w enter the City. City/ Castle Any time a ~iege is in force, there is an automatic
hexes have no Allrition Point value. Assault each Game-Turn (unless the defender Sur- [10.7] SI.EGE ATTRITIO TABLE
()0 . 14) A City or Castle taken by Siege retains its renders). WheLher the Assault works or not (see -iap)
S,ege Defense Factor. depends on the Siege Assault Ratio.
r:7 [10.41 ] To de1ermine the Siege Assault Ratio, the
P layers 1otal 1heir Army Strength Points, with the
( 10.2] C A STL ES ~ Defender multiplying his Army Strength Points by
the City/ Castle's Siege Defense Facwr. If 1he
[11.0] LINES OF
[10.21) Castl~ arc used only in the Third Siege is ordered as a Partial Siege, the Attacker
Crusade. Each Castle has its own counter and its halves bis total, rounded up. The Al- GENERAL RULE:
own Siege Defense Factor. The hex location of tacker/ besieger compares his total to that of the Forces must trace Lines or Communications back
each Castle b printed on 1he bad. of the coun1er. Defender/ besieged and expresses it as a simple to S upply Sources in order 10 maintain normal
(Note that Krak des Chevaliers replaces the wwn ratio (1-1, 4-1, etc.). The Assault Ratio has conditions. Each side has different Supply Sources
ofHosn al'Akrd.) nothing to do with the Ratio necessary to mainrain and different effects for being without a Line of
( I0 .22] Castle, arc tre.ited as Ci1ies; they arc he,e~ a siege. Communication. Essentially, Lines of Com-
wi1l11n hc,es. They may hold 25 ASP'~- munication affect Anrition and movement condi-
[ 10.42] Before an Assault takes place, 1he Besieg- tions. They never affect combat or siege.
( 10.2JJ Each Castle has a buih-in one Strength
ing Player must a.s k the Defender Lo surrender. If
Point Garrison. That Garrison is indigenous to the (11.1] TRACING LINES OF
surrender is offered, terms are up to the P layers,
CaMle and must be eliminated by Siege before the COMMUNlCATIO.
but they may not countermand specific rules.
Castle can be taken. Garrison Points do not e'lert a
Zone of lnOuence into an adjacent hex and do not (10.43] If the Assault Ratio is fess than 3-1 the (11.11] Every Force (nor Fleet) that is not inside a
suffer Ami1ion of any type. The Garrison Point is besieging Player aced not roll the die: the Assault City or Castle must 1race a Line of Communica-
the lasl poin1 to be elimina1ed by Siege. Garrisons automatically fails. tion to a Friendly Supply Source.
ma> not be u~ed fora11ack. [10.44( If the Assault Ratio is 3-1 or greater, the (11.12) A Line of Communication is a pa1h of
[ 10.24 ) When a Castle is captured, the Garrison is besieger rolls one die, consulting I he Siege Assault hexes of any length traced from the Force 10 the
eliminated. However, once 1he Player who \\On Table (10.6). lf he obtains an S the Assault carries Supply Source. A Line of Communication may
the siege enter; 10 take control of the Casile, 1he the city; otherwise. the Assault fails (see Case not be traced through Mountain, Blocked, Lake or
Castle again ha, a one-Point garrison. 21.3). All-Sea hexsides or through Enemy Zones of ln-
[10.45] lf the Assault succeeds, all defending Ar- nuence. The presence of a Friendly Force negates
[10.3) LAY1 G A ND my Strength Points arc eliminated. The defend- an Enemy Zone of l nnuence for this purpose.
