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Date 11/09/08

Final Exam On Establish Horticultural, Stimulant and Spice Crops

Name: ___________________________ sign------------------- Section: ______



----------1. Coffee Seedlings will be ready to be transplanted when they have 5-7 pairs of leaves
----------2. Standard Of Land Preparation Includes Clearing, Soil Conditioning And Plowing.
----------3. Sowing Should Be Done When Germination Percent Is Not Known
----------4.Direct Sowing Onto Pots Can Be Done When Germination Period Is Short
----------5. Good single-leaf cuttings for tea seedling come from the flexible middle portion
----------6.Controlling of Weed Is Possible With the Use of Herbicides.
----------7. TEA Mother Bushes should be given fertilizer at a higher rate than the normal field
----------5. Climate Is One of the Ecological Factor That Influence the Growth
----------7. Slashing Is Not Cultural Control of Weeds Not Includes
----------9. Training in kororima is important operation in established crop farm
---------10. Insecticide Use Is The Last Option In Pest Control Procedure?

PART.II choose the best answer for the following questions (2.5pt each)
1. Among the following the one isn’t the main purpose of clearing of land?
A. It avoid competition for water & nutrient
B. It makes the land convenient for cultivation
C. It Eliminate shelter of pests and diseases
D. It reduce cost of the product

2. Which one simple hand tools used to clear and preparing of land?
A. Shovel B. tractor C. Sickle D. Cutlass E. All

3. Which one is the main environmental implication in establishing horticultural crops?

A. altitude B. pest C. Climate D. Accessibility E. all

4. _________ refers to manual or mechanical manipulation of the soil to provide a medium

for proper crop establishment and growth.
A. Fertilizer B. Cultivation C. Tillage D. Green manure E. None

5. ________refers crops are grown for 1to3 years or until the productivity of the land is
depleted or land is infested with bio-agents such as weeds, pests and pathogens.

A. Mono cropping B. Multiple cropping C. Cropping systems D. Shifting cultivation

6. Which one of the following horticultural crop is not indigenous to Ethiopia
A. kororima B. coffee C. tea D. none

Good luck

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