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For the past two decades of my career as an educator, I am thankful to my friend, Mrs.
Merla Magtoto, who had made a great impact in my teaching. She was my Principal and
Mentor back in the Philippines who taught me by example that the real meaning of selflessness
and passion in teaching is not frantically working over-time to finish paper works or staying
more than the required hours in school but rather it is learning to improve yourself in study and
practice in order to guide your fellow teachers and give the best of yourself to your learners.
Now that I am in a foreign land continuing my purpose in life, I have seen and worked
with people who have the same innate ability to inspire. To name one, I am forever grateful to
have worked with Ms. Katie Rivera, who to me is an epitome of vitality and inclusiveness. Her
teaching styles, classroom management, and leadership are undoubtedly influential in
improving myself and having the best teaching experience in my life.
Presently, I am handling SPED learners with severe behavioral disorders in Del Rey
Woods Elementary School at Monterey Peninsula Unified School District. This school, where
85% of its student population is Hispanic and 91% are from low-income families, offers the
same opportunity to all types of students.

Thank you for sharing the link of the videos in your post. As a student, I consider Math
as my waterloo. I used to believe that speed in solving math problems is an indicator of how
good you are in the subject. The research you mentioned are noteworthy and helpful for me
not only as a teacher in math to SPED students but as a lifetime learner of mathematics as well.
It made me realize that speed is not important but rather what’s important is understanding
deeply what you’re doing.
Furthermore, the life and works of Ramanujan sound interesting. I’ve just watched the
trailer of the film “The Man who Knew Infinity” and hopefully will find time to view the whole
film about this seemingly remarkable and heartwarming movie.

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