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Balram Sir Reasoning

Balram Sir Reasoning

Follow us : Balram Sir Reasoning Q. No. :

SSC CGL Mains 2023

Mock #3
Follow us : Balram Sir Reasoning Q. No. : 1
In a certain code language, ‘PLANT’ is
written as ‘QMAMS’ and ‘TREES’ is written
as ‘USEDR’. How will ‘SHRUB’ be written in
that language?
एक निनित कूट भाषा में , 'PLANT' को
'QMAMS' और 'TREES' को 'USEDR' निखा
जाता है । उस भाषा में 'SHRUB' कैसे निखा
Follow us : Balram Sir Reasoning Q. No. : 2
In a certain code language, 'COIN' is written as
'615928' and 'MINT' is written as '2692840'.
How will ‘HERO' bewritten in that language?
, 'COIN' '615928'
'MINT' '2692840'
‘HERO' ?
(a) 1653615
(b) 81018
(c) 8101830
(d) 16536
Follow us : Balram Sir Reasoning Q. No. : 3
Each vowel in the word "PATHER" is changed to the
following letter in the English alphabetical series and
each consonant is changed to the previous letter in the
English alphabetical series. In the newly formed word,
how many alphabets are there in the English
alphabetical series between the alphabet which is 3rd
from the left and 1st from the right?

(a) ZERO (b) ONE
(c) Two (d) THREE
Follow us : Balram Sir Reasoning Q. No. : 4
Select the option that is related to the fifth letter-
cluster in the same way as the second letter-cluster
is related to the first letter-cluster and the fourth
letter-cluster is related to the third letter-cluster.
उस निकल्प का चयि करें जो पाांचिें अक्षर-समूह से उसी
प्रकार सांबांनित है जैसे दू सरा अक्षर-समूह पहिे अक्षर-समूह
से सांबांनित है और चौथा अक्षर-समूह तीसरे अक्षर-समूह से
सांबांनित है।
Follow us : Balram Sir Reasoning Q. No. : 5
Based on the position in the English
alphabetical order, three of the following
letter-clusters are alike in some manner and
one is different. Select the odd letter-cluster.
अांग्रेजी िर्णमािा क्रम में स्थथनत के आिार पर,
निम्ननिस्खत में से तीि अक्षर-समूह एक जैसे हैं
नकसी तरह से और एक अिग है . निषम अक्षर-समूह
का चयि करें ।
(a) ZTSQ (b) QMKH
(c) PLJG (d) WSQN
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Follow us : Balram Sir Reasoning Q. No. : 6
Select the option that represents the letters that
when placed from left to right in the blanks
below will complete the letter series.
उस निकल्प का चयि करें जो उि अक्षरोां को दर्ाणता है
नजन्हें िीचे ररक्त थथाि में बाएां से दाएां रखिे पर अक्षर
श्रांखिा पूरी हो जाएगी।
Follow us : Balram Sir Reasoning Q. No. : 7
Select the option that is related to the third word in the same
way as the second word is related to the first word. (The
words must be considered as meaningful English words and
must NOT be related to each other based on the number of
letters/number of consonants/vowels in the word)
उस निकल्प का चयि करें जो तीसरे र्ब्द से उसी प्रकार सांबांनित है जैसे
दू सरा र्ब्द पहिे र्ब्द से सांबांनित है। (र्ब्दोां को साथणक अांग्रेजी र्ब्द
मािा जािा चानहए और र्ब्द में अक्षरोां की सांख्या/व्यांजि/स्वरोां की
सांख्या के आिार पर एक-दू सरे से सांबांनित िही ां होिा चानहए)
Time : Second :: Mass : ?
समय : दू सरा :: द्रव्यमाि : ?
(a) Measurement/ माप
(b) Commodity/ िस्तु
(c) Scale/ स्केि
(d) Kilogram/ नकिोग्राम
Follow us : Balram Sir Reasoning Q. No. : 8
Select the option that is related to the
third number in the same way as the
second number is related to the first