MAINTAINING S IEGES ing/ losing P layer then rolls one die for each [11.13) For the Saracens (Third Crusade), a Sup-
[ 10.31] In order for a Force IO besiege an Enemy Leader present. A roll of 1-4 means the Leader has ply Source is any one of the following cities:
Force inside a City/ Castle the Player must order been captured; 5-6 and the Leader is dead. Any Damascus. Cairo, Jerusalem, or Aleppo. For the
the Force 10 Siege. A Force may not mo,e and treasury (First Crusade) 1s captured. The vic1or Muslims (Firsl Crusade) a Supply Source is any
besiege in 1he same Game-Tum, and sieges are may enter the City. F riendly City with a Treasury (see Case 19.12).
resolved only in the Siege Phase. [10.46] If the Assault fails, bo1h P layers must (11 . 14( For the Cruaders in both Scenarios, a Sup-
[10.32] To la~ siege to a City/ Castle, the b~ieging check for Siege Allrition (10.5). ply Source is any Friendly Port. In addition, in
Force must s1ar1 1he Game-Tum in the hex "out- [10.47] A Force besieged in a Port may be The First Crusade the Crusaders may use Hex 0 IO I
side" the City/ Castle - e.g., a Force laying siege evacuated, resupplied, or regarrisoned by a (Philomelium) as a source.
10 Antioch would be in hex 1908; not in Antioch. Friendly FleeL. lf 1he Port is under Enemy [ I I.IS] The term "Friendly.. refers 10 the Player
[10.33] A Force may 1101 remain in a hex in which Blockade (12.3), the relieving Fleet must fight its in Conlrol (see Case 17 .3) of that City. Note the
there is an Enemy-occupied City/Casile unless way I hrough the Blockade first. difference between occupation (physical presence)
that Force is ordered lo Siege. See, a lso, 7 .22. (10.48] In determining the results of an Assault, if and control.
[10.341 In order 10 start a siege and to launch a the City is under Naval Blockade (12.3) the [ 11.16) A Crusader Line of Communication may
Siege Assault, a Force must be able to Maintain a blockading Player adds one to his die roll. not be traced through more than /wo consecurive

his Army Strength Point~ in that hex and the total~ Comba1 Ratings of the two opposing com- [9. 7] RETREATS AND DlSRUPTlON
are compared. Attacker's 10 Defender's, to obtain manders. The difference is the adjustment as per- [9. 71) Relreating Forces must retreat toward a
a Combat Ratio. For example, 110 10 58 would be 1ains 10 the Attacker. (First Crusade only). Suppl> Source ( I J. I), using the most direct rouce
I.75 10 1, reducing the ratio to the simplest odds possible. No Attrition is assessed for rctreah.
expressed on the Combat Results Table. All odds [9.4) COORDLNATED/ BESIEGER
are rounded off in favor of the Defender. Each ATTACKS (9 . 72] Retreating units may n01 enter a hex that
Player now consulls tht: Combat Formation Table [9.41 ] A Force under siege may attack (in combat) contains an Enemy Force inside a City/ Castle or a
and throws one die 10 see which Formation will be a besieging Force (outside the City/Castle). To do hex within an Enemy Force wi1h a Defend order
used. Comparing Formations produces a possible so, the besieged Force is ordered to Move Ourside (see Case 7.29). Nor may a Force retreat across a
adjustment to the Combat Ratio. leading 10 the Ciry and A((ack, thus precipilating combat. If 1he river in a rain month. If a Force cannot retreat for
Final Cnmbar Ra110. The Attacker now throws besieged Force loses. it must retreat back inio the any reason it loses I 00/o for each hex ii canno1
one die, consults the Combat Results Table, and City. If it wins, it may go back into the city. Note retreat. H owever, a relreating Force may stop
determines the results of the baule. All results are tha1 a Force besieged inside a C ity/ Casile may retreating when ii reaches a Friendly Level Two,
applied immediately, and the retreating Force is al\,ays be ordered to Move elsewhere: however, Three or Four City or Castle. (See 12.57).
Disrupted. Neither terrain nor Lines of Com- with such an order (movement to a different hex), [9.73] Forces 1ha1 have suffered a retreat are
munication affect combat. the besieged Force may not move back into the Ci- Disrupted and must spend one full Game-Turn in
ty if it wins (a subtle difference from above). any Friendly City/Casile. Until such Force has
CASES: done so it may not Altack, besiege or voluntarily
[9.42] A Player may wam to have a Friendly
(9.1) WHERE COMBAT TAKES PLACE F orce auacl,. an Enemy Force that is besieging enter an Enemy-occupied hex. 11 defends ac nor-
another Friendly Force. He may also wish to coor- mal ~trength. The Disruption remains in effect un-
Combat occurs whenever opposing forces occupy
dinate the attacks with both Friendly Forces (one til the end oi the Game-T um spent in 1he Friendly
any common hex orher rhan a City/Castle mini- City/Castle.
