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April 2010MS. PASSANA PONGThe Administrative OfficerThe Royal Thai m!

assy in
Manila"ear Ms. Pon#$% am a &omm'nications #rad'ate of the (niversity of the
Philippines)"iliman *ith several years of *or+in# e,perience #ained from someof the
Philippines- rep'ta!le private firms a non)#overnmental or#ani/ation and #overnment.
% am *ritin# to apply for the position of ,ec'tive Assistant advertised on o! on 10 May 2010. This position partic'larlyinterests me !eca'se it *o'ld ena!
le me to ma+e f'll 'se of my administrative and or#ani/ational s+ills. % have
*ell)developed *ritten andoral comm'nication s+ills that can !e very 'sef'l in carryin# o't
the d'ties for the a!ove)mentioned position.On top of these competencies % adhere to
a *or+ ethic and can effectively interact *ith people across all levels of the
or#ani/ationalstr'ct're. % !elieve % can !e an asset to yo'r or#ani/ation.My res'me is
enclosed *ith this cover letter. %t sho*s my overall e,pertise and e,perience in the field.
% *o'ld *elcome the opport'nity todisc'ss my s'ita!ility for the position and comply *ith yo'r
other re'irements. % can !e contacted d'rin# *or+in# ho'rs at 3425 678)0100 local
1101.Than+ yo' very m'ch.Sincerely A" %9AN Applicant
Drasgb afgdfg sadfasdf

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