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The purpose of this report is to examine how people include technology methods in
their educational process. As requested, this report is based on my observations on
different university students’ experience.
Advantages of using technology
First of all, it must be said that due to the “Covid pandemic” the use of technology has
raised. Consequently, students have discovered new ways to learn which involves
technology. On the one hand, devices like iPad or laptops give students the possibility
of having snap information anywhere. Moreover, students reduce the weight of their
backpacks which is very important for health.
Disadvantages of using technology
On the other hand, the fact of being in front of a screen distracts students who waste
their time on social media instead of being focused on lessons. In addition to this,
devices need a Wi-Fi connection which is a problem when a loss of it is produced.
Another aspect to consider is the lack of plugs in universities which is a problem when
the device runs out of battery.
In conclusion, teachers and students must take advantage of technology, although
there are some disadvantages, a good use of it could make our lives easier and they
must be aware of the responsibility of using technology.

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