hex. If opposing Forces end their movement in a inside, the other outside) against the besieging
hex "hich contains a City/Cas tle mini-hex, they Enemy Force. In such a case, the Force inside the
are only in the same hex for combat purposes if City will have dffficulty in coordinating such an at-
tack. T he Friendly P layer rolls one die for the [9.8] LEADERCASUALTIES
they were ordered 10 finish their movement in the AND CAPTURE
same location; i.e., if both are either inside or out- F orce inside the City: the resultant number is the
side the City. For this purpose, if both were number of "sixths" that the Force inside the [9.81) After combat losses ha,e been taken - bul
ord ered 10 move into the City or Castle, they are City/ Castle may use 10 attack the Enemy. Ex- before conducting relreats - each Player checks
borh considered out.side the City/ Castle. (After ample: 60 Crusader Army Strength Points are to see whether his Leaders have suffered any
combat, the victor, if he so chooses, may move in- besieging Acre, which has a Saracen garrison of 24 casualties.
to the City.) T he only exception to this is if one of Army Strength Points. Saladin and 75 Army (9.82] Players consult the Leader Casualty Table
the Players has a Force already in such City/ Cas- Strength Poinls move into 16 19 to attack the and roll two d ice for each Leader in combat, until
tle. In that case, the Player occupying the Crusaders. Saladin wishes to add the Acre garrison the stipulations of 9.83 are met.
City/ Castle may move into the City, leaving the to the a11ack . He rolls one dje and gets a 2 ; he may
use 2/6 (or 1/3) - rounded down - of his gar- (9 .83) A Crusader Player ma> ne,er lose more
opposing Force outside.
rison, or 8 Army Strength P oints, in the a ttack. than two Leaders per Combat, nor may a
[9.2] DETERMINING THE ROLE H is total Force is 83 Army Strength P oints. Saracen/ Muslim ever lose more 1han one Leader
OFATIACKER per combat. T he order of rolling for Leaders thus
[9.43] In a coordinated attack , as in Case 9.42, if becomes important, and in the First Crusade, the
The role of Attacker in any given combat is assign- t he combined Force su f fers a retreat, the units
ed in one of two ways:
Player in Command chooses the order.
from the Ciry must go back inside the Ciry. The
a. If one Force mo,es into a hex and the opposing outside Force must retreat elsewhere - but nor in- (9.84] The retreating Player is the "lo,er;'" L11e
Force remains stationary. the moving Force is the 10 the City/ Castle. other 1s the victor.
Allacker. [9 .85] Retinues of dead Crusader Leaders are also
b. If borh Forces move into the hex, the Force eliminated. Retinues of Captured Crusader
with the higher-rated Commander (Combat [9.5] THECOMBATTABLES Leaders remain hors de combat (in limbo) until
Ra ling) is the If both Commanders have (9.5 I] F o rmation Table such Leader returns.
1he same rating, roll a dje to determine the At- (see map) 19.86] Captured Le-.ider~ musl be held in a
tacker. (9.52) Co mbat Res ults Table City/Castle until Ransomed. If no City/ Castle 1s
(see map) available, the Leader escapes. The terms of any
[9.3] COMBATFORMATlO S Ransom are up 10 the Players, and any Player may
(9 .31] After determining the Basic Combat Ratio [9.6] EXPLANATIONS OF Ransom any Leader. Players may even Ransom
(see Procedure), each Player uses his Commander COMBAT RESULTS Leaders of other Players and then resell them!
