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The year is 1884 and the history is not our own.

The American Civil War has been over for thirteen years now. The Confederate States are a
free nation. An earthquake-ravaged California has all but fallen into the ocean and the
Wasatch Rail company has won the Rail Wars and succeeded in being the first
transcontinental railroad, all the while a new supercoal named Ghost Rock advances
technology in unpredictable and often dangerous leaps and bounds.
In the North, the Sioux Nation has reclaimed the Dakotas, in the South-East, the Coyote
Confederation dances the Ghost Dance on the desolate High Plains and In the Pacific North-
West, trappers and lumberjacks gather around their campfires at night to tell stories of
sasquatches, wendigos and even of giant wolves that walk on two feet.
In the West, the state of Utah has become the Republic of Deseret, a nation born out of the
will of Brigham Young and the Church of Latter Day Saints, but now has become a puppet
nation to Hellstromme Industries out of the City o’ Gloom, led by Darius Hellstromme
himself. Further west lies Shan Fan, a city ruled by the Triad leader T’Sang Po Tam, where
ships carrying Ghost Rock drop anchor for the night. 300 miles south along the ruined coast
of California, now known as The Maze, is the City of Lost Angels. Once a refuge for starving
and homeless families, but under the fist of Reverend Ezekiah Grimme, became a city of
famine and corruption. After a great battle in 1879 it became a flooded ruin and Reverend
Grimme is only presumed dead.

You folks find yourselves in the town of Patara, Bonneville county, Idaho on Christmas Eve.
It’s been a year since the explosion at the toy factory and the famous inventor Christopher
hasn’t been the same since he lost his daughter, nor has the town. He was last seen about 3
weeks ago at the opening of the Christmas Fayre, looking haggard and talking about his
latest invention that would “bring joy to the world”. He since has retreated behind the walls of
his factory and shut the doors behind him.
Whether as guns for hire or personal favours (up to you), his concerned wife, Mary, has put
the word out to you all as residents of Bonneville county, in the hope that you can investigate
the strange goings-on in the town and the factory itself, and stop a repeat of whatever
happened last year from happening again.

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