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KISA Pre Board Examination - Answer key

Section A
Question 1. 1x15=15M
i. (a). they have similar electronic configuration in valence shell.
ii. (c). CuSO4
iii. (b). Oxygen is released at anode.
iv. (c). Substitution
v. (a). He
vi. (c). Consists of molecules
vii. (b). Lead
viii. (d). Argon
ix. (a). Magnesium oxide
x. (b). Aqueous acetic acid
xi. (c). Reacts to form water, nitrogen dioxide and carbon dioxide
xii. (a). K2SO4
xiii. (c).1
xiv. (c). Fe, Cr and Ni
xv. (a). Decreases

Question 2.
(i) (a) A--------Conc.sulphuric acid (3)
B--------sodium nitrate/potassium nitrate
C-------- Nitric acid
(b)4HNO3------------ 2 H2O +4NO2 +O2 (1)
(c)Cu+4 HNO3 ---------- Cu (NO3)2 +2NO2+2H2O (1)
(ii) Column A Column B 1x5=5M
a) Sodium chloride – ionic bond
b) Ammonium ion – covalent and co-ordinate bond
c) Electronegativity across the period –I increases
d) Nonmetallic character down the group – decreases
e) Carbon tetra chloride - Covalent bond

(iii) (a) Anode 1x5=5M

(b) Lose
(c)hydrochloric acid
(d) NH4Cl
(e)Iron (II) sulphide

(iV) 1. 1x5=5M




Question 3
(i) a) Nickel sulphate (NiSO4) 1x5=5M
b) Key chain
c)Pure block of nickel
d) Ni+2 + 2e- ----- Ni (cathode)
e) Ni -2e- ------ Ni2+ (anode)
(ii) a) Haber’s process 1x5=5M
b) 1:3 (N2: 3 H2)
c) Finely divided iron
d) N2 +3 H2 2NH3
e) 2NH3 + 3 CuO -------- 3 Cu+ 3 H2O +N2
Question 4
(i) a) Aluminum (3)
b) platinum/gold
c) Magnesium
(ii) a) Bauxite dissolves in caustic alkali to generate sodium aluminate, while
impurities remain insoluble. (4)
b) Al2O3.2H2O + 2NaOH -------- 2 NaAlO2 + 3 H2O
c) Fluorspar is added which increases the conductivity of the electrolytic
(iii) a) sodium carbonate when treated with dil. H2SO4 will liberate colorless (3)
odorless gas with brisk effervescence. The gas will turn lime water milky and will
have no effect on acidified potassium permanganate. Sodium sulphite when treated
with dil. H2SO4 will liberate a colorless gas having suffocating smell of burning
Sulphur. The gas will turn acidified potassium permanganate from pink to
b) When NaOH is added to Fe(NO3) 2 dirty green precipitate of Fe (OH)2 are
formed whereas when added to Pb(NO3)2 chalky white precipitate of Pb(OH)2 are
c)when MnO2 is heated with Conc. HCl then it produces chlorine gas which
turns moist starch iodide paper into blue black colour on the other hand, CuO
reacts with Conc.HCl no such gas will be produced.

Question 5
(i) empirical formula of a chemical compound is the simplest whole number
ratio of atoms present in a compound. (1)
Element percentage Atomic Gram atom ratio
C 82.76 12 82.76/12=6.9 6.9/6.9=1 2
H 17.24 1 17.24/1=17.2 17.24/6.9=2.5 5

Empirical formula is C2H5 (3)

Mol.Wt =2x vapour density
Mol.wt = nx (empirical formula weight)
58=nx (12x2+1x5)
so, molecular formula = C4H10
(iii) a) (3)

b) (2)

(iv)catenation is the self -linking of atoms of an element to create chains and

rings. (1)
Question 6
(i) (4)

(ii) a) Non -volatile acid (2)

b) Oxidizing property
(iii) a) 3Cu+8 HNO3(dil.) ----------- 3 Cu (NO3)2 + 4 H2O + 2NO (4)
b)4NH3+5 O2 --------- 4NO + 6 H2O
c) ZnS + H2SO4 ------------ ZnSO4 + H2S
d) AgNO3 + HCl --------- AgCl+ HNO3

Question 7
(i) (a) By Catalytic hydrogenation. (2)
(b) Ethane.
(ii) (a) E-Metal F &G -Non-metals (3)
(b)The compound formed between E and G is EG and the type of bond is
ionic. (2)
(iii) (a) because HCl reacts with quick lime. (3)
(b) because effective nuclear charge increases across the period
Atomic size decreases across the period.
(c)because it is a soluble ionic compound, which when dissolved in water, it
dissociates in to Na+ and Cl- and these ions conducts electricity.

Question 8
(i) (a) The gelatinous white precipitate of Zn (OH)2 is formed when NaOH
is added in small amounts which when dissolves when NaOH is added in
excess. (1)

(b)The reddish-brown color of Bromine remains same when ethane gas is

passed through a solution of bromine in Carbon tetrachloride. (1)

(c)The calcium hydroxide solution (lime water) turns milky when Carbon
dioxide is passed through it. (1)
(ii) (a) Gay-Lussac’s law- “ when gases react, they do so in volumes which
bear a simple whole number ratio to one another, and also to the volume of the
gaseous product, provided all the volumes are measured at the same temperature
and pressure” (2)
(b) 2 C2H6 +7 O2 ------ 4 CO2 + 6 H2O
2 volumes of ethane react with 7 volumes of oxygen. So, 100 litres of
ethane will require 100x 7/2= 350 litres. (2)
(iii)1. homologous series is a series of compounds with the same general formula
that differ only in the carbon chain length i.e by -CH2 group. (1)
2. ore is a naturally occurring mineral from which a metal can be extracted
profitably. (1)
3. Atomic radius is a measure of the size of an atom which is the total distance
from an atom’s nucleus to the outermost orbital of electron. (1)

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