10 determine by die roll the Formation he must use (9.61 ( Each die roll p roduces t\\-O combat rcsulrs. Captured Leaders are placed tn tile nearest oc-
for that battle. One affect~ the Anacker; the other, tbe Defender. cupied. F riendly City/ Castle. A Captured Leader
[9.32] Each Player consults the Combat Forma- [9.62] There are two types of combat results: may be moved under guard (at least I Army
tion Table for his Force (either Crusader or losses and retreats. Strength Point plus one Leader). When Ransom-
Mushm/ Saracen: see Cases 24. 1 and 24.2) and ed, a Leader is placed in the nearest Cily or with
[9 .63) Losses a re expressed as percentages: a the nearest Force of the Ransoming P layer. Cap-
cross-references the number with the Com- result of 20 means that a Force loses 200-0 of its
mander's Combat Rating. The result is the battle tured Leader~ may always be killed at the whim of
total strength, rounded up. (E.g., 37 Army the Captor. (In the Third Crusade, where there is
Formation for that combat. Strength Points with a 20'"• loss means 8 Army no money, Players exchange P risoners or turn
[9.33] Using the Formation Adjus1ment Table Strength P oints eliminated.) T he Crusader must o,er Cities/ Castles as payment for Ransom.)
(9.53) the Crusader Player no" cross-references distribute his losse~ as evenly as possible among his
his Formation with that of the Muslim/ Saracen. Leaders. (9.87] Lesder Casuall} Table
The result is the adjustment 10 the Basic Combat (see map)
(9.64] A result with an asterisk ( * )means that the
Ratio, in rerms of the Crusader. T hus, if the affected Force loses a number of Army S1rength
Crusader was the Defender, being attacked at 2-1, P omts equal 10 the number rolled on one (addi-
and he received a Formauon Adjustment of + 3, [9.9) OVERRUNS
tional) die. However, this loss can never be more
the Final Combat Ratio would be adjusted three than 50/o of the total strength of that Force. Thus, [9 .9JJ If any combat (not Siege) produces a Com-
columns in his favor, from 2-1 to I. I. a Force of 20 Army Strength Poi ms geuing an ( * ) bal Ratio of JO-I or greater, or I-JO or worse, the
(9.34( A Formation Adjustment resulr of No result and then roUing a 6 would sti.11 lose only one "smaller" Force is au1oma1ically Overrun and
Combat means just that: no combat occurs. In Army Strength Point, "hilc a Force of 165 Army eliminated, at no cost 10 the victor.
such case, 1he Force with fewer Arm) Strength Strength Poinls rolling a 6 would lose all six A rmy (9 .92( All Leaders in a Force that has been Over-
P oints must retreat one hex, subject 10 Retreat strength Points, because 6 is lo\\er than 50,0 of 165 run are Caprured. Any Treasuries (Firsl Crusade)
rules. ( Roll a die for ties; low die retreats.) (or8• ). are 1aken intact.
(9 .35] If both Allacking and Defcncling Com- (9.65] An r result means 1hat 1he affected Force is (9 .93( A Force may use Overrun 10 eliminate an
manders arc either Crusader or Muslim/ Saracen, Disrupted and must retreat one hex. An r2 means a opposing Force with a Defend order. If this oc-
the Formation Tables are noc used. Adjustment 10 two-hex retreat; an rJ, three hexes. AU retreats are curs, the moving Force may continue 10 mo,e a1
Combat Ra1io is determined by comparing the taken immediately. no ex1ra cost.

[6. 17] Friendly forces have no effect on other OB Chart. The Crusader may distribute Attrition Forces. Furthermore, such a moving Force must
Friendly Forces (however, see Case 6.32). losses as he sees fit (see 9.63). spend at least one Game-Turn besieging the City in
question (see, also, Case 9.63).
[6. 18) All Crusader Forces are Friendly to each (6.46] Weather may increase the Attrition Point
other and all Muslim Forces are Friendly LO each Value of each hex (see Case 13.23, Winter). Fur- [7 .23) A Force abandoning a siege may ignore the
other. unless specifically announced otherwise (see thermore, Crusader Forces that cannot trace a Zone of Influence of the Enemy Force in the City it
Cases 24. 1 and 24.2). Li ne of Communications (Case 11 . 1) at the end of is leaving.
(6.2) LAND MOVEMENT a Movement Phase automatically use the 19+ (7 .24] If opposing Forces borh exert a Zone of In•
RESTRICTIONS Line to determine Allrition, even if they have not nuence into the same hex, both sides are influenc-
moved. (This supercedes the effects of Case 6.47). ing that hex.
