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Year-End Delight: Peñans Embrace Silver-Lined Joy at Christmas Ball 2023

By: Althea Lyka Calsis

Peñans embraced the holiday spirit at the Christmas Ball 2023, a silver-lining celebration held
on December 18, 2023, organized by the Supreme Student Council. The event served as a
payoff for students' hard work during the first semester and a year-end celebration.

In line with the Silver-lining Celebration theme, the DBPMCF gymnasium was filled with silver
decorations. From the illuminating metallic backgrounds to the silver tassels on the ceiling and
disco balls. The stage was also decorated with silver balloons that refracted spectra of lights.

Registration commenced at 4:30 p.m. with strict adherence to rules and guidelines to ensure
everyone's safety during the celebration. Assigned members from each department recorded
the names of attendees. Students showcased their classy silver dresses, with each party outfit
striving for the 'Head-Turner of the Night' award.

The celebration started at 5:30 PM with the welcome remarks of the SSC President, Jericho
Dilla, which led to the traditional lighting countdown, illuminating the venue to reveal its silver
decorations. The program proceeded to the Christmas Carol Showdown, during which students
showcased their talents while evoking the Christmas spirit through melodies. Subsequently, the
various departments began traditional gift-giving. Thereafter, the banquet started, allowing
students to gain enough energy for the disco night. Bringing even more excitement to the
evening, students from different departments engaged in a dance battle. The party proceeded,
and the dancefloor were crowded with students dancing. The celebration was about to reach its
end, but the energy did not subside.

To ensure the safety of the students and adhere to the curfew, the celebration drew to a close.
The students left the venue not with trash, but with memories that everyone will cherish.
Through this simple celebration, the true essence of the season emerges, which is love and

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