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Perilaku Gasab di Pesantren

Muhammad Nuralim Razzaq Bulatanias1*, Sitti Murdiana2, Muhammad Nur Hidayat Nurdin3
Fakultas Psikologi, Universitas Negeri Makassar. Indonesia
Email: muhnuralim7@gmail.com1

Gasab is a behavior of using other people's property without the permission of the owner. Gasab
behavior often occurs in the dormitory environment, especially in Islamic boarding schools. The
cause of gasab happening in Islamic boarding schools is because of the environment created by the
culture of using other people's property without asking permission. The purpose of this study was to
determine the factors that cause the students to do gasab behavior and the process of habituation in
gasab behavior. This study uses a qualitative method with a case study approach. Research
respondents were obtained by using purposive sampling technique. Data was collected by
conducting interviews with respondents. The results of this study show togetherness that exists
between students produces closeness between peers, making them tend to forgive and be sincere
about the gasab behavior committed by fellow students. there are two main factors that cause gasab
to continue to occur in pesantren. The first is external factors consisting of the influence of seniors,
the influence of peers and loss of goods due to the environmental conditions of the pesantren. The
second is internal factors consist of thinking that other people also do gasab, lazy to ask permission
and feel unnoticed when do gasab behavior.

Keywords: Behavior; Gasab; Islamic Boarding School Environment; Santri.

Islamic boarding school is a educational institute that focuses on moral and Islamic religious
education. The system generally used is a dormitory where students are required to stay 24 hours in
the Islamic boarding school environment. The problem that often arises in the Islamic boarding
school environment is losing things. One of the causes of lost items in Islamic boarding schools is
because gasab often occurs among students, Gasab is a behavior of using other people's goods
without permission, either directly or indirectly, from the owner of the goods. Gasab behavior
occurs if the item used is a non-consumable item, and the perpetrator uses the item only to meet
temporary needs and without any intention of owning it. Generally, the goods that are the target of
gasab behaviors are items that are common and owned by every student, such as bath equipment,
prayer equipment or sandals. Some students are reluctant to return items they have used, and others
just leave the items anywhere after using them. This happens because students tend to consider
gasab as a behavior that usually occurs.
Etymologically, gasab means to seize, and in terms of terminology ghasab mean to be use or
take other people's property rights openly and arbitrarily (Ernawati & Baharudin, 2018). Gasab is a
behavior that often occurs in Islamic boarding school environments and has even become a habit
(Ernawati & Baharuddin, 2018). In his research, Wahyudi (2008) also stated that gasab is a
behavior that usually occurs in Islamic boarding schools. Islamic boarding school rules which
require students to remain in the boarding school environment make it easy for violent behavior to
be imitated (Khaulani 2015). In accordance with this opinion, Myers (2012) suggests that the
environment around an individual can influence the individual's mindset and perspective on certain
phenomena. The frequent occurrence of gasab behavior in Islamic boarding schools creates a chain
reaction that makes every individual who becomes a student come into contact with the gasab
phenomenon in the Islamic boarding school environment. Santri who have done gasab will be a
model for other santri who have not done it. The tendency to imitate behavior in the surrounding
environment is called social learning ability. Social learning ability is an individual's tendency to
learn how to behave, determine attitudes, and develop skills by observing other people (Feist &
feist, 2009).
The gasab phenomenon that occurs in Islamic boarding schools is not in accordance with the
objectives of establishing Islamic boarding schools, and although many efforts have been made by
Islamic boarding schools to eliminate it, gasab behavior still continues to occur today.Penelitian ini
dilakukan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan perilaku gasab terus terjadi

This research uses qualitative research with a case study approach. The case referred to in this
research is a case of a student's experience of gasab behavior that occurs to him and the
environment around him. Hamzah (2019) suggests that a case study is a research technique that
must be carried out in the same environment as the case being studied, so that it can describe the
complex processes that occur in the case. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling,
with the following criteria; 1) Have ever committed offenses or used other people's property
without permission, 2) Have studied at an Islamic boarding school for at least one year, 3) Have no
history of stealing.
Data collection was carried out by conducting interviews with research participants.
