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Final Reflection:

Learner-Centered Proficiency 5

Molly Cypert

Spring 2011

Final Reflection

My journey toward becoming a professional educator has been a whirlwind of ups and

downs, that I feel have shaped me into a better person and professional educator. Writing

about how you hope to apply your knowledge of teaching to your future students is completely

different then actually being in a classroom setting where your teaching skills are applied to

students in real-life. My philosophy of teaching has transformed significantly and I have been

able to learn from my weaknesses and improve my strengths throughout this past year.

Overall, I feel that I was perfectly placed and was faced with many challenges that only

solidified my passion for teaching. I love being a positive role-model for young teens and feel

that my life experiences have helped shape their lives. My students have become an extremely

important part of my personal and professional career. They have posed many challenges in

my teaching career, but these challenges have helped shape me into the type of teacher I strive

to be and continuously motivate me to follow my passion in life. It has been an extremely

rewarding and humbling experience.

According to the Learner-Centered Knowledge Proficiency, “The teacher possesses and

draws on a rich knowledge base of content, pedagogy, and technology to provide relevant and

meaningful learning experiences for all teachers.” This is exceptionally true, because as a

teacher it is crucial that you utilize all your educational resources and understand the subject

matter you are teaching. It is crucial for student’s well-being and will enable you to maximize

your instructional time. Classroom management and discipline is also an extremely important

part of teaching. These routines and procedures need to be set in stone the first day of school.

Consistency and high expectations that are accompanied by visuals and verbal input will help

you better manage your classroom and meet student’s academic needs according to the

Learner-Centered Knowledge proficiency.

I have learned that it is a teacher’s responsibility to always meet the needs of her

students. This involves classroom differentiation, cooperative learning, and implementing a

variety of instructional activities for students to utilize. For example, in my classroom I have

many special education students and in order for them to follow along during reading, I allow

them to listen to the stories we are reading on our companion laptops. This enables them to

participate and follow along effectively. It incorporates technology and meets the needs of

diverse learners.

As a teacher, I have learned to be sensitive to all learners and utilize their special skills.

All students learn differently and learning how to teach these students has been an extreme

challenge. One teacher in a classroom full of twenty-eight students can be extremely

overwhelming. The key is, “small groups,” and incorporating student’s personal background

into the curriculum. As a teacher, I must help make students feel valued and appreciated in my

class. This involves creating a comfortable classroom environment that is full of respect and

free from bullying. Students can be extremely cruel to one another, but as their teacher you

must help create a stable classroom environment where everyone’s views are respected and


Teachers must advocate for all students and the school, according to the Leaner-

Centered Communication Proficiency. This involves maintaining a professional and ethical

relationship with parents and staff. I have learned that communicating with parents and staff is

essential in a child’s learning process. It is important to be able to recognize the needs of your

students and advocate for them. This was a challenge I had to overcome in the beginning of

the year. It was intimating for me to advocate for my students and school when I was still

learning how to be an effective teacher. Overall, I feel that I have greatly improved this

weakness and am able to effectively meet the needs of my students.

My philosophy is still simple, “Follow the golden rule, and treat everyone how you want

to be treated,” but I have learned that in order for you to maintain a classroom that is

appropriate for all students, you must be able to balance all of your pedagogy and professional

responsibilities effectively to be a successful teacher. Teaching will always be a learning

experience for students and teachers because it evolves and changes with society. As a

teacher, you must be able to adapt to these changes and create a classroom environment that

is conducive for all learners.



1. Pedagogy and Professional Responsibilities. (n.d.). Learner-Centered Schools For Texas A

Vision of Texas Educators. Retrieved April 1, 2011, from

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