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48 (Days of the Week) Video Checksheet

1. Choose the correct answer for the following questions that Tim-sensei asked about
the people in the video clips.
(a) Japanese boy: Uchi
Q. Doko-de nemashita-ka? A: Gakkoo -de nemashita.
(b) Yoshio-kun: Eigo
Q: Doko-ni ikimashita-ka? A: Gakkoo -ni ikimashita.
(c) Japanese man: Shichi-ji
Q: Nan-ji-ni kaerimashita-ka? A: Ichi-ji -ni kaerimashita.
Shichi-ji han
Shinbun-o yomimashita.
Q: Nani-o shimashita-ka? A: Terebi-o mimashita.
Ongaku-o kikimashita.

2. Even though the Japanese calendar usually starts on ____________________, when

Japanese people say the days of the week they often start on __________________.

3. Put the letter of the following short forms of the days of the week in the correct
spaces on the calendar.

Sun. Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sat.


(a)  (b)  (c)  (d) 

4. Match the following holidays to their day of the week.

Labor Day getsu-yoobi
Thanksgiving Day kin-yoobi

5. Match the days of the week with what Susan will do.
getsu-yoobi / sui-yoobi paatii-o shimasu
ka-yoobi arubaito-o shimasu
moku-yoobi kaimono-o shimasu
kin-yoobi eiga-ni ikimasu

Irasshai Video Checksheet 2009 Georgia Public Broadcasting

JPN I, L. 48 (Days of the Week) Video Checksheet

6. Choose what the following studio students do every day.

Dawn reads [ (a) magazines (b) newspapers (c) comics ].

Keith goes to [ (a) a friend’s house (b) the library (c) school ].
Patterson drinks [ (a) water (b) coffee (c) tea ].

7. In roomaji, write the correct pronunciation of the underlined hiragana. Then trace the
following particles.

(a)  7   
( )


 ( ) ( )


Irasshai Video Checksheet 2009 Georgia Public Broadcasting

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