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Army Public Schools and Colleges System

Week: 6th Developed by: Faiza Noureen

Date:18 Sep,2023 Taught by:
Sub: Eng Literature Class: 2 Period: 1+1
Topic: Reader- The Elves and the Shoemaker Sub topic: Reader pages 22-24
SLO (s): Students will be able to:
1. read the text
2. describe the picture
Skills focused on:
Reading , Speaking, Listening, Observing, Thinking, Vocabulary
Vocabulary flash cards, Board, Marker, Reader, Notebook
Methodology :
Brainstorming, Lecture Method, Activity Based
Activity 1: Recap by asking random questions like Who came to the shop and what did he/she pay to buy
the beautiful pair of shoes?
Write the title of the reader on whiteboard and give a quick Recap of pgs. 22-24. Students to look and read the
text. Model reading and explanation of pgs 22-24 by the teacher. During reading, tell students about the pause
at the comma. Students will take turns to read the text and relate it to the picture. Let students take turns to
read the text and describe the pictures given on pg 22-24
Activity 2:
While working in pairs students to make thought bubbles with the characters and add notes
(thoughts) in the bubbles. Divide students in groups to practice who said the words to whom by selecting
different dialogues from the text and asking from each group
Activity 3:
Students to act out the conversation between the shoemaker and his wife. (Ref pg. 16,17), Invite
pairs for class presentation
Q/Ans to be done on notebooks
Notebook work
1. Why did the cobbler and his wife want to find out about the person who is helping them?
Success Criteria:
Remember to:
read the text for information and answer the relevant questions
Assessment For Learning: Oral assessment, Follow up questions
Reading, Picture Description, Q/Ans, Reader pgs 22-24

H.W: --
Online Assignment (if any): Nil

Sign: Subject Coordinator:_________ Sign: Section Head :______________

Army Public Schools and Colleges System

Week: 6th Developed by: Faiza Noureen

Date: 19 Sep, 2023 Taught by:
Sub: Eng Language Class: 2 Period: 1+1
Topic: Unit 1 : Look in a Book Sub topic: Lesson 3: Words and
Sounds (N.B work) a or an
SLO (s): Students will be able to:
1. listen for specific information
2. Identify noun ,verbs, adjectives
Skills focused on:
Reading , Observing, Thinking, Vocabulary, Discussion
Vocabulary flash cards, Board, Marker, Learner’s Book, Notebook
Methodology :
Brainstorming, Lecture Method, Activity Based
Recap by asking questions about noun, verbs, adjectives
Teacher to recap the topic. Make six cards with one vowel written on each card. Listen and repeat the word
to identify the vowel sound you hear in the middle. Hold up the correct card. Write the words on board and
put them in the alphabetical order. Say and write sentence for each picture in the notebook.
Number 1-15
Students to count the people in picture A and B. Count aloud with their partner. Afterwards write numbers 1
– 15 in words in notebooks (Learner’s book pg#13)

Activity 1:
Vowels in the middle Activity:
Listen and repeat the word to identify the vowel sound you hear in the middle. Hold up the correct card.
Write the words on board and put them in the alphabetical order. Say and write sentence for each picture in
the notebook
Activity 2:
Wrap up Activity:
Reinforce the use of a & an with sufficient board practice. Show some pictures to the students. They will say
the word by looking at the picture and use a & an accordingly.

Success Criteria:
Remember to:
read the text for information and answer the relevant questions
Assessment For Learning: Oral assessment, Follow up questions
Learner’s Book pg 13 Revision

H.W: Prepare test of reader pgs 9-12

Online Assignment (if any): Nil

Sign: Subject Coordinator:_________ Sign: Section Head :________

Army Public Schools and Colleges System

Week: 6th Developed by: Faiza Noureen

Date: 20 Sep,2023 Taught by:
Sub: Eng Language Class: 2 Period: 1+1
Topic: Unit 1 : Look in a Book Sub topic: Lesson 4: Talking
about possessions - Revision
SLO (s): Students will be able to:
1. Revise the use of apostrophe to show possession nouns and adjectives
2. talk about their and other’s possessions
Skills focused on:
Reading , Speaking, Listening, Observing, Thinking, Vocabulary
Vocabulary flash cards, Board, Marker, Learner’s Book, Notebook
Methodology :
Brainstorming, Lecture Method, Activity Based
Activity 1:
Brainstorm by asking questions about possessions (something that you own, or something that the student
Teacher to introduce the topic. Ask relevant questions to check students’ knowledge. Teacher will start the
lesson by discussing possessions.
Discuss what is a bag pack. Explain it is a compound noun by giving more examples from real
life situation. Elicit more compound nouns from students (ref to Language detective box). Ask the students
what they will take along in their backpack if they have to go camping. Elicit some vocabulary by showing
the picture. Reinforce topic vocabulary. Discuss the language tip to explain the use of the to talk about
specific things. (Ref to Activity Book) Listen to the audio track 9 and look at the picture of children closely
to find which bag pack belongs to which child.
Activity 2:
Students will turn wise use ‘your’ and ‘mine’ while pointing at each other’s belongings.
Teacher will model the activity. Read the language tip and talk about it. Children will come in pairs and
repeat the dialogue they have learned about asking and replying about backpack. Teacher to practice the
dialogue with the class. Use the board to talk about the use of apostrophe. Ask students to write it on the
board to say whose bag pack. Sufficient board practice to be done for reinforcement

