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Page 01:

- Colon after flippy arrow shouldn't be underlined

- ‘Tokens (x18 of each type)’ section is rather busy and unclear. Maybe move images to the left
slightly so annotations are under their respective tokens.
- ‘Dice and Misc.’ Just sounds better. Also needs full stop after ‘misc’.
Mega building tiles and cards:
- Not sure why ‘mega building tiles’ is repeated below. Could easily read ‘x1 of each type and
corresponding/their reference card’

Page 02
- Asterisk doesn’t correspond to anything – could lose it easily.
Building Tiles and Base Grid:
- ‘Each faction has equal amounts of buildings’ could read ‘Each faction has an equal number of
buildings.’ Just reads a bit better.
Plane Screen and Plane Consoles:
- Maybe separate out images for different plane consoles, space providing.

Page 03:
- Setup step 6: Swill Income dice should read ‘Swill Dice’ for consistency.
- Setup step 8: Could be ‘Finally, choose and discard one of your cards’, or ‘Then, choose a card to
- Setup step 8: Can you show them to a teammate?

Page 05:
- Airship parts area could have example card.
- Annotation for Ground Unit miniatures maybe needed for completeness?
Setting Up The Base:
- Setup step 3: Change to: ‘From your Large Swill Refinery’ - Makes it sound like there’s only 1
total, otherwise.
- Setup step 4: ‘Gather your Faction Capture Tokens and...’ sounds better

Page 06:
Setting up the Aerial:
- Consider general use of ‘your’ instead of ‘the’.
- Setup step 1: ‘...rightmost of the two cards, indicated by...’ - not sure parentheses are needed
Setting up the Ground:
- Para 2: ' Initiative Value order’ - caps
- Para 4: ‘...large padlock’, not sure the caps is needed. Also could have an icon, just in case.
- Para 5: ‘HQ Building, so Grunts will always start the game unlocked, with...’ separates out the
phrases better.
Changing Unit Selection (Maybe change to ‘Replacing Units’?):
- Para 2: Maybe change to ‘ miniatures belonging to your faction on the Battlefield for the
Unit being replaced.’
- Para 3: '...and shuffled back into your Upgrade Cards deck’?

Page 07:
- First line could be tidied up: ‘Each Round of Hogs of War is divided into 5 Phases. Phases are
played through in order, starting with the First Player, with the game moving to the next phase
once the last player has finished their moves for that phase’
Phase 1: The Base Phase:
- ‘Construct a new Building in(to) your Base’?
Construct Buildings:
- Para 1: ‘...add the Building to your Base...printed on the Base tile without overlapping other
Buildings’ - caps
- Para 2: ‘Choices with Base layout...’ - caps
Unlocking Units:
- Para 1: ‘If a new Building unlocks a Unit Class – shown by the [unlock] symbol, flip the Unit Card
representing...’ N shouldn’t be capitalised, nor should ‘symbol’, plus needs a space after ‘class’
and the hyphen.
- Don’t feel like you need the line break between the first two paragraphs.
- Para 3: ‘ number of a Unit Class. You can...’ - caps again and full stop.
- Para 3: ‘...unlocks provided by that Building type in your Base’ - caps
Unlocking Upgrades:
- Line 1: Should be ‘R&D’ unless this is a stylistic choice.
- Line 3: ‘Losing a Building that has an unlock effect(s) will cancel...’ - wording was a little odd here
- Could lose the line break between lines 3 and 4
- Do you have to spend Construct Actions to get your starting buildings going? Do they start with
Construction Tokens on them, if they do, where in Setup is it stated? Or do those buildings only
have construction token icons on them in case they get destroyed?
- Speaking of which, how does one attack another player’s base?
Generating Swill:
- Maybe change to ‘End of The Base Phase: Generate Swill’?
- Para 4: ‘ speed up the Generate Swill step...’ - potential caps on Generate?
- Put image between paragraph 2&3 of Generating Swill
Phase 2: The Aerial Phase:
- First line could read better - ‘In Initiative Order, activate any Aerial Units and play our their
- ‘Hide your flight console using the Flight Screen if it is not already hidden.’ - Flight Consoles will
be hidden on turn 1.
- Para 3: ‘For each deployed Aerial Unit...’
- Para 4: ‘The Aerial Phase ends when all...’