[6 .21[ Each City or Castle (10.13) com one Move-
ment Point to enter /11 addition 10 the point for [6.47] A F orce that has not moved may also suffer [7.25] Friendly Zones of Influence have no effect
entering the he, the city/ castle is in. Forces in a A11ri1ion. Starting with the second consecutive on other Friendly Forces.
hex"' hich contains a city or castle that are not ac- Game-Turn of non-movement, the Force ac-
(7 .26] Naval units do not have, nor are they af-
tually inside the city/castle mini-hex are con- cumulates a total of five Aurition Points times the
A ttrition Value of the hex it occupies for each con- fected by, Zones of Influence.
sidered 10 be Outside the City. (See Case 6.32).
They are treated like any other Force in a hex. secutive Game-T urn of non-movement. The [7.27] Players may not Retreat through an in-
points for non-movement are cumulative from fluenced hex which contains a C ity/ Castle or an
(6 .22) A Friendly Force must stop when it enters Enemy Force. Forces may retreat through in-
Game-Turn LO Game-Turn. This does not affect
an Enemy Zone of Influence; it may move no fur- fluenced hexes adjacent to C ity hexes that are not
Forces inside Cities/Castles or Besieging Forces.
ther that Game-Tum. even if ordered to do so (see occupied by an Enemy Force.
(Also, remember Case 6.46.)
Section 7.0, Zones of lnfluenceaod Case9.93).
[6.48) In the First Crusade (only) the Crusader i7.28) Normally, having more than one Zone of
[6 .23) Fleets have oo effect on Movement of land Influence exerted on a hex has no additional ef-
P layer (only) may "supply" his Army. For every
units, and vice versa. fect. Howe,er, under the conditions outlined in
five bezants he expends. he may retrieve one at-
[6.3] STACKING trited Army Strength Point. Thus . using the exam- Case 7.22 they may have an additional effect.
[6 .311 There is no limit to the number of units of ple in Case 6.43, the Crusader Player could expend [7.29) T he presence of a Friendly Force in a hex
any type that may stack in any hex other than for 10 bezanls and nor lose the two Army Strength negates the effect of an Enemy Zone of Influence
Cities and Castles. Points. This applies to all Allrition except Plague. to the extent that the E nemy Zone of Influence
[6 .32] There is a 1Imi1 to the number of Army [6 .49) Movement Attrilion Table does not extend through that hex. Tbus, if two op-
Strength Points that may be within a City/ Castle. (sec map) posing Forces are in the same hex, both Forces
Any units above this limit are considered Outside have a Zone of Influence for 1h01 hex, but never
the City/Castle. Thus, units over the limit in Tyre out of it. Furthermore, a Force under Siege exerts
are still in hex 1618; but 1heyareno1 intheciry(see no Zone of Influence at all.
Terrain Key on map).
'\/OT£: The Terrain Ke> on the map is incorrect.
All green hexes should be Fertile: all tan hexes GENERAL R ULE:
Variable: all yellm, hexe~ Barren. Occupied ci1ies and castles exert a Zone of ln-
nuence 1hat extends into the hex the City/Castle Leaders are the means b) \\hich Arm> Strength
Movement Alfririon is assessed according to the occupies as well as imo all six adjacent hexes. In Point~ mo,e and fight. Leaders have Ranks:
size of a Force, the type of terrain, and the extent addition, Forces of five Army Strength Points or Primary (the highe~t ran k: unbroken stripe),
of the Movement (or length of the lack of more ordered 10 Defend possess a Zone of In- Secondary (one b, eal. in scripe), and Te, tia, y (two
movement). These facets are combined, using the fluence that affects the hex they are in (only). breaks in st ripe). All Leaders have Combat
Movemem Allrition Table (6.49). Lo determine Zones of Innuence inhibit Enemy movement. Ratings, regardless of Rank. In the First Crusade.
how man} or a Force's Army Strength P oints have Leaders also have Guile Ratings (see Section 21.0).
