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File No.

REV02-12022/190/2022-AS-LRAP&LRUC-CCLA 96

Office of the e i fef ioiifssforee of Lfoarn Admnifrfstheeathefor Admi

AdmiIIi Towees Margalagfef Gurtheue

Circular Instructions

CCLA’s Ref.No.LR-I/ROR/551/2022, Dt.12/10/2022

Sub: ROR – Admnnfthefor of Mfssfrg Suevey Nuibees & i arge of ilassffcathefor

- feoi Goveerierthe larn theo iathethea larn fr Weblarn - ifeculae frstheeucthefors
- Issuen – Reg.

Ref:- iiLfoAdm's Ref.No.LfoR-II(1)/551/2022 natheen:25.04.2022.


T e athetheerthefor of the e iollectheoes fr the e Stheathee fs frvftheen theo the e eefeeerces

cftheen w eeefr the e powee theo c arge larn ratheuee arn larn classffcathefor fr
eespecthe of pefvathee larns ave beer nelegatheen theo Ta sflnaes.

Ir annfthefor iollectheoes fr the e Stheathee ave beer eepeeserthefrg the athe Lfoaege
ruibee of gefevarces aee befrg eecefven athe Sparnara iall certheee
eequesthefrg annfthefor of Mfssfrg Suevey Nuibees arn c arge of
classffcathefor feoi Goveerierthe Lfoarn theo iathethea larn fr Weblarn arn
eequestheen theo peovfne recessaey facflfthey athe the e Lfoevel of Jofrthe iollectheoe
Lfoevel frstheean of sernfrg eac case theo iDiMRO o/o iiLfoAdm so as theo avofn
aens fp befrg facen by the e publfc.

T e iathetheee as beer exaifren arn theo avofn aens fp theo the e publfc the e
iD iMRO s all erable the e followfrg seevfces fr the e Jofrthe iollectheoes' logfr so
the athe the ey iay iake eequfeen c arges fr weblarn :
1. Admnnfthefor of Mfssfrg Suevey Nuibees
2. Reclassffcathefor of Govthe larn theo iefvathee larn (22 Adm cases)
3. i arges eequfeen owfrg theo couethe oenees: ifvfl couethe/Reverue couethe.
4. Lfoarn alferathefor / Lfoarn Admcqufsfthefor/Lfoarn Admssfgrierthe cases

T e iollectheoes aee frfoeien the athe the e above c arges car be iane by
the e Jofrthe iollectheoes fr the efe weblarn logfr recessaey caee s all be theaker
by the e Jofrthe iollectheoes theo ersuee the athe eveey c arge as iertheforen above
s all be coveeen by peoceenfrgs arn suc peoceenfrgs fs uploanen fr the e
File No.REV02-12022/190/2022-AS-LRAP&LRUC-CCLA 97


T eeefoee all the e iollectheoes fr the e Stheathee s all nfeecthe eespecthefve Jofrthe
iollectheoes theo caeefully veeffy eac arn eveey case of the e lfsthe as iertheforen
above fr accoenarce wfthe law arn fssue oenees fr eac case wfthe e-Sfgr

T e iD iMRO s all be iake recessaey c arges fr the e weblarn


G Sai Prasad I A S
iiLfoAdm & Spl. iS

Admll the e Dfstheefcthe iollectheoes fr the e Stheathee.
Admll the e Jofrthe iollectheoes fr the e Stheathee.
T e iD iMRO O/o iiLfoAdm.

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