Page 08:
Phase 3: The Ground Phase:
- First line could read better - ‘In Initiative Order, activate any Ground Units and play our their
- Para 2: ‘The Ground Phase is over when all Ground Units have had their Turns and carried out
any Actions’ - caps and wording
Phase 4: The Recruitment Phase:
Recruit New Units:
- Para 1: ‘...and Deploy it by placing the corresponding miniature onto the Battlefield...’ - caps tags
Deploy as a key word.
- Point 3): ‘ that Unit onto the Battlefield. New Units cannot be placed onto Impassable
Terrain.’ - caps + page ref for impassable terrain?
Forward Deployment:
- Line 1: ‘...may be “Forward Deployed”.’ Caps maybe?
- Maybe change 2nd para to: ‘When you Deploy a recruited Infantry Unit, you may pay 1 extra Swill
to place it next to a captured Bunker or Trench hex.’
Purchase Bomb Tokens for Aerial Units:
- ‘Purchase Bomb Tokens for Aerial Units’ should be big and pink, also caps on Aerial.
- Para cleaned up: ‘For the cost of 1 Swill, you may place a Bomb token or Incendiary Bomb token
onto the console of any Base-adjacent Aerial Unit, as long as there is room on that Unit’s
Phase 5: The End Phase:
- ‘...any resulting VPs, moving your [Capture] token along the Victory Point Tracker if necessary.’
- ‘Pass the First Player token clockwise’

Page 09:
Unit Core Rules:
- Line 3: ‘At some point during the Action Phases (Aerial and Ground), the Unit will activate and
take their Turn to spend Action Points on Actions’ - Caps and uncaps and tidied up.
Unit Types:
- ‘Unit Classes are grouped in two ways:
o If they are Ground or Aeriel type Unit...
o If they are an Infantry or Vehicle type Unit. Vehicle type Units have special rules’
- Para 4: ‘Heavy Weapons’ - uncaps
- Maybe put icons after each word instead of above.
- Clunky language here - ‘Medic, Engineer, Espionage and Heavy Weapon Unit Classes also have
the ‘Specialist’ subtype. This is important for some Missions and Upgrade Cards.’
Reading a Unit Card:
- Controlling Faction flag: ‘Denotes what...’ - uncaps
- A Free Action: ‘These cost 0 AP to use but each individual free action...’ - tidied up and no

Page 10:
Initiative Order and Activation:
- Para 1: ‘Units are activated by Unit Class...’ - caps
- Para 2: ‘Unit Class activation always defers...Initiative Value’ - caps
- Para 3: ‘..selects one Unit of this Unit Class...’ - caps
- Para 4: ‘...and no Free Actions...’ - caps
- Para 5: ‘The activated Unit must complete its Turn before another Unit...’ - caps
- Para 6: ‘...has completed its Turn, activate another Unit of that Unit Class...’ - caps
- Para 7: ‘Once all your Units of that Unit Class have completed their Unit Class’ - caps
- Para 8: ‘Note: the next Unit Class could be one with the same Initiative Value but belonging...’ -
tidied up and caps
- Para 9: ‘...Action Phase...belonging to the Unit Class...completed its Turn’ - uncaps and caps
Aerial Units Initiatives and Activation:
- Para 1: ‘Aerial Unit Classes...’ - caps
Ground Units Initiatives and Activation:
- Para 2: ‘Ground Unit Classes...’ - caps
- Annotation - ‘These units have tied initiatives. The Tommy’s Trotters player is the First Player and
will activate before...’
Page 11:
Move Action:
- Para 2: ‘Strategic Hexes etc....’ needs caps maybe?
- Para 4: ‘Note: Some Battlefield Terrain...Unit’s Move Action...’ - caps
Capture Action:
- ‘Place a Faction Capture Token...immediately. Remove any existing Enemy Faction Capture
Tokens...’ - caps
Construct Action:
- Para 1: '...onto any unoccupied Battlefield Plains Hex (see page X) for the cost of 1 AP and its
Swill cost’
- Para 2: ‘Deployables include...Hedge-Hogs...’ - spelling for consistency
- Para 2: ‘...starting Construction Tokens.’ - caps
- Construct Action Annotation needs tidying:
‘Constructing a Minefield: Choose a Plains Hex, and place the corresponding Deployable token
then pay the cost of the Minefield (1 Swill). Then place the correct amount of Construction
Tokens on the tile. Remove 1 Construction Tile by using the Construct Action and flip over when
there are none remaining.’
Special Actions
- Annotation - ‘The Sniper’s Special Ability affects your Attack Dice roll. Spend 1 Action Point to
convert a Hit to a Critical Hit (see next page [for more info]).’