been lost 10 Anrition. In the First Crusade (only) CASES: Bishops are Leaders. Each Player must designate
Players may soften the effects of AtLrition by ex- which Leader in a Force is the Commander, as on-
pending money (bezants). Aurition affects Land [7 .1) WHICH UNITS EXERT
ly Commanders may use their Combat (and Guile)
Army Strength Points only. A ZONE OF INFLUENCE
Ratings. The highest Ran king Leader in a Force is
[6.41 ) Each hex on Lhe game-map, aside from All- [7.ll] Only forces (not Garrisons - Case 10.24) automatically Commander, regardless of Combat
Sea hexes. has an Allrition Value (see Anrition exert a Zone of Influence. Ratings. If there is more than one "highest"
Table- on game-map). (7. 12) A Force of 011y size that is inside a Level Leader the Player (or Players) must designate, in
(6.42] A Force moving through a hex accumu lates T wo, Three, or Four City, or any Castle, e,cens a writing, who is in Command. Army Strength
the value of the Attrition Points for that hex. Zone of Influence into the hex occupied by the Points without a Leader may not be moved. nor
Thus, a Force moving through five Variable hexes City/ Castle, as well as into all six adjacent hexes may they be given a Defend order. T hey may not
would accumulate JO A ttrition Points. (see Case 7 .14). besiege or attack. but they do exen Zones of In•
[7. 13) A Force of any size in a Level One City, or a fluence, and they do defend against allack or siege
[6.43] Players total the Altrition Points for each (using the worst possible formation).
individual Force that has moved, and then refer 10 Force of five or more Army Strength Points with a
the Movement Allrition Table (6.49). Each Player Defend Order in any other type of hex, exerts a
cross-references the number of Allrition Points Zone of ln nuence into the hex the Force is in.
with the size (in Army Strength Points) of Lhe [7.14) A Zone of Influence does not extend [9.0] COMBAT
Force. T he resultant number is the number of Ar- through Mountain, Blocked, Lake or All-Sea hex-
my Strength Points lost to A ttrition. Example : sides at any time. oor through River hexsides in GENERAL RULE:
The Crusader has a Force of 38 Army Strength Rain mont hs. Combat in The Crusades refers to pitched balllcs
Points that has moved through one Fertile hex, (7 .1S] Whether a Force has a Line of Communica- between opposing Forces - as opposed 10 Sieges
two Barren hexes, and two Variable hexes, ac- tions or not has no bearing on its ability to exert a (Section 10.0). Combat is mandatory whenever
cumulating 11 Allrition Points. The Player cross- Zone of Influence. two opposing Forces occupy the same hex at the
references the 11 Attrition Points with his 38 Army beginning of a Combat Phase. One Player is the
Strength Points, using the 31-40 column on the [7.2) EFFECTS OF Auacker. the 01her the Defender; the distinction
Crusader Linc. The Crusader FNce has lost two ZONESOFI FLUENCE depends either on Strategic Position or Com-
Army Strength P oints LO M ovement Attrition. [7.21) Lines of Communicat ion (Section I 1.0) mander Rating. Land combat is done by Forina-
(6.44) The Movement Anrition Table has a may not be traced through an Enemy Zone of In- tion , and the end result is expressed as Retreats
C rusader Army Strength Point Line and a Muslim fluence. and Army Strength Point losses. Leaders may also
/ Saracen Army Strength Point Line. Players [7.22) A Friendly Force must stop upon entering suffer casualties. Small Forces may be Overrun.
should be careful to consult the correct Line when an Enemy-influenced hex and may be moved no Zones of Influence have oo effect on combat.
determining Allrition losses. further in rhat Game-Turn. H owever. a force be- Retreating Forces are Disrupted.
[6.45] Losses from Allrition are subtracted im- ing moved toward a City/ Castle with the intent of
besieging that City/Castle ignores any Zones of PROCEDURE:
mediately after movement is completed. T he Mus-
lim/ Saracen Player reduces his Army Strength Influence exerted by Forces in that City/ Castle. lt Players determine which of them is the A nacker
Points accordingly: the Crusader Player uses his may not ignore Zones of Influence of other and "'hich the Defender. Each Player then totals

(3.3] GAMECHARTSA DTABLES One game box assembly (not included in subscrip- Defend: A Force of five Army Strength Points or
tion edition) more may be ordered 10 Defend. Such a Force may
Visual aids are provided for the Players 10 simplify no1 move (and inhibits Enemy movement).
and illustrate certain game mechanics. These are If any parts are missing or damaged, please write:
1he Turn Record Track, Movement/Attrition Customer Service Blockade: For Fleets, only (see Case 12.3)
Table. Co{l1bat Formation Tables, Combat Simulations Publications , Inc. Blockading Fleets may not move.
