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- Colour for Wood cards not brown enough. Looks v similar to the core card colour.

- Font sizing not consistent. Some are stretched either horizontally or vertically
- Needs a scroll bar
- Scrolling using mouse wheel rather janky
- Drag + scroll works, maybe save this for mobile version? Not very intuitive on desktop app.
- A Collection browser would be nice so you can look at cards without having to first make a deck
- Parry should be named Counter
- ‘Parry’ view on stat screen should show the values you can Counter
- Deck counter should allow you to go above 40, but also give a user message to indicate this (e.g.
change the 40/40 to red, or put an exclamation mark next to it, or put a message at the top that
says “deck contains too many cards”). The rationale being that when building decks, players
often put every card they want in the deck then chop down to deck size.
- ‘View deck’ tab is confusing. Clicking the deck on the ‘decks’ page shows you the deck, as does
clicking ‘new deck’, so not sure why it’s there. Could possibly replace this tab with a ‘card
browser’ tab?
- Needs weapon select option either on character creation, or as separate option
- X-ing out of card preview feels a little odd. Maybe just hover for a card preview?
- ‘Switch Kamae Branch’ should read ‘Move Kamae branch’
- Attack and Defence filter page missing ‘Bleed’ and ‘Execute’ options
- ‘Prepared’ symbol on Filter page is incorrect
- Icons on ‘Decks’ page not matching their characters
- No option to delete deck
- Deck view page should have breakdown of Atk/Def/Med or at least different ‘sort by...’ options
- Edit deck page should have headers to break down cards into Atk/Def/Med (not filter, just
easier to parse)
- Not sure what ‘Export TTS’ button does right now? Does it get saved anywhere?
- Stats screen could maybe use a ‘rotate’ option as well to include effects from cards like
Mountain Switch or Spiraling Dragon

Card database:

- Obedience showing up as Gold when should be Steel

- Core + Weapon cards showing up as Gold while making a Student deck + showing up in Edit
Deck page in general
- Various cards assigned to Schools when not part of them
- ‘Venemous Slice’ spelt wrong

- Master core cards showing for Assassin when on View Deck page but show correctly when
editing deck (even though they don’t need to be there)
- Master core cards showing for Ninja when on View Deck page but show correctly when editing
deck (even though they don’t need to be there)
- Ronin cards appear out of order on edit deck page
- ‘Flaming Phoenix Arc’ missing ‘Arc’
- Warrior core cards showing for Onny-B when on View Deck page
Filter page:

- Hex select filter screen is slightly off by a few pixels

- Initiative filter page could maybe have a </>/= option as well (lazy, but people would appreciate
- Filter page needs a “clear filters” option
- Filter page needs a checklist of currently implemented filters
- Filter sub-screen could be displayed on the right side of the screen instead of going into a
separate screen
- Rotation filter page missing options
- ‘Base Kamae’ should be named ‘Gate’
- Missing several card effects: View opponent’s hand, discard card, draw cards, steal/lose focus,
change opponent’s Kamae, return opponent to gate, rotate opponent
- Missing ‘Range’ filter
- Movement directional filter is 8-points instead of 6
- Filter page needs School option


- ‘Filter’ tab only shows when you select ‘Edit deck’ whilst you have <40 cards in your deck
- ‘Filter’ tab doesn’t show sometimes when you have 0 cards in your deck
- Can edit deck on ‘view deck’ page but card counter doesn’t go back up to 3 if you started with 3
(might need to show you this, or not at all seeing as current function suggests you shouldn’t be
able to edit on this screen)
- Full decklist sometimes doesn’t show on View Deck screen
- Clicking ‘view deck’ without selecting a deck starts you building a characterless deck.
- Clicking ‘decks’ upon startup makes the screen go blank, and clicking ‘decks’ again does nothing.
- Can’t scroll/drag on Kamae filter page

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