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Homework 29:
Listen and Type (1-5) —> I’ve only listened to them 3 times as in the exam:
1. You are asked to fill in a questionnaire giving details if you have any health problem
2. Goat membership entitles you to free entership at OLUP clubs
3. I’ll just run through some basic information about the facilities we have here,
including recents improvements.
4. It was like a very relaxed interview and I must have impressed him because he
offered me a job
5. Good morning today we are going to address one of the most common health issues
on the modern world, vacake.

Read and Select Part 1:

Glind. Graph. Allowance. Commerce. Assignment. Enforce. Workforce. Founder. Expand.
Framework. Fleps. Finite. Skuned. Maximize. Verify. Plug. Minimize. Copyright.
Privatization. Admission. Median. Productivity. Broker.

Read and Complete Part 1:

1. Using
2. Understand
3. Ocurr
4. Rapidly
5. Way
6. Changing
7. Number
8. Threats
9. Systems
10. Enginearing
11. Hu___
12. First
13. Animation
14. Movie
15. Some
16. Movie
17. Theatres
18. Released
19. First
20. Completely
21. Animation
22. Seq
23. Influence
24. Musicians
25. Recognition
26. Became
27. Throughout
28. Appearances
29. Which
30. Purpously
31. Unable
32. Music
33. Famously
34. Guitar
35. Over
36. Play
37. Named

Homework 2:
Description Part 1 —> I will write for 90 seconds:
Image 1:
The first image depicts a photograph of what seems to be a restaurant or coffee place, in the
middle of the image there is a man writing on a board probably what is the menú of the day. I
can see reflected on the windows that it is a sunny day, and a rural countryside

Image 2:
In this second image I can see 4 people waiting in front of a door, it is probably for an
informal job interview, as we can see in the way they are dressed. This people seems to be
from very different cultures (run out of time)

Image 3:
In the middle of the image we can see a boat or a kayak sailing on a natural area, probably a
tropical forest because of the colorful and bright plants. At the back of the boat we can see a
man paddling, what leds me to the conclusion that he is working, and the rest of the people
are tourists.

Listen and Type (6-10) —> I’ve only listened to them 3 times as in the exam::
6. Because of the ski jumping finals we are late finishing, so there are some changes
to these evening programs.

7. Well last winter I took a job in a supermarket then advertising for staff for a
moment, but I prefer being in the fresh air.

8. You are looking at the wrong photo, that was the house of a

9. Logging companies have strict the land by cutting down a large number of trees, in
addition, they have built roads which have fractured areas where they usually feets.

10. Taking on a frenchies is not easy and you need to be a certain type of person.

Writing Part 1:
Writing 1:
It is true that I’m not really concerned about this topic, as I am from Spain and I have not
studied this topic. However, these types of leaders normally have a great influence and
impact on the population and social life, as they represent the will of the people. Their
obligation is to control a whole country, and develop the life quality of its inhabitants. So
these leaders impact a whole country with their decisions.

Writing 2:
Despite pets being an essential part of some people's lives, normally old people that feel
alone, and want someone to make them company, they still are animals and we can not
allow people to take them to our houses, just because we are more intelligent than them,
and we want “a friend”. It is true that they usually love their owners, but they are borned in
natural environments, so they need to live in the countryside with the rest of the living beans.

Writing 3:
While I am only 17 years old and I have not experienced the adult life neither the college life,
based on my knowledge and on others peoples comments, I agree in that college years are
the best time in a person’s life, as they are still young, they love hanging out, and they do not
have major obligations, as caring and maintaining a family, just theirselves.

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