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Niki Saputri
IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon

Tedi Rohadi
IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon

Nana Priajana
IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon

Abstract: The independent curriculum in Indonesia is based on CEFR and the goal of the
independent curriculum is to develop students’ communicative competence. But in
reality, since the beginning of the 21st century (since the early 2000) where science has
advanced, traditional science which only focuses on one single variable that is only
dependent on grammar and vocabulary is no longer reliable. This study aims to develop
digital writing resources of explanation text based on cefr and using reading for emotion.
This is done to develop the quality of writing explanation texts for students so that
students can learn through digital writing resources and also according to the level of
students English skills. This research uses the research and development method. In this
study the researcher adopted only three stages namely, analysis, design and development.
The results from the material experts show a percentage of 95%, which means that digital
writing resources are very effective and do not require revision in terms of material. Then
the results of media experts showed a percentage of 83.6%. This means that the video
media is also very effective and can be used without any revisions, but the media experts
provide suggestions to the author.

Keywords: CEFR, Explanation text, Emotion, Digital resources.


The English Proficiency Index is an EF (First English) test taken by adults that aims to
rank countries on the basis of equality of English skills. From 2014 that Indonesia's rank has
decreased, in 2019 and 2020 Indonesia had experienced an increase from the previous year but
decreased again in 2021 and 2022. The PISA results in Indonesia's ranking are always in the
lower position, the PISA results were carried out constantly from 2000 to 2018 (Hewi & Shaleh,
2020). The assessment data was obtained from 600,000 children aged 15 years from 79
participating countries, both from high and middle income. This is done by comparing the
reading ability of each student in all countries that are the object of PISA.
The government under the Ministry of National Education has provided a strategy for
improving the merdeka curriculum or merdeka curriculum with the aim of rebuilding learning
due to the pandemic (Yudhaswati & Christiani, 2021). Non-traditional pedagogy is a teaching
and learning activity that requires a new pedagogical infrastructure to become holistic, learner-
centered, exploratory and differentiated learning. According to Puspita, teachers need a lot of
reading and writing practice to think critically, teachers also need to abandon didactic learning
methods and other traditional methods (Puspita, 2022) . Because, teachers must upgrade
themselves in terms of technology and other sciences. Otherwise teachers will be left behind and
unable to develop learning media that are creative, innovative and like by students. Student
literacy continues to increase with technological advances that have led to an expansion in
education (Hashim, 2018). Therefore, student learning resources will also expand. Student will
search for innovative digital learning resources besides the books they use in class.
Language learning should follow the standardization of competency frameworks, one of
which is the Common European Framework References (CEFR) (Ulya, 2020). In fact, the
merdeka curriculum based on CEFR has not been proven to be carried out, but it still uses
traditional pedagogy which only focuses on grammar and vocabulary. In a recent study by
(Sudimantara, 2021) gave rise to four key words as characteristics of a new pedagogy, namely
rhythm, intonation, movement, emotion and aesthetics. These four characteristics already exist in
academic writing learning resources. Then, A. –B Lian stated that the emotional component
includes the “Reading for Emotion” learning tool (A-B., 2017). CEFR is very important to be
used to measure students' language skills so that students can learn according to their level of
ability. Because national teacher standards that include competence will only refer to general
competencies not referring to English teacher competencies so that teachers who are not
proficient in English will always use Indonesian, therefore a standardized test should be
developed to measure English proficiency.
Based on the EPI and PISA data above, where Indonesia's ability level is in a low position,
it greatly affects the quality of education in Indonesia. There are several problems that arise.
First, the learning crisis. . Second, the lack of teacher preparation when teaching. Third, limited
learning resources. Fourth, the learning approach that still uses traditional pedagogy. Based on
the problems above the researcher developed digital learning resources as student learning
resources where these digital learning resources build student centeredness and also use reading
for emotion for students to be able to read with emotion. Thus the literacy of students can
develop. This research focuses on the development digital writing resources of explanation text.
This is done to develop the quality of writing explanatory texts for students so that students can
learn through digital learning resources and also according to the level of students' English skills.
Learning resources are one of the keys to success in achieving learning objectives. For this
reason, there are many learning resources that can be developed, one of which is in this study
researchers develop web-based digital learning resources.
This research raises the problem related to the lack of learning resources in learning
English, the authors take and examine several journals on the development of digital writing
resources for explanation text activities. Among them research conducted by Al-Farraaq, M.
(2020) this study aims to determine the impact of digital content on students' writing skills in
using grammar (Al-Farraaq, 2020) . Researchers in this study used grammar keyboards and
bloggers as learning media and as the digital content they used. Then the results of this study can
be concluded that there is an increase in value in using digital content in students' writing skills.
The researcher took a review of the Ph.D. thesis. Lala Bumela in 2021 who said about
transformative learning (Sudimantara, 2021). The purpose of this study is transformative
learning which can broaden students' perspectives both on the world and students' perspectives
on themselves. According to the policy one of the main tools supporting the transformative goals
of education is academic writing. Then English as the key to internationalization .
Then, research conducted by Islamia, etc (2021) this study aims to determine significant
differences in students writing achievement before and after writing explanatory text using a
process-oriented approach (Islamia, Eryansyah, & Kurniawan, 2021). This study uses a
quantitative experimental method in collecting data. The result of this study state that the
process-oriented approach to students is effective in increasing students writing achievement
especially in writing explanatory text.
After comparing with previous research, this study focuses on the application of
transformative learning using non-traditional pedagogy as well as learner-centered learning as
described in the independent curriculum. This study focuses on developing digital resources for
writing explanatory text based on CEFR for high school students in Cirebon. Not only digital,
this study provides digital-based explanatory texts that use Reading for Emotion in their writing.

