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General Instructions :

(i) Question numbers 1 to 10 in section A are of one a mark each.

(ii) Question numbers 1 to 8 in section B are of two mark each.
(iii) Question numbers 9 to 12 in section C are of three marks each.
(iv) Case study numbers 13 to 15 in section D are of 4 marks each.

1. Two masses rest onsmooth surface asshown in the figure.Force
exerted by P on Q is

(1)1.5 N (2) 1N (3) 2 N (4) 3N

2. A scooter moving at 36 km/h is brought to rest in 10 s. The acceleration of the

scooter is
(1)1 m/s2 (2) 1 m/s (3)10 m/s2 (4) 10 m/s2

3. A gun of mass 5 kg fires a 50 g bullet with a velocity of 200 m/s. The recoil
velocity of the gun is
(1) 2 m/s (2) 20 m/s (3) 0.2 m/s (4) zero

4. A ball is thrown up and attains a maximum height of 100 m. Its initial

speed as
(1) 9.8 m/s (2) 44.2 m/s (3) 19.8 m/s (4) 24.6 m/s

5. 2 moles of H2 burn to form 2 moles of H2O. The mass of oxygen

used up will be
(1) 16g (2) 32g (3) 2 moles (4) 4 moles

6. Molecular mass of ozone is

(1) 16 u (2) 32 u (3) 48 u (4) 64 u

7. Atom combines
(1) Always in the ratio of small whole numbers
(2) Always in the ratio of fraction of atoms
(3) There are no fixed ratio
(4) None of these
8. Which of the following is not correct according to
Dalton’s atomic theory?
(1) Matter is made up of atoms
(2)Atoms of all substances are identical in all respects
(3)Atoms combine in a simple whole number ratio
(4)Atoms of two elements can combine to form more than
one compound
9. ………………Is not multicellular organism
(1) Human (2) Plant (3) Amoeba (4) Cactus
10. Outermost covering of cell that separates the contents of cell from its external
(1) Cell envelope (2) Cell cover (3) Cell membrane (4) Cell protector

1. Write any two differences between plasma membrane and cell well.
2. A car travels a distance of 200 km from Delhi to Ambala towards North in 5
hours. Calculate
(i) speed & (ii) velocity of car for this journey ?
3. State the important function of Endoplasmic reticulum.

4. The speed of a car is 72km/hr. Convert it into m/s.

5. Draw human nerve and blood cell.
6. Explain the mechanism of motion by the help of distance time graph.
7. When a ball is thrown vertically upwards, it goes through a distance of 19.6 m.
Find the initial velocity of the ball and the time taken by it to rise to the highest
8. How is thrust different from pressure with example?
9. The brakes applied to a car produced an acceleration of 6 ms–2 in the opposite
direction to the motion. If the car takes 2s to stop after the application of brakes,
calculate the distance it travels during this time.
10. (a) Why water droplets are seen on the outer surface of a glass tumbler containing ice
cold water? (b) What is sublimation? (c) Convert the following temperature to
Celsius scale :
11. Explain Meiosis process in detail with diagram.
12. A ball thrown up is caught by the thrower after 4 s. With what velocity was it thrown
up? How high did it go? Where was it after 3 s ?
13. A number of atoms of some elements have the same atomic number but different
mass numbers. For example, hydrogen atom, it has three atomic species, namely
Protium, Deuterium and Tritium. The atomic number of each one is 1, but the mass
number is 1, 2 and 3, respectively. On the basis of these examples, isotopes are
defined as the atoms of the same element, having the same atomic number but
different mass numbers. Therefore, we can say that there are three isotopes of
hydrogen atom, namely protium, deuterium and tritium.
Many elements consist of a mixture of isotopes. Each isotope of an element is a pure
substance. The chemical properties of isotopes are similar but their physical properties are
The mass of an atom of any natural element is taken as the average mass of all the naturally
occurring atoms of that element. If an element has no isotopes, then the mass of its atom
would be the same as the sum of protons and neutrons in it. But if an element occurs in
isotopic forms, then we have to know the percentage of each isotopic form and then the
average mass is calculated.
Chemical properties of all the isotopes of an element are the same. Some isotopes have
special properties which find them useful in various fields. Such as, an isotope of uranium is
used as a fuel in nuclear reactors, isotope of cobalt is used in the treatment of cancer, iodine is
used in the treatment of goitre.
(1) The atoms of the same element, having the same atomic number but different mass
numbers are termed as __________
(a) Isotopes (b) Protium (c) Deuterium (d) Tritium
(2) Which of the following are the isotopes of hydrogen atom.
(a) Protium (b) Deuterium (c) Tritium (d) All of the above
(3) Identify the correct statement
Statement 1 – Chemical properties of all the isotopes of an element are the same.
Statement 2 – Physical properties are different.
Statement 3 – Chemical properties of all the isotopes of an element are different.
Statement 4 – Physical properties are same.
(a) Only 2(b)Both 3 & 4(c) Both 1 & 2(d) All of the above
(4) Define isotopes.
14. Plant cells, in addition to the plasma membrane, have another rigid outer covering called
the cell wall. The cell wall lies outside the plasma membrane. The plant cell wall is mainly
composed of cellulose. Cellulose is a complex substance and provides structural strength to
plants. When a living plant cell loses water through osmosis there is shrinkage or contraction
of the contents of the cell away from the cell wall. This phenomenon is known as plasmolysis.
(1) Which of the following is the main constituent of cell wall?
(a) Proteins (b) Lipids (c) Lipoprotein (d) Cellulose
(2) Which of the following is outer most covering of the plant cell?
(a) Cell membrane (b) Plasma membrane (c) Cell wall (d) Cellulose
(3) Choose the correct set of statements from the following.
Statement 1 – Cell wall lies outside the plasma membrane.
Statement 2 – Cell wall is mainly composed of cellulose.
Statement 3 – Cellulose is a complex substance and provides structural strength to plants.
Statement 4 – Cell wall lies outside the plasma membrane.
(a) Statement 1 & 3
(b) Statement 1 & 2
(c) Statement 3 & 4
(d) All statement are correct
(4) What is the reason behind structural strength of plant cell?
15. Every object in the universe attracts every other object with a force which is proportional
to the product of their masses (m1*m2) and inversely proportional to the square of the
distance (d2) between them. The force is along the line joining the centers of two objects.

(i)Gravitational force does not depend on

(a) Masses of objects (b) Separation between objects
c) Charges on objects (d) None of these
(ii) Force of gravitation varies with masses of object as
(a) Product of masses (b) Sum of masses
(c) Difference of masses (d) None of these
(iii) When mass of one body is doubled then force of gravitation will become
(a) Force will remain same (b) Force will become double
(c) Force will become halved (d) None of these
(iv)What is universal gravitational constant? What is its SI unit?


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