Researchers use a guideline to control the direction of the conversation, so the gasab phenomenon
experienced by respondents can be explored in a structured manner. Researchers use Miles and
Huberman model as data analysis techniques, The technique consists of several steps, namely data
collecting, data reducing, data displaying, and making conclusions.


The research results will focus on the factors that cause gasab behavior based on the situations
experienced by respondents who commit gasab at Islamic boarding schools. The process of the
occurrence of gasab behavior, and the respondents' experiences of gasab both individually and
socially while in the Islamic boarding school environment will be studied using a case study
approach and explained in the form of a description. This research involved ten respondents who
were currently studying at Islamic boarding schools and had committed gasab while in the Islamic
boarding school environment. Analysis of the interview results shows that there are factors that
make students engage in gasab behavior when they are in the Islamic boarding school environment.
These factors are classified into two parts, external factors originating from the individual's
environment and internal factors originating from within the individual. The results of this research
are described as follows:
1. Eksternal Factors
External factors are events, or conditions that are outside the individual and influence students so
that they become the cause of gasab behavior and become the answer to the research question
a. Gasab behavior of upperclassmen
The gasab behavior of upperclassmen is one of the factors that makes students familiar
with gasab behavior when they first enter the Islamic boarding school environment.
Upperclassmen refer to students who are seniors or in a higher class at the Islamic boarding
school, and have stayed longer than the student who is the subject. The gasab behavior
displayed by upperclassmen makes the students know and recognize the gasab behavior.
Some students even lost their belongings due to the gasab behavior of upperclassmen. The
superiority of upperclassmen is a factor that makes gasab behavior continue to occur and
repeat itself. The superiority of upperclassmen is a factor that makes gasab behavior continue
to occur and repeat itself. The absence of intervention regarding gasab behavior carried out on
underclassmen's belongings makes upperclassmen feel less afraid to commit gasab. On the
other hand, students who are in the position of underclassmen will receive intervention if they
attack the personal belongings of upperclassmen. As a result, underclassmen will often
experience the loss of items and then imitate the gasab behavior of upperclassmen towards
their lowerclassmen.
b. The gasab behavior among peers
Peers who do gasab can be a source of imitation of gasab behavior. Sometimes students
also become victims of the gasab behavior of their peers. This makes students also think
about doing harm to their peers' belongings too, when they need things they don't have. This
tendency occurs because peers tend to condone this behavior. If his belongings are returned by
the student who committed gasab. Peers tend to tolerate each other's gasab behavior. In fact,
sometimes gasab behavior between peers is only considered as a joke. As the result, they will
think that gasab behavior between peers is normal, and it's okay to do it. In fact, according to
them, gasab is a form of solidarity between peers. The closeness that is formed between
students minimizes the negative consequences received by gasab perpetrators. The impact is
that the idea arises that it is not a problem to use friends' personal items without permission
because they already know each other.
c. Lossing personal belongings
Losing items is one of the factors that causes gasab behavior to continue to occur in the
Islamic boarding school environment. The phenomenon of losing items occurs very often in
Islamic boarding schools, either because of the gasab behavior of other people or because of
the students' carelessness. This means that students don't have the things they need and choose
to act gasab. Students who lose items will be in a situation of needing items that they do not
have. Strict regulations in Islamic boarding schools require students to use certain items such
as songkoks and sarongs for praying. This situation makes them act frantically to fulfill their
needs. Students who engage in gasab behavior tend to put items they have been used in a
random place, as the result, other students may think that these items are already abandoned
and then using them. Owners of goods who do not find their goods back will also think that
their goods have been lost, so that the cycle of losing goods and gasab behavior will occur
2. Internal Factors
The Internal factors are aspects of the santri's inner self that influence the tendency for gasab
behavior in Islamic boarding schools. The internal factors which are also answers to research
questions can be described as follows:
a. Tendencies to thinking that other students also do gasab.