This research is a qualitative research and uses the research and development method. In
this study, the researcher use ADDIE model (Martin & Betrurs, 2019):In this part below, the
research method the author used. They are as follows: 1) Analysis, The author analyzes several
phenomena related to English in teaching and learning activities in high school. In addition, at
this stage the writer analyzes the explanatory text which has been grouped by cefr level and
reading for emotion. 2) Design, The author designs products according to the characteristics that
needs of teacher and students. 3) Development, The author uses Google Sites and Canva in
developing this digital writing resource. By using the research and development method, the
researcher were able to evaluate theory and education and to develop effective products for
school programs, such as teaching and learning materials and media (Gustiani, 2019). This
research was conducted in a high school and this school is located in Cirebon. The subjects of
this study were eleventh grade student and eleventh grade English teachers. The population to be
used by the researcher were XI grade students as SMAN 5 Kota Cirebon, the researchers only
take 3 people from one of the classes at SMAN 5 Kota Cirebon, Taking into account the
characteristics needed by the researcher and based on recommendations from the English teacher
at SMAN 5 Kota Cirebon. Then this study uses two instruments, namely interview and
documentation. Interviews were used when researchers conducted a need analysis regarding
digital writing resources criteria needed by teachers and students. Then documentation is carried
out to collecting data in the form of images to realize the data obtained from interviews. In this
data analysis technique the researcher make interview transcripts, for interviews with teachers
and students. Then the results of the interview or data the researcher summarizes or paraphrases
the interview transcript. Furthermore, the data is presented in text form, including the interview
The results of these findings were obtained from the interview with teacher and student
regarding criteria and standards of good digital writing resources, namely:
Easy accessible
This opinion is supported by Al Kodri statement in essay. to make it easier for students to
access various sources of information in the purposes of learning these digital sources must have
the following conditions: (1). facilitate students in completing learning, (2). according to the
cognitive level of students, (3). clear and simple content structure, (4). well designed according
to visual conditions, (5). navigation of learning resources, the layout must be clear so that it
makes it easier for students to use and access these digital learning resources (Al Kodri, 2020).
Interesting digital learning resources
The authors know that they prefer interesting digital learning resources, such as supporting
pictures. This statement is supported by Darmayanti & Lestari. In order to achieve learning
objectives, teaching materials must be arranged systematically and attractively (Darmayanti &
Lestari, 2020).
Various example are include
The author concludes from the results of teacher and student interviews regarding the
characteristics of good digital learning resources, which include examples of various texts. The
statements of teachers and students are supported by Rajadopalan’s opinions. In teaching
students need to get guidance, direction and encouragement to students (Rajagopalan, 2019).

Easy to use
Apart from being easy to access, the next characteristic that the writer got from the
interview result is that it is easy to use. Users can use the product well because this product was
developed using media that is easy for students and teachers to use when learning.
Creative and innovative digital learning resources
This characteristic is adapted from the opinions of teachers and students, they want
creative and innovative digital learning resources and this statement is supported by Samala, et al
opinions. Learning resources in the digital version, which are equipped with various teaching
multimedia, are creative and innovative learning resources (Samala, A. D., Giatman,
Simatupang, & Ranuharja, 2021).
Material related to the curriculum
A good digital learning resources certainly contain material that is relevant to the
curriculum. As stated Wahyuningsih, et al, Teaching materials are materials needed for the
formation of knowledge, skills and attitudes that students must master in order to meet the
applied competency standards, then the material selected for activities should be material that is
in accordance with the attainment of competency standards and basic competencies
(Wahyuningsih, Wahyono, & Nugroho, 2021).
There is an evaluation exercise
Furthermore, the characteristics of good digital learning resources are evaluation exercises.
As stated Ifeoma, E. F. (2022) Evaluation is an important component of the teaching and
learning process and evaluation also helps teachers and students to improve teaching and
learning (Ifeoma, 2022).