Page 12:
Attack Action:
- Para 1: ‘Available Attack Actions...’ - caps
- Para 2: ‘Each Attack Action...’ - caps
How To Carry Out An Attack Action:
- Para 1: ‘ Attack from their Unit Card or applied Upgrade Card(s)…'
- Para 3: ‘If the Attack Action’s stat block does not have...’ - doesn’t feel like it’s a ‘Note:’, just a
- Para 6: ‘Cover Bonus from being in Terrain or adjacent to a Deployable (see page X)…'
- Para 7: ‘...correct Attack Dice to roll. Make the roll...’ - added full stop to separate phrases.
Attack Dice:
- Para 2: ‘Each type of Attack Dice is different...’ - unnecessarily complicated language
- Para 2: ‘...featuring a combination of miss (blanks), glancing hit, hit and critical hit results’
Faces of an Attack Dice:
- Glancing Hits: ‘...combined with another Glancing Hit result to form a hit – see below’ - hyphen
not comma.
- Critical Hits: ‘Against Infantry Units, Critical Hits inflict 2 points of damage. Vehicles can only
take damage from Critical Hits – see page X’ - tidied up.

Page 13:
Damaging Infantry Units:
- Para 1: ‘Recruited Units deploy...’ - caps
- Para 2: ‘A Unit’s HP...’ - uncaps
- Para 2: ‘ damage, either incurred from...’ - added ‘either’ for clarity
- Para 3: ‘ it adjacent...’ - Adjacently sounds a bit odd here
- Para 3: ‘...that the Unit’s...’ - uncaps
- Para 4: ‘When an Infantry Unit is reduced to 0 or fewer HP, it is destroyed. Remove the Unit’s
miniature and Damage Tokens from the Battlefield and place the miniature next to its
corresponding Unit card.’ - caps and tidying up.
Stun Effects:
- Para 1: ‘...will cause a Stun Token...’ - caps
- Para 2: ‘Each Stun Token costs the stunned unit 1 AP to remove as an Action’ - pluralised,
removed extra ‘to’ and caps
- Para 3: ‘A Unit cannot have more than 1 Stun Token at any time. Any extra stun effects against
this Unit are ignored’ - caps and ‘anytime’ separated.
- Para 4: ‘All Stun Tokens must be removed before any AP can be spent on other Actions’ - caps
Damaging Vehicle Unit:
- Para 2: ‘...only damaged by Critical Hits. For each Critical Hit scored against an enemy Vehicle...’ -
caps and tidied punctuation
- The Flame Result: ‘ the Vehicle Unit. When...’ - caps
- The Major Damage Result, para 2: ‘...and a single Stun Token...’ - doesn’t need to be all caps
Flame Effects:
- Para 1: ‘If the targeted Unit is a Vehicle:…' - spelling and caps
- Para 1: ‘Flame Effect Icons in an Attack Stat Block will cause a Flame Token to be applied to the
targeted Unit if the Attack is in range’ - caps
- Para 2: ‘If the targeted Unit is Infantry’ - caps
- Para 2: ‘Melee Attack Dice...Attack roll, if the Attack is in...’ - caps + colour

Page 14:
Aerial Vehicle Health (HP):
- Para 1: ‘...on the Unit’s Flight Console.’ - caps
- Para 4: ‘If a Damage cube is place onto a Damage Slot...Action or Ability, that Action/Ability...’ -
caps and uncaps
- Para 5: ‘Actions that can be disabled on a Flight Console...’ - caps
Ground Vehicle Health (HP):
- Para 3: ‘...with applied Vehicle Damage spend on Actions during their Turn.’ - caps
Bailing Out:
- Para 1: ‘If a Vehicle Unit...’ - no plural needed

Page 15:
Vehicle Facing:
- Para 1: ‘Armoured Car’ - caps
- Para 2: ‘...hexes’ flat edge’ - should be hex’s if it’s just singular...I think...
- Para 2: ‘...this is the Vehicle’s Front...’ - caps
- Remove note here about Artillery facing and put in Artillery Deployable section?
Attack Actions and Facings:
- Para 1: ‘...only target enemy Units within...Front facing of the...’ - caps
- Para 2: ‘ the Attack Action stat block...’ - caps
- Para 3: ‘...when choosing a target for your Attack Actions...’
Ground Vehicle Move Actions:
- Para 1: ‘All Ground Vehicles’ - caps
- Para 1: ‘Armoured Car’ - caps
- Para 1: ‘...with a Move Action.’ - caps
- Para 2: ‘...around obstacles, these Ground Vehicles...’ - caps
- Para 2: ‘...using the Turn action.’ - spelling on action
- Para 3: ‘...using a Move Action like Infantry Units.’ - caps
Anti-Air Attack Actions:
- ‘ enemy Units in range if the targeted Unit...’ - caps and spelling on targeted
- Could also add: ‘As denoted by the Biplane symbol next to the Action name’.

