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Role play

Alejandro: Hello! You must be the new TCK student, Anne, right?

Anne: Hi! Yes, I am.

Chimlin: Hello, my name is Chimlin and I’m from Thailand. This is my friend, Alejandro.

Anne: Oh, it´s nice to meet you. I’ve recently moved to California, and I still don’t have many friends.

Alejandro: Don’t worry about that. You’ll see that you’ll adapt and make new friends very soon!

Chimlin: So, I think to start we should introduce ourselves and tell you more about us for you to get to know us.

Anne: Great idea!

Alejandro: I can start. I'm from Peru, where I was born and completed my primary school. I was born in Peru
because both of my parents are Peruvians. After a few years, I moved to Portugal and stayed there for four years. I
had to move there because my father received a job opportunity as an engineer. Then I moved to Australia, where I
met a lot of people and eventually made friends. Finally, I moved to California, and this is my third year here!

Chimlin: Ok, my turn now. I'm from Thailand, where I was born. At the age of eight, I moved to Russia, where I lived
for five years. Then I moved to France and stayed there for three years. Finally, I came to California.

Anne: Great introduction! Now, if you don't mind, I'd like to ask some questions about the difficulties and feelings
you experienced while traveling.

Chimlin: I believe that I didn't experience a lot of difficulties because I always had my twin brother Taeng by my
side. Since I arrived in California, I've adjusted very well. People have been nice to me and have integrated me into
their friend groups. They've invited me to join them at parties, concerts, and other activities like the volleyball

Alejandro: My experience, unfortunately, wasn't the best. Since I moved, I've experienced some moments when I
felt like I didn't belong there, and I felt embarrassed and bullied by others. Then I decided to take a deep breath
and keep going, believing that everything would be fine. Eventually, it worked. I found a group of friends like me,
TCKs, where I feel loved and that I belong.

Anne: And how do you feel now?

Chimlin: I honestly fell in love with California and the amazing group of friends I've met here. I'm sure I'll keep
these friendships for the rest of my life.

Alejandro: I absolutely share the same feeling. I've made friends for life!

Anne: Amazing! Now it's my turn to be honest. I kind of feel scared about this new chapter of my life...

Alejandro: You don't have to worry about anything. I believe that one thing you could do is try to integrate into
some groups and try to have the best experience you can while you're here.

Chimlin: Keep going and give it your best. We're all cheering for you!

Anne: Thank you so much; you've been so helpful!

Alejandro: Now, would you like a tour of the city?

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