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The Most Important Qualities of an Outstanding Educator

Essential qualities of an outstanding educator are multifaceted. One unique quality of an

educator is the roles played on a daily basis. As an educator, you must be an instructor, role
model, mentor, and a trusted authority figure to your students. An exceptional educator must be
flexible, creative, responsible, and caring. To meet these criteria, the educator must be a lifelong
learner, must have the ability to deliver instruction to a diversified audience, and must know how
to listen.

Being a lifelong learner is essential as learning does not end when one’s formal schooling
is complete; one is constantly learning. A teacher who is incessantly working to better oneself
through education and professional development benefits not only themselves, but their students
as well. Yearly, advances in technology and educational research introduce teachers to new and
improved techniques and resources. A thorough educator gains access to information and seeks
out the advice of other colleagues and professionals to improve.

An educator who continually furthers his or her education will be better able to serve the
growing population of diverse learners. Students are unique; with the inclusion of special needs
students in the general classroom, as well as students with IEPs, a teacher must be up to date on
the latest practices and instructional aids. A successful educator understands the importance of
altering one’s lesson plans and is willing and able to change instruction based on the needs of
each class and in many instances, each individual student.

Additionally, an educator should also be a leader and a listener. A successful educator

understands that teaching involves a reciprocal relationship with students. Being open minded
and listening to one’s students is a vital aspect to effective instruction. I’m a firm believer that in
order to gain respect you must give it; there is no better place where this can be observed than in
the classroom. Students can tell when a teacher is passionate about material and similarly,
students can tell when a teacher truly cares about them. When students respect you as a leader
and can trust you as listener, they excel. Effective instructional delivery does not come from
being a successful leader alone, but from being an engaged listener as well.

In many ways, all of us are teachers at some point in our lives; being an outstanding
educator, however, requires a special kind of individual. Each lesson should be intricately
designed using best practices, research-based strategies, and infused with the very love and
passion for the material and for education possessed by the instructor him or herself. An
outstanding educator must be able to commit themselves to education, not just as an instructor
and leader, but as a learner and listener as well. At its core, being a successful educator means
doing what is best for one’s students. To do this, an educator must be caring, passionate, and

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