2379 : 13 : : 1463 : ?
(a) 12 (b) 13 (c) 14 (d) 11
Follow us : Balram Sir Reasoning Q. No. : 9
Select the option in which the numbers shares the same
relationship in set as that shared by the numbers in the given
set. (NOTE: Operations should be performed on the whole
numbers, without break ing down the numbers into its
constituent digits, E.G. 13-Opertions on 13 such as adding /
subtracting / multiplying etc. to 13 can be performed.
Break ing down 13 into 1 and 3 and then performing
mathematical operations on 1 and 3 is not allowed)

( :
, 13-13 13
/ / 13 1 3
1 3
(16, 41, 72)
(117, 231, 351)
(a) (6, 19, 25) (b) (4, 7, 16)
(c) (5, 12, 25) (d) (7, 14, 23)
Follow us : Balram Sir Reasoning Q. No. : 10
Which of the following numbers will replace
the question mark (?) in the given series?
निम्ननिस्खत में से कौि सी सांख्या दी गई श्रांखिा में प्रश्न
नचह्न (?) को प्रनतथथानपत करे गी?
9, 45, 180, ?, 1080, 1080
(a) 360
(b) 520
(c) 540
(d) 480
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Follow us : Balram Sir Reasoning Q. No. : 11
Select the correct combination of mathematical
signs to sequentially replace the * signs and
balance the given equation
* नचह्नोां को क्रनमक रूप से बदििे और नदए गए
समीकरर् को सांतुनित करिे के निए गनर्तीय नचह्नोां के
सही सांयोजि का चयि करें
15 * 5 * 16 * 15 * 2 * 61
(a) −, ×, +, ÷, =
(c) ÷, ×, −, ÷, =
(b) ÷, ×, +, −, =
(d) ÷, ×, +, ÷, =
Follow us : Balram Sir Reasoning Q. No. : 12
If P denotes ‘×’, Q denotes ‘:’, R denotes ‘+’,
and S denotes ‘–’, then what will come in
place of ‘?’ in the following equation?
यनद P, '×' को दर्ाणता है , Q, ':' को दर्ाणता है , R, '+'
को दर्ाणता है , और S, '-' को दर्ाणता है , तो
निम्ननिस्खत समीकरर् में '?' के थथाि पर क्या
𝟖𝟏 R 6 P 3 S 26 R 64 – ?
(a) 65 (b) 56
(c) 59 (d) 63
Follow us : Balram Sir Reasoning Q. No. : 13
If P denotes ‘×’, Q denotes ‘÷’, R denotes
‘+’, and S denotes ‘-’, then what will come
in place of ‘?’ in the following equation?
यनद P, '×' को दर्ाणता है , Q, '÷' को दर्ाणता है, R,
'+' को दर्ाणता है , और S, '-' को दर्ाणता है, तो
निम्ननिस्खत समीकरर् में '?' के थथाि पर क्या
94 R 16 Q 2 P 7 S 64 R 13 P 2 = ?
(a) 108 (b) 120
(c) 112 (d) 118
Follow us : Balram Sir Reasoning Q. No. : 14
Seven boys Laxman, Mohan, Bittu, Sohil, Rahul, Ram and
Ramesh are sitting around a circular table facing towards
the centre (no necessarily in the same order). Sohil is third
to the left of Bittu. Mohan is second to the right of Bittu.
Ram is third of the right of Ramesh. Ramesh is not the
immediate neighbour of Mohan. Laxman is third to the left
of Rahul. Who is to the immediate left of Ram?
सात िड़के िक्ष्मर्, मोहि, नबट् टू , सोनहि, राहुि, राम और रमेर् एक
गोिाकार मेज के चारोां ओर केंद्र की ओर मुख करके बैठे हैं (जरूरी
िही ां नक इसी क्रम में होां)। सोनहि, नबट् टू के बाएां से तीसरे थथाि पर
है । मोहि, नबट् टू के दायें से दू सरे थथाि पर है । राम, रमेर् के दायें से
तीसरे थथाि पर है । रमेर्, मोहि का निकटतम पड़ोसी िही ां है ।
िक्ष्मर्, राहुि के बायी ां ओर तीसरे थथाि पर हैं । राम के निकटतम
बायी ां ओर कौि है ?
(a) Ramesh/ रमेर् (b) Bittu/ नबट् टू
(c) Laxman/ िक्ष्मर् (d) Mohan/ मोहि
Follow us : Balram Sir Reasoning Q. No. : 15
Seven girls Mansi, Shweta, Monika, Payal, Aarti, Kajal and
Laxmi are sitting around a circular table facing opposite to
the centre (not necessarily in the same order). Aarti is
second to the left of Kajal. Monika is third to the right of
Kajal. Mansi is not the immediate neighbour of Kajal. Laxmi
is second to the left of Mansi. Payal is not the immediate
neighbour of Laxmi.
Who is second to the left of Laxmi?
सात िड़नकयााँ मािसी, श्वेता, मोनिका, पायि, आरती, काजि और
िक्ष्मी एक गोिाकार मेज के चारोां ओर केंद्र के निपरीत नदर्ा की ओर
मुख करके बैठी हैं (जरूरी िही ां नक इसी क्रम में होां)। आरती, काजि के
बाएां से दू सरे थथाि पर है । मोनिका, काजि के दायें से तीसरे थथाि पर
है । मािसी, काजि की निकटतम पड़ोसी िही ां है । िक्ष्मी, मािसी के बाएां
से दू सरे थथाि पर है । पायि, िक्ष्मी की निकटतम पड़ोसी िही ां है ।
िक्ष्मी के बायी ां ओर दू सरा कौि है?
(a) Aarti/ आरती (b) Kajal/ काजि
(c) Mansi/ मािसी (d) Payal/ पायि
Follow us : Balram Sir Reasoning Q. No. : 16
‘C @ D’ means ‘C is the father of D’,
then how is P related to U in the
following expression?
'C @ D' का अथण है 'C, D का नपता है ', तो
निम्ननिस्खत अनभव्यस्क्त में P, U से नकस प्रकार
सांबांनित है ?
(a) Mother-in-law/ सास
(b) Mother’s sister/ मौसी
(c) Grand daughter/ पोती
(d) Sister/ बहि
Follow us : Balram Sir Reasoning Q. No. : 17
Which of the following should replace the question mark so
that C>D is definitely true?