Activity 3:
Revise the use of personal pronouns. Discuss the language tip to explain the use of she has got, he
has got, I have got. Explain the use of has and have, with personal pronouns. (Ref to Activity Book. Look
at each picture and name the things shown in each bag pack.
Success Criteria:
Remember to:read the text for information and answer the relevant questions
Assessment For Learning: Assess the communication ability through interviewing
Through Name cards evaluate the ability to use his and her
C.W: Learner’s book pgs 14,15 , A.B pgs 10,11 Revision
H.W: --- Nil---
Online Assignment (if any): Nil
Sign: Subject Coordinator:_________ Sign: Section Head :__________
Army Public Schools and Colleges System

Week: 6th Developed by: Faiza Noureen

Date: 21 Sep,2023 Taught by:
Sub: Eng Literature Class: 2 Period: 1+1
Topic: Reader- The Elves and the Shoemaker Sub topic: Reader pages 9-12
SLO (s): Students will be able to:
1. read the text
2. describe the picture
Skills focused on:
Reading ,Speaking, Listening, Observing, Thinking, Vocabulary
Vocabulary flash cards, Board, Marker, Reader, Notebook
Methodology :
Brainstorming, Lecture Method, Activity Based
Activity 1:
Recap by asking random questions like Who is helping the cobbler to make the shoes? How did the pair of
shoes look?
 Write the title of the reader on whiteboard and give a quick Recap of pgs.9-12. students look and read
the text. Model reading and explanation of pgs 9-12 by the teacher. During reading, tell students about
the pause at the comma. Students will take turns to read the text and relate it to the picture. Let students
take turns to read the text and describe the pictures given on pg 9-12 following Digital Resource/
Activity 2:
While working in pairs students to make thought bubbles with the characters and add notes
(thoughts) in the bubbles. Divide students in groups to practice who said the words to whom by selecting
different dialogues from the text and asking from each group
Activity 3:
Students to act out the conversation between the shoemaker and his wife. (Ref pg. 18-21), Invite pairs
for class presentation. Q/Ans to be done on notebooks
Notebook work
• Did the cobbler stop working hard when he got the gold coins?
• Why the shoemaker was surprised the next morning?

Success Criteria:
Remember to:
read the text for information and answer the relevant questions
Assessment For Learning: Use AFL tools (Q/A, True /false, match the sentences, sequencing events,
MCQs, Quiz, crossword puzzle etc.) to check students’ comprehension
Reading, Picture Description, Q/Ans, Reader pgs 9-12
H.W: --- Nil---
Online Assignment (if any): Nil
Army Public Schools and Colleges System
Week: 6th Developed by: Faiza Noureen
Date:22 Sep,2023 Taught by:
Sub: Eng Literature Class: 2 Period: 1
Topic: Reader- The Elves and the Shoemaker Sub topic: Reader page 51
SLO (s): Students will be able to:
 read the text
 do the end exercise activities independently
Skills focused on:
Reading , Speaking, Listening, Observing, Thinking, Vocabulary
Vocabulary flash cards, Board, Marker, Reader
Methodology :
Brainstorming, Lecture Method, Activity Based
Activity 1:Recap by asking random questions like Who came to the shop and what did he/she pay to buy
the beautiful pair of shoes?
Write the title of the reader on whiteboard and give a quick Recap of pgs. 6-24 Students to look and read the
text. Model reading and explanation of pgs 6-24 by the teacher. During reading, tell students about the pause
at the comma. Students will take turns to read the text and relate it to the picture. Let students take turns to
read the text. Students will do End exercise activities on pgs 51

Activity 2:
While working in pairs students to make thought bubbles with the characters and add notes
(thoughts) in the bubbles. Divide students in groups to practice who said the words to whom by selecting
different dialogues from the text and asking from each group
Activity 3:
Students to act out the conversation between the shoemaker and his wife. (Ref pg.22-24), Invite
pairs for class presentation

Success Criteria:
Remember to:
read the text for information and answer the relevant questions
Assessment For Learning: Oral assessment, Follow up questions
Reading, Picture Description, Reader pgs 51

H.W: -----
Online Assignment (if any): Nil

Sign: Subject Coordinator:_________ Sign: Section Head :________

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