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By: Arjay B. Navarro

The Foundation, for the first time, held its Press Conference about article writing on December 7, 2023,
unveiling groundbreaking initiatives and strategic visions that are poised to shape the landscape of writers.
The conference started at 2:45 PM in the Audio Visual Room, with five trainees and seven trainers on different
fields of writing. In a riveting showcase of expertise, the press conference brought together seasoned trainers
to share insights into various facets of article writing. The event featured discussions on news writing, feature
writing, sports writing, column writing, and editorial writing.
Mr. Jericho Dilla and John Joed Bonaobra, the dynamic duo leading the news writing session, emphasized the
importance of accuracy, brevity, and timeliness in crafting compelling news articles. Ms. Angelee Belgica as the
news writing trainee, learned the nuances of constructing impactful headlines and structuring news stories
that resonate with readers.
In feature writing, trainers Ms. Fatima Bron and Mr. John Jowin Bonaobra shared techniques for crafting
engaging articles. They emphasized using compelling narratives, reader interest elements, and thorough
research. Trainees Ms. Charlene Baroña and Ms. Patricia Rodriguez took notes for future use, understanding
the broad scope of feature writing and the importance of aligning with the featured subject's perspective.
Ma’am Denielle Camu, a seasoned article writer and former Associate Editor of The Foundation, shared her
wealth of experience with aspiring writer Ms. Ashleigh Joy Monday. Guiding her in capturing the excitement
and drama of sporting events, the mentor conveyed insights into crafting vivid and evocative sports stories.
In Column Writing, Ma’am Annielyn Forcadela emphasized the power of personal voice. Aspiring writer Ms.
Venice Jilrica Peñaredondo was encouraged to express unique perspectives ethically. For a practical exercise,
she was assigned to write a column on climate change.
In Editorial Writing, guided by this year’s Editor-in-Chief, Ms. Camille Botabara, the focus was on the role of
editorials in shaping public opinion and the Journalism Organization's impact on discourse. Mr. Eugene Orcilla
delved into presenting informed opinions backed by research, contributing to a well-rounded understanding of
complex issues.
The Foundation’s Press Conference provided aspiring writers with a platform to hone skills and build
community among journalists. Attendees gained a deeper understanding of article writing and appreciated the
artistry behind crafting impactful pieces, showcasing the foundation's commitment to nurturing the next
generation of truth-bearers in journalism.

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