Results Tables, Siege Assauh Table, Siege Attri- 44 East 23rd Street Full Siege: Enables a Force to Assault a city/
tion Table, Naval Combat Results Table, New York, N. Y. 10010 castle at full strength, while defending against
Plague/ Muslim Reinforcemenc Table (First Questions regarding the rules of the game will be possible outside attack at half-strength (see Sec-
Crusade), Random Events Table (First Crusade), answered if accompanied by a stamped, self- tion I0.0). This is an automatic Defend order.
and the Crusader Orders of Battle. T he locations addressed envelope, and if phrased so that they Partial Siege: Same as Full Siege, except Forces
of these charts and tables are noted in the rules. may be answered in one word. Send rules ques- assault at ½-strength and defend at full strength.
tions 10 the above address, marked " Rules Ques-
[3.4] GAMESCALE A Force given no order does nothing and it does
tions: Crusades."
not impede the movement of Enemy forces. Such a
Each hexagon represents an area roughly fifteen
Force defends if attacked. However, a Force inside
miles across. Each Crusader Strength Point is
a City/ Castle needs no order to defend against a
worth about 200 men (with a ratio of 5 to I, infan-
siege; units under such conditions have an
try 10 mounted knights); Muslim Strength Points [4.0] SEQUENCEOFPLAY automatic Defend order. Army Strength Points
represents slightly more manpower. Each Fleet The Sequence of Play delineated below covers without Leaders may not be given orders.
Point is about 25 ships (of various kinds). All both Scenarios for The Crusades. Phases and
numbers are quite rough. as the ba~es for Segments noted with an asterisk(•) are applicable
numerical estimates for this era are crude at besl. LO both Crusades. All Others arc for the First
[3.5) THE CRUSAD ER COUNTERS Crusade only. All Players perform each Phase of [6.0] MOVEMENT OF
the Sequence simultaneously, and in the order
[3.51) Crusader land combat units are represented given, before proceeding 10 the nexl Phase. LAND FORCES
by individual Leaders (Section 8.0).
[3.52) Each Crusader Leader has his own
I . Diplomacy P hllSe:
[A Force is a Leader alone or any Leader plus Ar-
''retinue," which represents his fighting Force. in
my S1rength Points]
terms of Army Strength Points. The number of A. Discussion Segment: Players discuss, secretly
Army Strength Points assigned lO a given or openly, any deals or arrangements they wish to During lhe Movement Phase, each Player moves
Crusader Leader may be found on the Crusader make. A nything not specifically prohibited by 1he his Forces according to its plo11ed move. He may
Order of Battle (Section 27 .0). rules is possible. only move those Army Strength Points attached 10
or part of a Leader; Army S1rength Point counters
[3.53] Unlike the Muslim/ Saracen Player, the B. • Order Segment: Players write down all orders,
Crusader Player receives no Army Strength Point may not be moved without a Leader. Leaders may
bribes and anything else they want their units to be moved in any direction, or combination of
counters. Instead. each Crusader uses his do. Reinforcements for Third Crusade enter here.
Crusader Order of Baille Chart 10 record any directions, limited only by the terrain, Zones o f In-
2.•Rllndo m t:venls Phase: Players determine nuence, and their Movement Point Allowances.
losses. Players should make copies of the Order of
what Random Events if any, occur for that Game- No Leader may exceed his Movement Point
Battle Charts for future use.
