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Reminatha Faustin Issaya, was born in DAR-ES-SALAAM on 23rd December 1996 in a family of three
children with one brother and one sister. Her father's name is Faustin Felix Kataraiya who is a farmer
practicing both poultry farming and cultivating horticultural crops in a small scale and her Mother's
name is Alodia Leonard Mwesiga who is just a mother house.

The short story;she graduated Kindergarten in 2002 at Sinza education day center, then went primary
school at Kingugi Primary School from 2003 to 2009,she joined Kisutu Girls Secondary School where she
studied for four years till she completed ordinary level in year 2003. Then joined Loleza girs high school
for advanced level where she pursued PCB(Physics, Chemistry, Biology) few Months letter she shifted to
Jangwani Girls High School where she pursued same Combination till 2018.

She then joined Sokoine University of Agriculture in 2016 and persuade Diploma In Laboratory
Technology till 2018, After that she continued with Bachelor in Biotechnology and Laboratory Science at
the same University for three years where she graduated 2021.In her time at the University Reminatha
participated in different farm activities act as a young Researcher, Where she performed different tasks
as practical worky in poultry unit, dairy farms and research center including Management, production,
food safety, biosafety and ethics in biotechnology and diagnosis of diseases. She also Volunteering at
TVLA (Tanzania Veterinary Laboratory Agency) where she perform different tasks in poultry, dairy,
Animal feeds and Diagnosis of diseases.

Reminatha is motivated to engage in agriculture so as to bring agriculture revolution in her country

especially in transforming the society from local ways to modern ways. It is her hope that through her
exchange program she will be equipped with knowledge which will help her to achieve her dreams to
help and inspire other Youth to engage in agriculture production.

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