C>D ?

C = B ? A ≥ D ≤ G > F<E

A. =

B. >

C. ≤

D. ≥

E. <
Follow us : Balram Sir Reasoning Q. No. :

Balram Sir Reasoning

Balram Sir Reasoning

Follow us : Balram Sir Reasoning Q. No. : 18
In this question, three statements are given,
followed by two conclusions numbered I and
II. Assuming the statements to be true, even if
they seem to be at variance with commonly
known facts, decide which of the conclusions
logically follows/follow from the statements.
इस प्रश्न में , तीि कथि नदए गए हैं , नजिके बाद I और
II क्रमाांनकत दो निष्कषण नदए गए हैं । कथिोां को सत्य
मािते हुए, भिे ही िे सामान्यतः ज्ञात तथ्ोां से नभन्न
प्रतीत होते होां, निर्णय िें नक कौि सा निष्कषण तानकणक
रूप से कथिोां का अिुसरर्/अिुसरर् करता है ।
Follow us : Balram Sir Reasoning Q. No. : 18
Statements:/ कथि:
1. All planets are asteroids./ सभी ग्रह, क्षुद्रग्रह हैं
2. All orbits are asteroids./ सभी कक्षाएाँ , क्षुद्रग्रह हैं
Conclusions: / निष्कषण :
1. No planet is a star./ कोई ग्रह, तारा िही ां है
2. No star is an orbit./ कोई तारा, कक्षा िही ां है
(a)Both conclusions I and II follow/ निष्कषण I और II दोिोां
अिुसरर् करते हैं
(b)Only conclusion II follows/ केिि निष्कषण II अिुसरर्
करता है
(c)Neither conclusion I nor II follows/ ि तो निष्कषण I और
ि ही II अिुसरर् करता है
(d)Only conclusion I follows/ केिि निष्कषण I अिुसरर्
करता है
Follow us : Balram Sir Reasoning Q. No. : 19
Statements: The old order changed yielding place to new.
. Change is the law of nature.