When committing gasab, students tend to think that other people can also carry out the same
behavior, thereby minimizing the feeling of guilt experienced when committing gasab. The
frequency of gasab behavior that occurs in the Islamic boarding school environment and the
experience of having personal belongings stolen by other people makes students think that other
people also commit the same behavior. The tendency to think like that makes students not
hesitate to commit gasab against other people's belongings. The resulting impact is the loss of
items and gasab behavior by students who lose items will continue to occur. Students who use
other people's things will put the things they have used everywhere because they think someone
else will also use them.
b. Too lazy to look for the owner of the item to ask for permission
Being lazy about looking for the owner of the item to ask permission is the cause of gasab
behavior which is often be the reason why students to do not ask permission before using other
students' items. Even though they are actually sure that they will be allowed if they ask for
permission, because they feel lazy about looking for the owner of the goods, the students tend to
choose to do gasab behavior. Some students also argued that if they looked for the owner of the
item to ask for permission then there was a possibility that he would not be allowed. On the other
hand, if you ask for permission after doing gasab, it will minimize the negative impacts received.
The hectic schedule of Islamic boarding school activities is also the reason why students are too
lazy looking for owners of goods. For students, doing gasab is an easy and safe solution to solve
needs in urgent and rushed situations.
c. Feeling unnoticed
There are rules that prohibit students from using other people's things without permission in
Islamic boarding schools and most students are aware of these rules. There are even severe
punishments that have been prepared for every student who violates these rules. Despite this,
students tend to continue to engage in gasab behavior because they feel they will not be caught
as long as they are careful. According to the students, as long as they are careful and act secretly,
they can avoid punishment for breaking the rules.
1. Eksternal Factors
External factors are various situations and conditions that originate from outside the students
and influence the students' behavior tendencies in using other people's belongings without
permission. Mustafa (2011) suggests that individual behavior tends to be influenced by the
surrounding environment. Individual perceptions of their environment will influence individual
behavior in responding to various situations in the surrounding environment (Sarwono, 1999).
There are three external factors identified as influencing individual ghasab behavior, namely the
influence of upperclassmen, the peer influence and loss of items.
a. The Influence of Upperclassmen
The results of the research show that one of the factors that causes gasab behavior in Islamic
boarding schools is the example of gasab behavior given by upperclassmen towards their
younger classmates. (Wahyudi 2008) stated that gasab occurred because upperclassmen showed
this behavior to their younger classmates. When in a new environment, individuals will learn to
adapt to the situation and environmental conditions. Individuals who gather in an environment
with a particular interest tend to develop imitation behavior (Gerungan, 2004). In an educational
environment, seniors who were previously in the environment are targets for behavioral
imitation. (Qalbi & Ibrahim 2021) stated that seniors are role models for their juniors in their
Andini (2012) suggests that underclassmen tend to follow the behavior of upperclassmen by
engaging in social learning. In the educational environment, upperclassmen are a source of
behavioral imitation. Underclassmen can follow the same behavior patterns by observing the
behavior of upperclassmen. In line with this, King (2010) adding that even complex behavior can
be successfully carried out by individuals by observing the behavior of other people. Observing
other people's behavior can enable individuals to gain knowledge, skills and attitudes towards a
behavior. There are two forms of learning through observation, namely imitation and modeling.
Stella (2013) suggests that imitation is the imitation of behavior carried out by individuals of the
behavior they see. Yanuardianto (2019) suggests that modeling is social learning carried out by
individuals by using other people as models of behavior. Individuals use modeling as a means of
evaluating the suitability of behavior in a particular environment. By observing the
appropriateness of behavior, individuals can estimate the impact of a particular behavior.
Students who observe the behavior of their seniors socially will learn about seniority strata in
the Islamic boarding school environment and observe the passive attitude of juniors in
responding to the aggressive behavior of their seniors. Based on the results of their modeling, the
students will then imitate and harass their juniors. (Andini 2012) suggests that juniors who
receive treatment from their seniors tend to do the same to their juniors when they become
seniors. This tendency occurs because of the tradition of justifying the negative behavior of
seniors as students who have previously been in an educational environment.
b. The Peer Influence
Peers are the environment closest to students who are in their teens. Having a friendship is an
important factor for teenagers (Rice, 2001). Shobihah dan Faturochman (2016) stated that
friendship is an important relationship for students. The presence of peers can influence students'
tendencies in behavior and emotions. Students who are close to each other tend to forgive
mistakes made by their friends. This is done because students tend to have a high sense of
empathy for their friends who are brothers in arms within the Islamic boarding school
environment. (Hikmah, sedjo, & Julianti, 2019). This tendency makes students forgive rude
behavior carried out by their friends. The lack of response from students in responding to friends
who commit violence against their personal belongings means that aggressive behavior between
friends continues to occur. As long as the items that were tampered with are returned, students
tend not to mind their friends' abusive behavior. The lack of response to gasab behavior carried
out towards friends makes students think that it is okay to do gasab to friends.
