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Q: What was your task and how did you contribute to the group work (interviews,
writing texts, communication, etc.)?

A: As the compiler of the group OCEAN'S 5, I contributed significantly to video

shooting and recording, while actively engaging in teamwork, idea generation, and
integrating diverse perspectives into the shooting process.

Q: What was your most memorable learning experience? Which competencies did
you develop further?

A: My most indelible learning experience transpired during our exploration of

historical monuments in Mumbai. This immersive pre-recording endeavour
underscored the paramount importance of coordination, teamwork, and the art of
seamlessly incorporating everyone's viewpoints, thereby fortifying the bonds
within our team.

Q: What went well? What would you have done differently? Think about: methods,
group work, technical aspects, collaboration with the partner school, etc.

A: The script and concept of our group's sitcom video were distinctive, conveying
the intended message in an engaging and unconventional manner. Reflecting on
our performance, a more strategic approach and enhanced time management could
have optimized task completion

What have you learned from your partner school? If possible compare the
outcomes of the research of the partner school with the outcomes of your research.

A: From our partner school, I gleaned profound insights into the divergence of
cultures and mindsets. This cross-cultural exposure broadened my perspective,
revealing nuances that enriched the comparative analysis of research outcomes
between our respective institutions.

Why does your group deserve 5 bonus points for your project?
Think about: extra work done, good group work, group has shown 'ownership' of
the project

A: Our group deserves 5 bonus points for the innovative and engaging approach in
our sitcom video, showcasing creativity, effective teamwork, and a commitment to
the theme of Spy X Heist in a captivating manner that sets us apart.

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