. Discard old ideas because they are old.

Only conclusion I follows

Only conclusion II follows
Either I or II follows
Neither I nor II follows
Both I and II follow
Follow us : Balram Sir Reasoning Q. No. : 19

. .




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Follow us : Balram Sir Reasoning Q. No. : 20
Statement: 'Several labour and industrial courts in this State
have no proper premises. Vacancies of judges and stenos are
kept pending.' - A statement of a retired judge of State X.


. Adequate number of staff and judges helps in the smooth functioning of the
industrial and labour courts.

. The State is not bothered about the condition of the labour and industrial courts.

. Physical facilities of an office help in increasing efficiency of its employees.

Only I and III are implicit

Only II is implicit
Only II and III are implicit
All I, II and III are implicit
Follow us : Balram Sir Reasoning Q. No. : 20
:' '-

. .




Follow us : Balram Sir Reasoning Q. No. : 21
Statement: Should government stop
spending huge amounts of money on
international sports?


. Yes. This money can be utilized for upliftment of the


. No. Sports persons will be frustrated and will not get

international exposure.

Only argument I is strong

Only argument II is strong
Either I or II is strong
Neither I nor II is strong
Both I and II are strong
Follow us : Balram Sir Reasoning Q. No. : 21
. :




Follow us : Balram Sir Reasoning Q. No. : 22
Question: What is the numerical code
for 'water' in a certain code ?


. The code for 'give me water' is '719'.

. The code for 'you can bring water for me' is written as

I alone is sufficient while II alone is not sufficient

II alone is sufficient while I alone is not sufficient
Either I or II is sufficient
Neither I nor II is sufficient
Both I and II are sufficient
Follow us : Balram Sir Reasoning Q. No. : 22
: ' ' ?

.' ' '719'

.' ' '574186'





Follow us : Balram Sir Reasoning Q. No. : 23
I. The university authority has instructed all the colleges
under its jurisdiction to ban use of all phones inside the
college premises.

II. Majority of the teachers of the colleges signed a joint petition to the
university complaining the disturbances caused by cell phone ring-
tones inside the classrooms.

. -





Follow us : Balram Sir Reasoning Q. No. : 24
If a mirror is placed on the line AB, then out of
the option figures which figure will be the
right image of the question figure?
यनद एक दपणर् को रे खा AB पर रखा जाए, तो निकल्प
आकरनतयोां में से कौि सी आकरनत प्रश्न आकरनत का सही
प्रनतनबम्ब होगी?

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
Follow us : Balram Sir Reasoning Q. No. : 25
Select the option figure in which the given figure
is embedded. (rotation is NOT allowed)
उस निकल्प आकरनत का चयि करें नजसमें दी गई आकरनत
सनन्ननहत है। (घूर्णि की अिुमनत िही ां है )

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
Follow us : Balram Sir Reasoning Q. No. : 26
Which of the answer figures is the exact mirror image
of the given problem figure when the mirror is held at
the right side?
जब दपणर् को दाईां ओर रखा जाता है तो कौि सी उत्तर आकरनत
दी गई समस्या आकरनत की सटीक दपणर् छनि होती है?

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
Follow us : Balram Sir Reasoning Q. No. : 27
Select the option in which the given figure is
embedded (rotation is NOT allowed)
उस निकल्प का चयि करें नजसमें दी गई आकरनत सनन्ननहत
है (घूर्णि की अिुमनत िही ां है )

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
Follow us : Balram Sir Reasoning Q. No. : 28
Select the figure that will come next in the
following figure series.
उस आकरनत का चयि करें जो निम्ननिस्खत आकरनत
श्रांखिा में आगे आएगी।

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
Follow us : Balram Sir Reasoning Q. No. : 29
Select a suitable figure from the Answer Figures that
would replace the question mark (?).


Problem Figures: Answer Figures:

Follow us : Balram Sir Reasoning Q. No. : 30
Choose the figure which is different from the rest.

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)




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Balram Sir Reasoning

Balram Sir Reasoning

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Balram Sir Reasoning

Balram Sir Reasoning

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