Santri need friendships to build a sense of security and comfort to living in the Islamic
boarding school environment (Shobihah & Faturochman, 2016). Environmental conditions
where students are required to live together with their peers in a special environment, make them
need a position in a circle of friends. For students, friendship can influence happiness while at
the Islamic boarding school (Lestari & Palasari, 2020). The attachment that exists between
students loosens each other's rights and privacy, making them vulnerable to abuse in the
relationship. Like the aggressive behavior that occurs between friends. Henarosa dan Rahmawati
(2020) suggests that peer attachment is a close relationship that is formed between friends. The
high level of closeness that exists among students makes them consider trivial behavior carried
out by friends. On the other hand, students tend to imitate this behavior with the assumption that
their friends also do the same thing to them.
Negative behavior exemplified by peers can easily be observed and imitated by students. This
happens because teenagers tend to be influenced by negative behavior carried out by their peers
(Tianingrum & Nurjannah, 2019). Arfang (2020) adding that negative behavior carried out by
friends can easily influence individuals due to frequent interactions. The behavior of using other
people's things without permission which is often carried out by peers in the Islamic boarding
school environment influences the students' attitude towards gasab. This attitude gives rise to the
idea that it is okay to use other people's things without permission to do to peers. As a result, a
cycle of gasab behavior occurs between peers, where each party will think that it is okay to use
other people's things without permission as a friend. Both parties will consider gasab as a normal
behavior that occurs and consider gasab as part of everyday behavior.
c. Losing Items
Losing personal items either due to the gasab behavior of other students or due to
carelessness will put students in the position of not having the items they need. Islamic boarding
schools build character and discipline students by making strict rules (Mutoharoh & jacky,
2017). These rules make students need various items that have important uses in the Islamic
boarding school environment. Not having these items will lead students to behavior that violates
the rules, which will result in gasab behavior. This condition puts students in a problem that
requires them to find efficient problem solutions with minimal risk. Solso, Maclin, dan Maclin
(2008) suggests that problem solving is an individual's ability to focus on the solution of a
specific problem. Needing items that you don't have is a problem for students who lose items. To
solve this problem, students will choose, observe and test various solutions to overcome the
Carrying out gasab is the most efficient solution from the students' point of view. The
efficiency of gasab behavior as a solution was obtained from the results of observations made by
students of the Islamic boarding school environment. Sternberg (2008) argued that one of the
steps in solving problems is organizing information. Organizing information is done by
observing and then combining various information that supports the problem-solving process.
Within the closed scope of Islamic boarding schools, the only source of information that students
obtain is through the surrounding environment, where gasab is usually carried out by both
seniors and peers.
The next step in the problem solving process is to evaluate the solution carried out (Baihaqi,
2016). After carrying out gasab, students will evaluate gasab behavior as a solution to overcome
the need for items they do not have. If gasab behavior can solve students' problems efficiently,
then gasab behavior will be carried out as an integral part in solving the problem (Baihaqi,
2016). In this way, ghasab behavior will enter a cycle of losing things and committing gasab in
the Islamic boarding school environment.
2. Internal Factors
The results of the research show that there are 3 internal factors that cause students to commit
gasab behavior, namely thinking that other people are also committing gasab behavior, feeling lazy
to asking permission and thinking that they will not be caught. The first is thinking that other people
are also doing gasab. Thinking that other people are doing gasab is a social scheme built by santri
in observing the environment at the Islamic boarding school. The social scheme that is built comes
from the results of the social cognition that students develop when observing the environment
around them. Baron dan Byrne (2004) suggests that social cognition is the way individuals observe
various information contained in their environment. Students who every day see gasab behavior
carried out by people in their surroundings develop social cognition which makes them think that
other students will also use other people's belongings without permission if they are in a situation
where they need something they don't have.