Page 16:
Aerial Vehicle Special Rules:
- General note – is there a risk of having two things being called a Turn being confusing? Could a
direction change be called a ‘bank’ or is that more confusing?
- Para 1: ‘...use a Console to set their Speed and Turn...’ - captialisation of Speed and Turn needs
- Para 2: ‘ To set the Unit’s Speed and Turn a new Speed and Turn direction...’ - caps
- Para 3: ‘An Aerial Vehicle’s Speed...’ - caps
- Para 4: ‘Its Initiative Value...’ - caps
- Para 4: ‘...for the round (indicated by the blue number [stopwatch] on the Console’s Speed
dial).’ - Reads a bit better. Also having an example number next to the stopwatch symbol could
be confusing.
- Para 5: ‘...movement allowance for its Turn, with each Battlefield Hex...’ - caps
- Para 6: ‘The number of ‘turns allowed’. Each hex facing...’ OR ‘The number of ‘turns allowed’,
with each hex facing rotation counting as 1 Turn.’
- Para 7: ‘Aerial Units only turn in the direction indicated by their Turn Direction indicator and up
to the number...’ - caps
- Para 8: ‘Aerial Units with their indicator in the central ‘Turn Direction’ position [up arrow symbol]
…’ - offset symbol looks a little odd
- Para 9: ‘...chosen ‘Turn Direction’ is the central Turn Direction position...’ - caps
Aerial Vehicle Actions:
- Para 1: ‘...with a Speed of 1 or above start their Turn by moving forwards 1 Battlefield Hex, even
if...’ - caps
- Para 3: ‘...remaining Movement allowance and any ‘turns allowed’ can be used during the Unit’s
Turn...’ - caps
- Para 4: ‘Note: if your Aerial Unit activates at Speed 1 or Speed 6 roll an Explosive Attack Dice
against your own Unit immediately as though it had been targeted by an enemy Attack roll.’ -
caps and colour
The Bombing Action:
- Para 1: ‘The Bombing Action uses stored Bomb Tokens to attack Ground targets from the air...’ -
caps and uncaps
- Para 2: ‘First, declare that your Aerial Unit is dropping a Bomb.’ - caps
- Para 3: ‘...on the Enemy Target’s Battlefield Hex...Speed 1, 2 or 3.’ - caps
- Para 4: ‘Remove the bottom Bomb Token...Unit’s Console...the Attack Dice as an Attack Action.
Move any remaining Bomb Tokens down the Console/Airship Parts card to ‘queue up’ the next
Bomb.’ - caps
- Para 6: ‘Enemy Units never receive cover bonuses against Attack rolls from Bombs’ - caps

Page 17:
Airship Special Rules
Recruiting the Airship:
- ‘Recruiting the Airship’ shoulder be bigger and pinker to match previous formatting.
- Para 2: ‘Place purchased cards into the Player Area beneath the Plane Consoles. The Tail must
always be the right-most card, and the Nose must always be the left-most card.’ - caps,
punctuation and spacing.
- Para 4: ‘Set the Airship’s pre-activation Speed and Turn Direction by placing two indicators on...’ -
caps and don’t need caps on Indicator (I think).
The Airship Console:
- ‘The Airship Console’ shoulder be bigger and pinker to match previous formatting.
- Para 1: ‘An Airship’s Console...’ - caps
- Para 2: ‘...unoccupied damage slots across every Parts card of this Console.’ - caps
- Annotation: ‘...and 12 health points but costs 32 Swill to recruit!’ - reads better