Turn. T he first Game-Turn has no Random Allowance in a given P hai.e. Unused Movement
[3.54) Each Crusader Leader's retinue is non- Events Phase. points may no1 be accumulated or transferred, and
transferable, except where specifically stated all movemenl is simultaneous. After movement
3. Bribery Phase: All Bribes are announced and
otherwise. Furthermore, once all his retinue is for each Leader is completed, the P layer totals the
eliminated, that Leader is also eliminated. A Allrition Points accumulated for the hexes
Leader's Combat Ra ting is not his strength; this 4. "Movemenl Ph11Se: All Players move their units
traversed and takes any A1tri1ion reduc1ions.
rating is used to determine Formations, among according 10 their wri11en orders. After Move-
other things. ment, P layers calculate and apply any losses from CASES:
Movement Allrition. [6. l] HOW TO MOVE LAND FORCES
[3.55] The Crusader Leaders for the First Crusade
are printed on the reverse side of those for the 5.• combat Phase: Opposing Forces in 1he same (6.11] A Player may move only his own Forces:
Third Crusade. hex engage in combat. This includes both Land all some, or none may be moved.
and Naval units. Losses are taken and defeated
[3.56) The Game-map contains several Crusader [6.12] Movement is calculated in terms of Move-
units are retreated.
Commander Boxes. Rather than place large stacks ment Points expended. Each Crusader, Byzantine.
of units on the map, the Crusader Player simply 6. •Siege Phase: Any sieges ordered are under- Cypriot, and Armenian Leader has a Movement
places all those units serving under one Com- taken. The besieging P layer may first ask for sur- Point Allowance of five Points; each Muslim /
mander in a box and places only that Commander render. If the siege is unsuccessful, both Players Saracen Leader has a Movemenl Point Allowance
counter on the map. check for Siege Allrition. of six. Each hex co!itS one Movement Point to
7. Economics Phase: Players collect income from enter (Cases 20.2( I) and 20.3(9).)
ci1ies and Caravans. [6. 13] It costs one additional Movement Point LO
The Muslims (First Crusade) and Saracens (Third
cross a River hexside, and no unit may ever cross a
Crusade) also have Leader counters. However,
Mountain or Blocked hexside.
unlike the Crusaders, 1hey have separate counters
10 represen1 Army Streng1h Points. [6. 14] Each Player simply moves his units as
Muslim/Saracen Army Strcng1h Point counters ordered. It is probably best that each Player move
are Strength Points that may be used like change. [S:O] ORDERS individually, remembering that all Movemenl is,
A Player with a Force of 50 Army Strength Points in effect, simultaneous.
losing 5 points would simply replace the "50" with (6.15] A Muslim/ Saracen Leader may move only
couniers representing 45 Army Strength Points. In The Crusades, everything that has 10 be done
those Army Strength Points attached to him at the
Muslim Army Strength Point counters are non- must be written down beforehand . The Players
stan of the Game-Tum. He may leave some or all
transferable among different Players or armies; have a variety of orders they may give a Leader. A
of these behind, but no Muslim/Saracen Leader
Players may not borrow armies. The Muslim Leader may be ordered to do only one thing per
may ever pick up addhional Army Strength Points
Leaders are pnnted on the reverse side ol the Game-Turn (unless a specific order covers two
during Movement. Crusader Leaders always move
Saracen Leaders. items). Many other transactions must also be writ-
wit h their assigned retinue.
ten: Bribes, Treachery, etc. The following orders
[3. 71 INVENTORY OF GAME PARTS may be given: (6. 161 Friendly Forces (see Case 6.18) may enter
and pass through non-City/Castle hexes contain-
A Complete game of The Crusaders includes: Move: Any Force or Fleet is ordered to move LO a
ing Enemy Forces without any penalty (however,
One 22" x 32" game-map specific hex. Note the path of movement for A ttri-
see Cases 7. 13 and 7 .22). The presence of an
One rules booklet tion purposes. Enemy Force in an non-City/Castle hex has no ef-
One sheet of 200 die-cut counters, printed front M ow! and Transport: For Fleets carrying Forces/ fect on a Friendly Force moving through that hex,
and back treasuries. Note Forces being carried. unless the Enemy Force has a Defend order. A De-
O ne plastic die (not included in subscription edi- M o,·e Outside City and Artack: For a besieged fend order produces a Zone of Influence, halts
tion) Force that wishes 10 anack its besiegers. movement. and causes Combat.

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