Mayasari (2009) suggests that built social cognition can influence individual attitudes. Baron
dan Byrne (2004) suggests that attitude is an assessment made by an individual towards the
environment around him. Attitude reflects views, affection, and behavioral tendencies towards
something. The attitude of students who tend to like gasab behavior either because of the efficiency
or solutions offered by this behavior makes them more tolerant of gasab behavior. (Ernawati &
Baharuddin 2018).
The efficiency offered by gasab behavior makes students use gasab behavior as a solution to
avoid punishment for not wearing an item or to fulfill their daily needs. Even though students
generally know that gasab behavior is a form of injustice and bad behavior to carry out, in reality
this behavior continues to be carried out. This gap in attitudes occurs because individuals tend to
have positive and negative evaluations of the same attitude object (Baron & Byrne, 2004).
Secondly, they feel that they won't be caught doing it. The lack of firmness in taking action
against students who commit gasab makes the students develop the idea that it is okay to do gasab
as long as they don't get caught. Lack of compliance with rules occurs due to a developed
perception of the rules. Perception of regulations is an aspect that supports compliance (Diputri,
2018). An individual's perception of objects in the surrounding environment will determine their
behavior and responses to these objects (Mustafa, 2011).
The perception that the rules have loopholes to be broken makes students think that as long as
they are careful, they will not get caught. Solso, Maclin dan Maclin (2008) suggests that in the
process of solving problems, individuals will use associations related to reinforcement and the
concept of association. Taking into consideration that if he does not have the required items he will
be punished, getting punished after committing gasab does not deter students from committing
gasab, on the contrary, by carrying out gasab, students can reduce the possibility of being punished
for not using the required items. Solving problems when you don't have the items you need by
doing gasab, strengthens the students' reasons for carrying out gasab behavior.
Third, lazy to look for the owner of the goods and ask permission. The students' decision to carry
out gasab cannot be separated from the thought process carried out to solve the problem of needing
goods that they do not have. Solso, Maclin dan Maclin (2008) suggests that decision making is
carried out by carrying out logical and effective reasoning. Looking for the owner of the item to ask
for permission takes a lot of time which reduces the effectiveness of problem solving.
Asking for permission will also reduce the probability of getting the required item. The
reduction in the probability of getting an item occurs because there is a possibility that the owner of
the item also needs the item and so does not want to lend it. Baihaqi (2016) suggests that in making
decisions, individuals tend to measure possibilities. Measuring the possibility of success in
obtaining the items needed is done by students using previous experience. Based on their
experience, the students determined that by doing gasab, the success rate of getting the required
items would be higher, rather than asking permission

The conclusions obtained from the results of this research are first, that gasab behavior
continues to occur in Islamic boarding schools because of the environmental situation that makes
the students need things that they do not have. The environmental conditions that are formed due to
ongoing gasab behavior mean that every student who enters an Islamic boarding school will
experience contact with gasab, either becoming a victim or a perpetrator. Based on the research
results, it can be concluded that the factors causing gasab are the environment and the attitudes of
students towards gasab behavior in the Islamic boarding school environment. Factors that come
from the environment consist of the gasab behavior of people around the students, such as seniors
and peers, which leads to the loss of personal items. Upperclassmen provide examples of gasab
behavior to students who are not yet familiar with gasab. The closeness between peers makes
students consider gasab as normal behavior. Losing items causes students to be in trouble because
of demands to wear certain items. The students then carried out gasab as a form of solving the
The students' attitudes towards gasab can be seen in their thoughts, feelings and behavior.
Students do gasab because they think that other students also do the same. Feeling that you won't be
caught when you do gasab behavior and carry out gasab behavior as a form of solving problems
when you need things you don't have. Santri tend to do gasab behavior because they think that
asking permission will give them a loss, both in terms of time and the possibility of getting
permission. The togetherness that exists between the students has an influence on the students'
decision to carry out gasab behavior. Forgiving each other and letting each other go when peers
make mistakes has become a habit and common knowledge among students, thereby reducing the
boundaries of privacy of ownership of goods.


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