Page 18:
Sniper Example Turn (maybe rename to ‘Infantry Example Turn?):
- Para 2: ‘This will cost 1 AP and let you roll 2 Melee Attack Dice...’ - colour + use ‘roll’ for
consistency of language
- Para 3: 'After your Attack Action, paying 1 AP for the ‘Turn a [holes] into a [boom]’ Special Ability
would turn a Hit...’ - language was a little clunky here.
- Para 4: ‘Before the Attack Action, paying 1 AP for the ‘Swap’ Special Ability would allow...’ - see
- Para 5: ‘However in this case, you decide to just use the...’ - flows better
- Para 6: ‘...and placing the Deployables Hex onto the Battlefield...’ - caps
Plane Example Turn (again, maybe the more generic ‘Aerial Example Turn’?):
- Para 1: ‘...indicators of your plane’s Console up 1 Speed (from Speed 3 to Speed 4) and to Turn
Direction: left.’ - caps
- Para 2: ‘The Flight Screen is lifted and that extra Speed has meant your plane activates before
the Speed 3 (Initiative 4) enemy plane!’ - caps
- Para 4: ‘...having only moved 1 hex with your Speed 4 plane.’ - caps
- Para 5: ‘...machine guns at an enemy Unit at range 1 from your Unit.’ - caps
- Para 5: ‘The 2 Explosives dice and 2 Guns are reduced by 1 Explosives dice by a Speed penalty
from moving at Speed 4 (see Plane Screen for Speed penalty).’ - caps
- Para 6: ‘...your Twin MG Attack Roll...’ - caps

Page 19:
- Para 1: ‘...placed onto the Battlefield...’ - caps
- Para 1: ‘Example Terrain setups...’ - caps
- Para 2: ‘There are 7 types of Terrain, each one effecting Units on the Battlefield according to
their own special Terrain rules.’ - caps and repetition of ‘type’
- Para 3: ‘”Plains” is the default Battlefield Terrain type and conveys no Cover, Movement or
Ability Bonus’ - caps, plus don’t need quotes on default
- Para 4: ‘Deployables can only be constructed on Plains Terrain.’ - caps
Cover Bonuses:
- Para 1: ‘Some Terrain types...’ - caps
- Para 2: ‘...rolled against your Unit from an enemy Attack Action.’ - caps
- Para 3: ‘Cover Bonuses are shown on the Terrain tile...’ - caps
Road Move Actions:
- ‘...count their first movement Action of the Turn as costing 1 less Action Point/AP’ - caps and I
think there’s an extra space between Action and Point
Mountain Move Actions:
- ‘Move Actions...Mountain Terrain...Action Points...on the Unit’s card’ - caps, and ‘Unit’s Unit
Card’ looks and sounds clunky.
Impassable Terrain:
- Para 1: ‘Some Terrain types are Impassable for specific Unit Classes’ - caps
- Para 2: ‘Units of that Unit Class cannot move through or end their Turn on Impassable Terrain.’ -
- Para 3: ‘If a Unit is forced to enter Impassable an enemy Attack Roll.’ - caps
- Table: ‘Rivers/Lakes - All Ground Units...’ - caps

Page 20:
- Image right: ‘Stay in the Forest, Trotters!’ - Read more like an imperative and sounds better than

Page 21:
- ‘...that provide Units...’ - caps
- ‘...powerful Abilities and Cover Bonuses...’ - caps
Constructing Deployables:
- Para 1: ‘...placed onto the Battlefield...’ - caps
Destroying Deployables:
- Para 2: ‘...targeted by an Enemy Attack Action (unless...’ - don’t need caps on ‘unless’
- Para 3: ‘Hedge-hog’ should be spelt thusly
Capturing Deployables:
- Consider moving this to before ‘Types of Deployables’. Seems out of place that these rules are
amongst the ‘Types of Deployables’ rules.
- Para 1: ‘Once per Ground Action Phase, an adjacent Infantry Unit can use the Artillery Attack
Action by spending 2 AP.’ - reworded to read better. Also is this global max once per GAP or max
once per Artillery Deployable per GAP?
- Para 2: ‘ their Front facing’ - think this needs caps
- Take the Note from vehicle facing section regarding Artillery facing and put here? ‘The Artillery
Attack Action can only target Ground Units, Base Hexes and Battlefield Deployables to their front
facing, denoted by the red dashes on the tile’s edge’. Makes more sense to have a rule specific to
Artillery in its own section, rather than in the section on Facing.
- Consider rewording the rotation para: ‘Artillery Deployables can be rotated by an adjacent
Infantry Unit by taking a Rotate Action. This costs 1 AP and rotates the Artillery Deployable by 1
- Para 2: ‘ enemy Aeriel Unit, resolve...’ - no space after Unit
- Para 2: ‘...resolve a 4 Guns Attack Roll’ - Guns should be blue.
- Consider adding: ‘...before the Enemy Attack Roll is resolved. This happens automatically and
does not cost any AP or count as an Action’.
- Also do you HAVE to activate an AA-Gun? Not sure if you’d ever decline, but worth noting.
- ANY Ground Unit? Even friendly?
- Maybe add extra to note: ‘Minefields are not triggered by Units moving out of adjacency, nor
are they triggered by being constructed adjacent to a Unit.’

