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Who wants to have freedom?

All will raise hands.

But the question is, are you READY? Then, some hands will remain in the air while others will eventually
put down.

I stumbled upon Jomar Hilario, a Virtual Career Guru, through Bo Sanchez. As many stories shared in his
book Virtual Careers, Virtual professionals have more time to do the most important things in life -
Taking charged of their lives. Not to mention that they have more financial freedom! Oh that’s great
news for me as a working mom with two toddlers. But why do I want to become a virtual professional?

I want to be beside my family for love and care!

During my childhood days, my parents sent us to my grandparents for us to study at private school. My
parents visited us every other week, sometimes took months but sometimes they would just send
letters. There were times that we’re sick but they were not always beside us. So sometimes, we’d just
pretend that we’re physically ok but emotionally we’re still sick. I grew up with proper values but deep
inside me, I was longing for my parents’ love and care.

To provide Time and Financial needs to my parents.

I love my parents. They’re already at their senior days, the stage that we should be spending more time
family together as possible. With my current employee day job, my time for them is very limited. Not to
mention that my salary is not always enough for our family and my parents’ needs. My extended work
does not also give extra salary but only missed opportunity of quality time with family!

To dedicate the learning time for knowledge of my interest that I can use to add to my income

My job requires technical knowledge through trainings. Some topics are not interesting but I have to
study because my job calls for it. However as an employee, regardless of how well and how many
expertise I have, still there may not have impact on my income if my company has no capability yet for
salary increase. I want to have my learning time for the knowledge that interests me. Acquiring
knowledge and skills to apply in my chosen niche will eventually pay off more enough than in my
employee job.

To be surrounded with entrepreneur-minded people who are blessed and willing to be blessings to
If I’ll be surrounded with entrepreneurial-minded people instead of employee-minded people, my
personal development will surely grow as well.

The road to success may be hard and we may tend to give up. But just imagine how awesome it is to see
that we are full-filing our dreams. How wonderful it is that we have Freedom to do the most important
things in life. Let’s focus on that dreams and it’s 100% sure that work will not be hard if we love we are

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