This research is a type of development research using qualitative research methods. The
purpose of this study is to determine the validity or invalidity of a digital learning resource being
developed. Researchers used the ADDIE model in this study, which consisted of five stages,
namely: Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation. However, this research
was limited to only three stages, namely, analysis, design, and development. This is because
researchers only develop digital writing source products.
The analysis stage, the writer collects data to determine the characteristics of good digital
learning resources, especially students' writing skills. The information obtained is used as a
reference for the development of digital learning resources. Data collection was carried out
through interviews with teachers and students as well as documentation. At this stage, the author
first makes and arranges the interview protocol before conducting the interview. To create an
interview protocol the author collects relevant references that support this research, and from
these references, the author forms questions that are used to collect information from teachers
and students. Then, the writer conducted interviews with teachers and students after compiling
the interview protocol. Furthermore, after the interview, what the writer did was to transcribe the
interview data. The steps when transcribing the interview data are selecting, limiting,
simplifying, and changing the data at this step by summarizing or paraphrasing the interview
transcript. After getting the data in the form of the characteristics of digital writing learning
resources, the next step is to collect any material that will be included in the digital writing
learning resources. The author analyzes the material according to the CEFR level and used
reading for emotion.
The design stage, the author explains the product design for the development of digital
writing resources for class XI English explanatory text material. This product design is adjusted
to the characteristics of the product that has been prepared beforehand. The author chooses
google sites for product media because the use of google sites in the learning process can be
optimized to become complete and interesting learning. For images and other icons the author
uses canva, canva has very complete features for photos, videos and so on. The author makes
five main menus. (1) The diagnostic test is a test to determine the level of students' language
skills. (2) Learning materials are materials on explanatory text, reading for motion and cefr. (3)
Learning activity is a menu where students carry out text writing activities. (4) Evaluation is a
series of activities, the final goal is to find out the extent to which students' abilities after
learning. The author develops the material according to the syllabus. The author also uses CEFR-
based material and reading for emotion as an innovative learning approach so that student
literacy can develop.
The development stage, researchers develop digital writing resources according to designs
that have been made before.
Figure 1. Home
First is the home section. In this section there is the main icon/menus that is in this product.
Then there is also the project profile of the digital writing resources product. In this section there
is also a flow or how to use digital learning resources. The home section is also located at the
start of the menu.

Figure 2. Diagnostic Test

In diagnostic test section there is a link for the test. Students are directed to do the cefr
test. This cefr test aims to determine the level of students' language skills. After taking the test
students will know their level, whether they are at level A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, or C2.

Figure 3. Learning Materials

In the learning material section, there are 3 materials, namely explanatory text, reading
for emotion and cefr. Explanation text material is presented in full from the discussion of
material, generic structure, language features and passive sentences in the explanatory text. In
this reading for emotion material, students learn about the parts of reading for emotion. Reading
for emotion is a new innovation in learning approach. By reading for emotion students learn to
use emotions or feelings. It is very suitable in student writing activities. And the last Cefr is the
level of language proficiency. In this material the author provides various examples of
explanatory text that are appropriate to the level. Levels A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 and C2.

Figure 4. Learning Activities

In the learning activity section there are activities in which students read and understand
reading for emotion and cefr material, then in the learning activities section students are directed
to practice writing explanation text using reading for emotion.

Figure 5. Evaluation

The last, evaluation section. Evaluation is an important part of learning. In this section
students will be directed to fill out several evaluation tests that students have previously studied
the material. Evaluation will show how far the students understanding has reached.

After the product is finished, the next stage is validation by material and media experts.
The goal is to find out whether or not the digital writing resources developed are valid for use in
the learning process. According to the results of validity material by experts, this digital writing
source gets a total score of 95%. This means that according to the expert, digital writing sources
are included in the criteria "Very valid, can be used without revision. According to the results of
validity media by experts, this digital writing source gets a total score of 83,6%. This means that
according to the expert, digital writing sources are included in the criteria "Very valid, can be
used without revision.
Even though the results of the media validation were "very valid" the experts gave advice.
For that the author follows the advice of experts. The revisions based on expert advice are:
No. The part that revision Before revision After revision
1. Change the
background color and
image to make it more

Table 1. Part that Revision

Based on the research that has been conducted by researchers, it can be concluded that: (1)
the product developed is a digital writing resource based on Cefr for writing explanatory texts for
class XI. (2) the validation results for digital writing sources for media and materials have
reached a level of validity, which is very valid. With details of the assessment as follows: a)
material, get a score of 95% with very valid criteria. b) media, get a score of 83,6% with very
valid criteria. However, researchers will still make improvements to the suggestions given by
experts. So that digital writing resources are in accordance with the needs of students.

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