Page 23 (this page appears twice – is there a missing page?):

Using the Campaign Book:
- Para 1: ‘...for your game of Hogs of War.’
- Para 4: ‘Continue in order until all players have their own Base Setup Zone. In a 2-player game,
the second player’ - caps and uncaps ‘game’
- Para 4: ‘In a 2 Player game, the Second Player must pick the deployment zone of the same ‘A’ or
‘B’ letter as the first player.’ - worded weirdly. Maybe: ‘In a 2-player game, the second player
must choose the deployment zone with the letter matching the first player’s choice.’
- Needs general consistency of capitalisation of ‘player’
Team Games:
- Para 2: ‘Between players...’ - caps
- Para 3: ‘Battlefield Deployment Zones...’ - caps
- Para 4: ‘Note: When using an example Battlefield Map...and the ‘B’ Deployment Zones...taking a
different Zone.’ - caps
Friendly Fire:
- ‘You cannot target teammate’s Units with Attack Actions’ - change hogs to Units?
- ‘You can heal and repair teammate units.’ - full stop not comma.
- Can you rotate teammate’s artillery piece?
- Do Minefields trigger if a friendly teammate’s Unit moves adjacent? (assuming Minefields don’t
trigger from friendly Units)
- Can you capture hexes from your teammate?
- Can you use the Construct Action on a teammate’s deployable hex with construction tokens on
Sandbox Map Tips:
- Para 1: ‘...instead of using the campaign book examples.’ - don’t think ‘examples’ needs a caps
- Para 3: ‘...sections to make Terrain placement easier.’ - caps
- Para 4: ‘Make sure there are Swill Pumps on the Battlefield...’ - caps
- Para 5: ‘Divide the Terrain tiles...identical pile. Try placing these tiles onto the Battlefield in
player order for a fun, sandboxed Battlefield map.’ - caps
Community Maps:
- ‘Send it to our social media channels and we would love...’ - lose the caps on ‘we’

Page 24 – noted twice but page is different on both:

Horde Mission:
- ‘Mission 9: Paths of Gravy’ - feels like there should be a colon
AI Behaviours and Actions:
- ‘...out of range of an Enemy, using their current Behaviour’s Attack Action.’ - caps
Spawning AI Units:
- ‘...Vehicle Damage Die, and a Melee, Explosives and Guns Attack Dice for each AED...’ - colour

Page 24? Page 25? Feels like the Swill Explained part should be earlier as it’s an important part of the
Swill Explained:
- Para 1: ‘Swill is spent throughout the game on Units, Upgrades, Deployables and Mega Building
special abilities.’ - caps
- Para 5: ‘Red or Green Swill Barrel Icons with an arrow represent recurring Swill Income or...’ -
Counting Hexes:
- Para 1: ‘To work out a range or distance on the Battlefield, count from the starting Hex to the
target Hex using the most direct, shortest possible path.’ - ‘starting, origin Hex’ sounds odd. Also
- Para 2: ‘Count every Hex this path passes through as 1 Hex, including the final target Hex in the
count.’ - again sounds better.
- Para 3: ‘Any Units or Battlefield Hexes at range 1 to the starting hex may be referred to as being
‘Adjacent’ to that hex’ - grammar and caps
- Para 4: ‘Any interactions taking place between Units sharing the same Battlefield Hex count as
occurring at range 1’ - caps etc.
- Don’t like this ‘Origin ‘starting’ hex’ stuff. Feels like a tautology. Either Origin Hex or Starting Hex.

Page 26(?):
- ‘+4 Swill Income each Turn’ - caps
- ‘+2 Swill Income each Turn’ - caps
- ‘Unlocks Infantry Upgrades. Costs –1 Swill each Turn.’
- ‘Unlocks Vehicle Upgrades. Costs –1 Swill each Turn.’
- ‘Unlocks the Airship. Costs –2 Swill each Turn.’
- ‘Aerial Runway’ - why not just ‘Runway’?
- ‘Unlocks x1 Plane recruitment. Costs –1 Swill each turn.’
- ‘Counter-Attacks...’
- ‘Unlocks x2 Tank recruitment. Costs –1 Swill each turn.’

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