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Poverty is one of the biggest issues of our country today. If I will be the president
of the Philippines, there are things that I want to implement to reduce poverty. First, I
will provide jobs for unemployed Filipinos that suits in their skills and ability. It doesn’t
matter if they did not finish college, as long as they have the determination to work, they
are qualified. Second, I will enforce strict laws regarding illegal drugs and illegal
gambling in the country because some people choose to spend all of their money in
these kind of activities rather than spending it to their family. Third, I will do my best to
remove the corruption inside the Philippines. Corruption leads unfairness towards the
citizen of the country. While the highest government officials are enjoying the money
they did not earn, the people out there are sacrificing, not receiving the benefits that
they deserved. Those officials must have a punishment, not only for taking the money of
the Filipino citizens but also for broken promises of hope, change and a better future for
everyone. Lastly, I will use my position to execute seminars and programs for every
Filipino families in related to financial, social, spiritual and etc. but the real focused on
this family activity is planning. I, as the President of the Republic of the Philippines have
an important role in this society, but you, as a citizen of this country need to be
disciplined and responsible in order for each and every one of us to conquer poverty.

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